
Chandana Paul

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7EEDorian Galvez Lopez, Kristoffer Sjöö, Chandana Paul, Patric Jensfelt: Hybrid laser and vision based object search and localization. ICRA 2008: 2636-2643
6EEChandana Paul, Max Lungarella, Fumiya Iida: Morphology, control and passive dynamics. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54(8): 617-618 (2006)
5EEChandana Paul: Morphological computation: A basis for the analysis of morphology and control requirements. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54(8): 619-630 (2006)
4EEChandana Paul, Hod Lipson, Francisco J. Valero Cuevas: Evolutionary form-finding of tensegrity structures. GECCO 2005: 3-10
3 Kojiro Matsushita, Max Lungarella, Chandana Paul, Hiroshi Yokoi: Locomoting with Less Computation but More Morphology. ICRA 2005: 2008-2013
2EEChandana Paul, Mario Bellotti, Saso Jezernik, Armin Curt: Development of a human neuro-musculo-skeletal model for investigation of spinal cord injury. Biological Cybernetics 93(3): 153-170 (2005)
1EEJosh C. Bongard, Chandana Paul: Making Evolution an Offer It Can't Refuse: Morphology and the Extradimensional Bypass. ECAL 2001: 401-412

Coauthor Index

1Mario Bellotti [2]
2Josh C. Bongard (Joshua Clifford Bongard) [1]
3Francisco J. Valero Cuevas [4]
4Armin Curt [2]
5Fumiya Iida [6]
6Patric Jensfelt [7]
7Saso Jezernik [2]
8Hod Lipson [4]
9Dorian Galvez Lopez [7]
10Max Lungarella [3] [6]
11Kojiro Matsushita [3]
12Kristoffer Sjöö [7]
13Hiroshi Yokoi [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)