
Cristiana Bentes

Cristiana Bentes Seidel

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14EESaulo Ribeiro, André Maximo, Cristiana Bentes, Antonio A. F. Oliveira, Ricardo C. Farias: Memory-Aware and Efficient Ray-Casting Algorithm. SIBGRAPI 2007: 147-154
13EERafael Mendes, Lauro Whately, Maria Clicia Stelling de Castro, Cristiana Bentes, Claudio Luis de Amorim: Runtime System Support for Running Applications with Dynamic and Asynchronous Task Parallelism in Software DSM Systems. SBAC-PAD 2006: 159-166
12EECarlos M. de Lima, Luiz M. G. Gonçalves, Cristiana Bentes, Ricardo C. Farias: VisFluid: An Analysis Tool for Fluid Flow in Porous Media. GeoInfo 2005: 327-339
11EEAlexandre Coelho, Marcio Nascimento, Cristiana Bentes, Maria Clicia Stelling de Castro, Ricardo C. Farias: Parallel Volume Rendering for Ocean Visualization in a Cluster of PCs. GeoInfo 2004: 291-304
10 Sergio Guedes, Cristiana Bentes, Gabriel Pereira Da Silva, Ricardo C. Farias: Fault-Tolerance of Parallel Volume Rendering on Cluster of PCs. PDPTA 2004: 61-66
9EERicardo C. Farias, Cristiana Bentes, Alexandre Coelho, Sergio Guedes, Luiz M. G. Gonçalves: Work Distribution for Parallel ZSweep Algorithm. SIBGRAPI 2003: 107-116
8EECarla Osthoff, Cristiana Bentes, Daniel Ariosto, Marta Mattoso, Claudio Luis de Amorim: Evaluating the DSMIO Cache-Coherence Algorithm in Cluster-Based Parallel ODBMS. OOIS 2002: 286-297
7 Carla Osthoff, Cristiana Bentes, Daniel Ariosto, Marta Mattoso, Claudio Luis de Amorim: Avaliação de Sistemas de Coerência de Cache em Arquiteturas ODBMs Cliente-Servidor. SBBD 2002: 68-82
6 Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia, Carlos Eduardo Carretti, Inhaúma Neves Ferraz, Cristiana Bentes: Sharing design perspectives through storytelling. AI EDAM 16(3): 229-241 (2002)
5 Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia, Anderson Lopes, Cristiana Bentes Seidel: AGILE: Intelligent Agents to Assits Electronic Auction. ICEIS (2) 2001: 1174-1178
4EEAna Cristina Bicharra Garcia, Anderson Lopes, Cristiana Bentes: Electronic Auction with autonomous intelligent agents: Finding opportunities by being there. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 13: 45-52 (2001)
3 Carla Osthoff, Marta Mattoso, Cristiana Bentes Seidel, Ricardo Bianchini, Claudio Luis de Amorim: Avaliação do Algoritmo de Coerência de Cache de Disco DSMIO. SBBD 2000: 273-286
2EECristiana Bentes Seidel, Ricardo Bianchini, Claudio Luis de Amorim: Evaluating the Impact of the Programming Model on the Performance and Complexity of Software DSM Systems. ICPP 1999: 228-
1EECristiana Bentes Seidel, Ricardo Bianchini, Claudio Luis de Amorim: The Affinity Entry Consistency Protocol. ICPP 1997: 208-217

Coauthor Index

1Claudio Luis de Amorim [1] [2] [3] [7] [8] [13]
2Daniel Ariosto [7] [8]
3Ricardo Bianchini [1] [2] [3]
4Carlos Eduardo Carretti [6]
5Maria Clicia Stelling de Castro [11] [13]
6Alexandre Coelho [9] [11]
7Ricardo C. Farias [9] [10] [11] [12] [14]
8Inhaúma Neves Ferraz [6]
9Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia [4] [5] [6]
10Luiz M. G. Gonçalves [9] [12]
11Sergio Guedes [9] [10]
12Carlos M. de Lima [12]
13Anderson Lopes [4] [5]
14Marta Mattoso (Marta L. Queiros Mattoso) [3] [7] [8]
15André Maximo [14]
16Rafael Mendes [13]
17Marcio Nascimento [11]
18Antonio A. F. Oliveira (Antonio Alberto Fernandes de Oliveira) [14]
19Carla Osthoff [3] [7] [8]
20Saulo Ribeiro [14]
21Gabriel Pereira Da Silva [10]
22Lauro Whately [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)