
Fuad Rahman

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7EEFuad Rahman, Bertin Klein: Special issue on detection and understanding of tables and forms for document processing applications. IJDAR 8(2-3): 65 (2006)
6EEFuad Rahman, Hassan Alam: A Commercial Web Based Digital Library for Sharing and Distributing Documents. DIAL 2004: 93-103
5EEFuad Rahman, Yuliya Tarnikova, Aman Kumar, Hassan Alam: Second Guessing a Commercial 'Black Box' Classifier by an 'In House' Classifier: Serial Classifier Combination in a Speech Recognition Application. Multiple Classifier Systems 2004: 374-383
4EEHassan Alam, Fuad Rahman, Yuliya Tarnikova: When is a List is a List?: Web Page Re-authoring for Small Display Devices. WWW (Posters) 2003
3EEHassan Alam, Hua Cheng, Rachmat Hartono, Aman Kumar, Paul Llido, Crystal Nakatsu, Huy Nguyen, Fuad Rahman, Yuliya Tarnikova, Timotius Tjahjadi, Che Wilcox: Automatic Semantic Grouping in a Spoken Language User Interface Toolkit. COLING 2002
2EEHassan Alam, Hua Cheng, Rachmat Hartono, Aman Kumar, Paul Llido, Crystal Nakatsu, Fuad Rahman, Yuliya Tarnikova, Timotius Tjahjadi, Che Wilcox: Extending a Broad-Coverage Parser for a General NLP Toolkit. COLING 2002
1EEGareth Howells, Michael C. Fairhurst, Fuad Rahman: An exploration of a new paradigm for weightless RAM-based neural networks. Connect. Sci. 12(1): 65-90 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Hassan Alam [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Hua Cheng [2] [3]
3Michael C. Fairhurst [1]
4Rachmat Hartono [2] [3]
5Gareth Howells [1]
6Bertin Klein [7]
7Aman Kumar [2] [3] [5]
8Paul Llido [2] [3]
9Crystal Nakatsu [2] [3]
10Huy Nguyen [3]
11Yuliya Tarnikova [2] [3] [4] [5]
12Timotius Tjahjadi [2] [3]
13Che Wilcox [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)