
Huy Nguyen

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9EEJianna J. Zhang, Huy Nguyen: An example oriented on-line Java tutorial for university students. PPPJ 2004: 52-60
8EEHassan Alam, Hua Cheng, Rachmat Hartono, Aman Kumar, Paul Llido, Crystal Nakatsu, Huy Nguyen, Fuad Rahman, Yuliya Tarnikova, Timotius Tjahjadi, Che Wilcox: Automatic Semantic Grouping in a Spoken Language User Interface Toolkit. COLING 2002
7EEHuy Nguyen, Abhijit Chatterjee: Design of Real-Number Checksum Codes Using Shared Partial Computation for CED in Linear DSP Systems. IOLTW 2002: 61-
6EEJon Tyler, Jeff Lent, Anh Mather, Huy Nguyen: AltiVecTM: bringing vector technology to the PowerPCTM processor family. IPCCC 1999: 437-444
5EEHuy Nguyen, Lizy Kurian John: Exploiting SIMD parallelism in DSP and multimedia algorithms using the AltiVec technology. International Conference on Supercomputing 1999: 11-20
4EEHuy Nguyen, Rabindra K. Roy, Abhijit Chatterjee: Partial Reset Methodology and Experiments for Improving Random-Pattern Testability and BIST of Sequential Circuits. J. Electronic Testing 14(3): 259-272 (1999)
3 Huy Nguyen, Rabindra K. Roy, Abhijit Chatterjee: Partial Reset Methodologies for Improving Random-Pattern Testability and BIST of Sequential Circuits. VLSI Design 1998: 199-204
2EEHuy Nguyen, Abhijit Chatterjee, Rabindra K. Roy: Impact of Partial Reset on Fault Independent Testing and BIST. VLSI Design 1997: 537-539
1EEHuy Nguyen, Abhijit Chatterjee: OPTIMUS: a new program for OPTIMizing linear circuits with number-splitting and shift-and-add decompositions. ARVLSI 1995: 258-271

Coauthor Index

1Hassan Alam [8]
2Abhijit Chatterjee [1] [2] [3] [4] [7]
3Hua Cheng [8]
4Rachmat Hartono [8]
5Lizy Kurian John (Lizy K. John) [5]
6Aman Kumar [8]
7Jeff Lent [6]
8Paul Llido [8]
9Anh Mather [6]
10Crystal Nakatsu [8]
11Fuad Rahman [8]
12Rabindra K. Roy [2] [3] [4]
13Yuliya Tarnikova [8]
14Timotius Tjahjadi [8]
15Jon Tyler [6]
16Che Wilcox [8]
17Jianna J. Zhang [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)