
Brian Martin

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6EEMatthew Shelburne, Cameron Patterson, Peter Athanas, Mark Jones, Brian Martin, Ryan Fong: Metawire: Using FPGA configuration circuitry to emulate a Network-on-Chip. FPL 2008: 257-262
5EEGiliam de Valk, Brian Martin: Publicly shared intelligence. First Monday 11(9): (2006)
4EEBrian Martin, Brian Yecies: Disney through the Web looking glass. First Monday 9(6): (2004)
3EEHellen Megens, Brian Martin: Cybermethods: An assessment. First Monday 8(2): (2003)
2EENoa M. Rensing, Evan Weststrate, Paul M. Zavracky, Mark Chandler, Kirsten Rudolph Nobel, Susan Helfter, Mark Kinsky, Mike Gold, Brian Martin: Threat Response: A Compelling Application for Wearable Computing. ISWC 2002: 152-153
1EEBrian Martin: Defamation Havens. First Monday 5(3): (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Peter M. Athanas (Peter Athanas) [6]
2Mark Chandler [2]
3Ryan Fong [6]
4Mike Gold [2]
5Susan Helfter [2]
6Mark Jones [6]
7Mark Kinsky [2]
8Hellen Megens [3]
9Kirsten Rudolph Nobel [2]
10Cameron Patterson [6]
11Noa M. Rensing [2]
12Matthew Shelburne [6]
13Giliam de Valk [5]
14Evan Weststrate [2]
15Brian Yecies [4]
16Paul M. Zavracky [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)