
Yossi Richter

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13EEAri Freund, Dan Pelleg, Yossi Richter: Clustering from Constraint Graphs. SDM 2008: 301-312
12EEYehuda Naveh, Yossi Richter, Yaniv Altshuler, Donna L. Gresh, Daniel P. Connors: Workforce optimization: Identification and assignment of professional workers using constraint programming. IBM Journal of Research and Development 51(3/4): 263-280 (2007)
11EEYossi Richter, Ari Freund, Yehuda Naveh: Generalizing AllDifferent: The SomeDifferent Constraint. CP 2006: 468-483
10EEYossi Azar, Yossi Richter: An improved algorithm for CIOQ switches. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2(2): 282-295 (2006)
9EEBaruch Awerbuch, Yossi Azar, Yossi Richter, Dekel Tsur: Tradeoffs in worst-case equilibria. Theor. Comput. Sci. 361(2-3): 200-209 (2006)
8EEYossi Azar, Yossi Richter: An improved algorithm for CIOQ switches. Algorithms for Optimization with Incomplete Information 2005
7EEYossi Azar, Yossi Richter: Management of Multi-Queue Switches in QoS Networks. Algorithmica 43(1-2): 81-96 (2005)
6EEYossi Azar, Yossi Richter: An Improved Algorithm for CIOQ Switches. ESA 2004: 65-76
5EEYossi Azar, Yossi Richter: The zero-one principle for switching networks. STOC 2004: 64-71
4EEYossi Azar, Leah Epstein, Yossi Richter, Gerhard J. Woeginger: All-norm approximation algorithms. J. Algorithms 52(2): 120-133 (2004)
3EEYossi Azar, Yossi Richter: Management of multi-queue switches in QoS networks. STOC 2003: 82-89
2EEBaruch Awerbuch, Yossi Azar, Yossi Richter, Dekel Tsur: Tradeoffs in Worst-Case Equilibria. WAOA 2003: 41-52
1EEYossi Azar, Leah Epstein, Yossi Richter, Gerhard J. Woeginger: All-Norm Approximation Algorithms. SWAT 2002: 288-297

Coauthor Index

1Yaniv Altshuler [12]
2Baruch Awerbuch [2] [9]
3Yossi Azar [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
4Daniel P. Connors [12]
5Leah Epstein [1] [4]
6Ari Freund [11] [13]
7Donna L. Gresh [12]
8Yehuda Naveh [11] [12]
9Dan Pelleg [13]
10Dekel Tsur [2] [9]
11Gerhard J. Woeginger [1] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)