
Grantham K. H. Pang

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14EEHenry Y. T. Ngan, Grantham K. H. Pang, Nelson Hon Ching Yung: Motif-based defect detection for patterned fabric. Pattern Recognition 41(6): 1878-1894 (2008)
13EEHenry Y. T. Ngan, Grantham K. H. Pang, Nelson Hon Ching Yung: Patterned Fabric Defect Detection using a Motif-Based Approach. ICIP (2) 2007: 33-36
12EEHenry Y. T. Ngan, Grantham K. H. Pang, S. P. Yung, Michael Kwok-Po Ng: Wavelet based methods on patterned fabric defect detection. Pattern Recognition 38(4): 559-576 (2005)
11EEHenry Y. T. Ngan, Grantham K. H. Pang, S. P. Yung, Michael K. Ng: Defect Detection on Patterned Jacquard Fabric. AIPR 2003: 163-168
10 S. K.-K. Chu, Grantham K. H. Pang: Comparison between different model of hexapod robot in fault-tolerant gait. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 32(6): 752-756 (2002)
9 Ajay Kumar, Grantham K. H. Pang: Defect detection in textured materials using optimized filters. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 32(5): 553-570 (2002)
8EEGrantham K. H. Pang, Hugh H. S. Liu: LED location beacon system based on processing of digital images. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2(3): 135-150 (2001)
7EEKiyoshi Maekawa, Grantham K. H. Pang: Control System Design Automation for Mechanical Systems. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 21(3): 239-256 (1998)
6EEGrantham K. H. Pang, Samy A. Mesbah: Design of Bang-bang Controller Based on a Fuzzy-Neuro Approach: Application to a Heating System. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 22(1): 51-85 (1998)
5EESunil Patil, Grantham K. H. Pang: Servo controller design using neural networks. Appl. Intell. 3(2): 131-141 (1993)
4EEGrantham K. H. Pang: A framework for intelligent control. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 4(2): 109-127 (1991)
3EEGrantham K. H. Pang: Development of a Blackboard System for Robot Programming. IEA/AIE (Vol. 1) 1990: 123-130
2EEGrantham K. H. Pang, Helen C. Shen: Intelligent control of an autonomous mobile robot in a hazardous material spill accident - a blackboard structure approach. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 6(4): 351-365 (1990)
1EEGrantham K. H. Pang: A blackboard system for the off-line programming of Robots. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 2(4): 425-444 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1S. K.-K. Chu [10]
2Ajay Kumar [9]
3Hugh H. S. Liu [8]
4Kiyoshi Maekawa [7]
5Samy A. Mesbah [6]
6Michael K. Ng (Michael Kwok-Po Ng) [11] [12]
7Henry Y. T. Ngan [11] [12] [13] [14]
8Sunil Patil [5]
9Helen C. Shen [2]
10N. H. C. Yung (Nelson Hon Ching Yung) [13] [14]
11S. P. Yung [11] [12]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)