
Cameron Patterson

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14EEJorge Suris, Cameron Patterson, Peter Athanas: An efficient run-time router for connecting modules in FPGAS. FPL 2008: 125-130
13EEMatthew Shelburne, Cameron Patterson, Peter Athanas, Mark Jones, Brian Martin, Ryan Fong: Metawire: Using FPGA configuration circuitry to emulate a Network-on-Chip. FPL 2008: 257-262
12EEPeter M. Athanas, J. Bowen, T. Dunham, Cameron Patterson, J. Rice, Matthew Shelburne, J. Surís, Mark B. Bucciero, Jonathan Graf: Wires On Demand: Run-Time Communication Synthesis for Reconfigurable Computing. FPL 2007: 513-516
11EEStephen D. Craven, Cameron Patterson, Peter M. Athanas: A Methodology for Generating Application-Specific Heterogeneous Processor Arrays. HICSS 2006
10 Jesse Hunter, Peter Athanas, Cameron Patterson: VTSim: A Virtex-II Device Simulator. ERSA 2004: 297-298
9EEAlexandra Poetter, Jesse Hunter, Cameron Patterson, Peter M. Athanas, Brent E. Nelson, Neil Steiner: JHDLBits: The Merging of Two Worlds. FPL 2004: 414-423
8 Cameron Patterson: A Dynamic Module Server for Embedded Platform FPGAs. Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms 2003: 31-40
7EEScott McMillan, Cameron Patterson: JBitsTM Implementations of the Advanced Encryption Standard (Rijndael). FPL 2001: 162-171
6EETim Price, Cameron Patterson: Reconfigurable Breakpoints for Co-debug. FPL 2001: 473-482
5EECameron Patterson: A Dynamic FPGA Implementation of the Serpent Block Cipher. CHES 2000: 141-155
4EECameron Patterson: High Performance DES Encryption in Virtex(tm) FPGAs Using Jbits(tm). FCCM 2000: 113-121
3EEJames Hwang, Cameron Patterson, Sujoy Mitra: VHDL Placement Directives for Parametric IP Blocks. FCCM 1999: 284-285
2EEJames Hwang, Cameron Patterson, Sujoy Mitra: Hierarchical Placement Directives for Parametric IP Blocks. FPGA 1999: 250
1EEJames Hwang, Cameron Patterson, S. Mohan, Eric Dellinger, Sujoy Mitra, Ralph Wittig: Generating Layouts for Self-implementing Modules. FPL 1998: 525-529

Coauthor Index

1Peter M. Athanas (Peter Athanas) [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
2J. Bowen [12]
3Mark B. Bucciero [12]
4Stephen D. Craven [11]
5Eric Dellinger [1]
6T. Dunham [12]
7Ryan Fong [13]
8Jonathan Graf [12]
9Jesse Hunter [9] [10]
10James Hwang [1] [2] [3]
11Mark Jones [13]
12Brian Martin [13]
13Scott McMillan [7]
14Sujoy Mitra [1] [2] [3]
15S. Mohan [1]
16Brent E. Nelson [9]
17Alexandra Poetter [9]
18Tim Price [6]
19J. Rice [12]
20Matthew Shelburne [12] [13]
21Neil Steiner [9]
22J. Surís [12]
23Jorge Suris [14]
24Ralph Wittig [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)