
James Patrick Parkerson

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6EEParag K. Lala, B. Kiran Kumar, James Patrick Parkerson: On self-healing digital system design. Microelectronics Journal 37(4): 353-362 (2006)
5EEC. K. Tang, Parag K. Lala, James Patrick Parkerson: A Technique for Designing Totally Self-Checking Domino Logic Circuits. ISQED 2005: 128-132
4EED. P. Vasudevan, Parag K. Lala, James Patrick Parkerson: CMOS Realization of Online Testable Reversible Logic Gates. ISVLSI 2005: 309-310
3EED. P. Vasudevan, Parag K. Lala, James Patrick Parkerson: A Novel Approach for On-line Testable Reversible Logic Circuit Desig. Asian Test Symposium 2004: 325-330
2 D. P. Vasudevan, James Patrick Parkerson, Parag K. Lala: Logic implementation using a reversible gate. Circuits, Signals, and Systems 2004: 452-456
1EED. P. Vasudevan, Parag K. Lala, James Patrick Parkerson: Online Testable Reversible Logic Circuit Design using NAND Blocks. DFT 2004: 324-331

Coauthor Index

1B. Kiran Kumar [6]
2Parag K. Lala [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3C. K. Tang [5]
4D. P. Vasudevan [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)