
Eric Violard

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14EEOlivier Hoenen, Eric Violard: Load-Balancing for a Block-Based Parallel Adaptive 4D Vlasov Solver. Euro-Par 2008: 822-832
13EEOlivier Hoenen, Eric Violard: A Block-Based Parallel Adaptive Scheme for Solving the 4D Vlasov Equation. PPAM 2007: 108-117
12EEOlivier Hoenen, Michel Mehrenberger, Eric Violard: Parallelization of an Adaptive Vlasov Solver. PVM/MPI 2004: 430-435
11EEEric Violard: A semantic framework to address data locality in data parallel languages. Parallel Computing 30(1): 139-161 (2004)
10EERomaric David, Stéphane Genaud, Arnaud Giersch, Benjamin Schwarz, Eric Violard: Source Code Transformations Strategies to Load-Balance Grid Applications. GRID 2002: 82-87
9 Eric Violard, Francis Filbet: Parallelization of a Vlasov Solver by Communication Overlapping. PDPTA 2002: 1049-1055
8EEPhilippe Gerner, Eric Violard: A Theoretical Framework of Data Parallelism and Its Operational Semantics. Euro-Par 2000: 668-677
7 Eric Violard, Stéphane Genaud, Guy-René Perrin: Refinement of data parallel programs in PEI. Algorithmic Languages and Calculi 1997: 107-131
6 Eric Violard: Typechecking of PEI Expressions. Euro-Par 1997: 521-529
5 Stéphane Genaud, Eric Violard, Guy-René Perrin: Transformation Techniques in PEI. Euro-Par 1995: 131-142
4 Eric Violard, Guy-René Perrin: Reduction in PEI. CONPAR 1994: 112-123
3 Eric Violard: A Mathematical Theory and Its Environment for Parallel Programming. Parallel Processing Letters 4: 313-328 (1994)
2 Eric Violard, Guy-René Perrin: PEI: a Single Unifying Model to Design Parallel Programs. PARLE 1993: 500-516
1 Eric Violard, Guy-René Perrin: PEI: A language and its refinement calculus for parallel programming. Parallel Computing 18(10): 1167-1184 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Romaric David [10]
2Francis Filbet [9]
3Stéphane Genaud [5] [7] [10]
4Philippe Gerner [8]
5Arnaud Giersch [10]
6Olivier Hoenen [12] [13] [14]
7Michel Mehrenberger [12]
8Guy-René Perrin [1] [2] [4] [5] [7]
9Benjamin Schwarz [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)