
Alexander Olbrich

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3EEM. Porti, X. Blasco, M. Nafría, X. Aymerich, Alexander Olbrich, Bernd Ebersberger: Local current fluctuations before and after breakdown of thin SiO2 films observed with conductive atomic force microscope. Microelectronics Reliability 41(7): 1041-1044 (2001)
2EEBernd Ebersberger, Alexander Olbrich, Christian Boit: Scanning probe microscopy in semiconductor failure analysis. Microelectronics Reliability 41(8): 1231-1236 (2001)
1 Bernd Ebersberger, Alexander Olbrich, Christian Boit: Application of Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques in Semiconductor Failure Analysis. Microelectronics Reliability 41(9-10): 1449-1458 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1X. Aymerich [3]
2X. Blasco [3]
3Christian Boit [1] [2]
4Bernd Ebersberger [1] [2] [3]
5M. Nafría [3]
6M. Porti [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)