
Jin-Kyu Park

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6EEJin-Kyu Park, Eenjun Hwang, Yunyoung Nam: Utilizing venation features for efficient leaf image retrieval. Journal of Systems and Software 81(1): 71-82 (2008)
5EEJin-Kyu Park, Eenjun Hwang: Implementation of an Aquatic Plant Information Bank. FBIT 2007: 861-866
4EEJin-Kyu Park, Eenjun Hwang, Yunyoung Nam: A Venation-Based Leaf Image Classification Scheme. AIRS 2006: 416-428
3EEWon-Seok Lee, Keun-Ho Lee, Jin-Kyu Park, Tae-Kyung Kim, Young-Kwan Park, Jeong-Taek Kong: Investigation of the capacitance deviation due to metal-fills and the effective interconnect geometry modeling. ISQED 2003: 373-376
2EEJin-Kyu Park, Keun-Ho Lee, Chang-Sub Lee, Gi-Young Yang, Young-Kwan Park, Jeong-Taek Kong: Characterizing the Current Degradation of Abnormally Structured MOS Transistors Using a 3D Poisson Solver. ISQED 2002: 322-325
1 Chang-hoon Choi, Jin-Kyu Park, Yeong-Gil Kim, Kyung-Ho Kim, Sang-Hoon Lee: New Model Parameter Extraction Environment for the Submicron Circuit Models. ISCAS 1993: 1535-1538

Coauthor Index

1Chang-hoon Choi [1]
2Eenjun Hwang [4] [5] [6]
3Kyung-Ho Kim [1]
4Tae-Kyung Kim [3]
5Yeong-Gil Kim [1]
6Jeong-Taek Kong [2] [3]
7Chang-Sub Lee [2]
8Keun-Ho Lee [2] [3]
9Sang-Hoon Lee [1]
10Won-Seok Lee [3]
11Yunyoung Nam [4] [6]
12Young-Kwan Park [2] [3]
13Gi-Young Yang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)