
B. Kiran Kumar

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6EEParag K. Lala, B. Kiran Kumar, James Patrick Parkerson: On self-healing digital system design. Microelectronics Journal 37(4): 353-362 (2006)
5EEParag K. Lala, B. Kiran Kumar: An FPGA architecture with built-in error correction capability. FPGA 2003: 245
4EEB. Kiran Kumar, Parag K. Lala: On-line Detection of Faults in Carry-Select Adders. ITC 2003: 912-918
3EEParag K. Lala, B. Kiran Kumar: An Architecture for Self-Healing Digital Systems. J. Electronic Testing 19(5): 523-535 (2003)
2EEParag K. Lala, B. Kiran Kumar: An Architecture for Self-Healing Digital Systems. IOLTW 2002: 3-7
1EEParag K. Lala, B. Kiran Kumar: Human Immune System Inspired Architecture for Self-Healing Digital Systems. ISQED 2002: 292-297

Coauthor Index

1Parag K. Lala [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2James Patrick Parkerson [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)