
Clare Bates Congdon

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20EEThomas Goth, Chia-Ti Tsai, Fu-Tien Chiang, Clare Bates Congdon: EpiSwarm, a Swarm-Based System for Investigating Genetic Epistasis. Linkage in Evolutionary Computation 2008: 315-334
19EEClare Bates Congdon, Joseph C. Aman, Gerardo M. Nava, H. Rex Gaskins, Carolyn J. Mattingly: An Evaluation of Information Content as a Metric for the Inference of Putative Conserved Noncoding Regions in DNA Sequences Using a Genetic Algorithms Approach. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 5(1): 1-14 (2008)
18EEClare Bates Congdon, H. Rex Gaskins, Gerardo M. Nava, Carolyn J. Mattingly: Towards Interactive Visualization for Exploring Conserved Motifs in Noncoding DNA Sequence. FBIT 2007: 234-240
17EEThomas Goth, Chia-Ti Tsai, Fu-Tien Chiang, Clare Bates Congdon: Initial results with EpiSwarm, a Swarm-based system investigating genetic epistasis. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 3855-3861
16EEThomas Cook, Clare Bates Congdon: Preliminary results with GAUGUIN, an evolutionary computation approach to creating art in the suprematis style. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 4252-4257
15 Clare Bates Congdon, Charles Fizer, Noah W. Smith, H. Rex Gaskins, Joseph C. Aman, Gerardo M. Nava, Carolyn J. Mattingly: Preliminary Results for GAMI: A Genetic Algorithms Approach to Motif Inference. CIBCB 2005: 97-104
14EEChris C. Sotzing, Win Mar Htay, Clare Bates Congdon: GENCEM: a genetic algorithms approach to coordinated exploration and mapping with multiple autonomous robots. Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2005: 2317-2324
13EENoah W. Smith, Clare Bates Congdon: RCS: a learning classifier system for evolutionary robotics. GECCO Workshops 2005: 119-120
12EEClare Bates Congdon, Raymond H. Mazza: GenTree: An Interactive Genetic Algorithms System for Designing 3D Polygonal Tree Models. GECCO 2003: 2034-2045
11EEClare Bates Congdon, Kevin J. Septor: Phylogenetic trees using evolutionary search: initial progress in extending Gaphyl to work with genetic data. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (1) 2003: 320-326
10 Clare Bates Congdon: Gaphyl: An Evolutionary Algorithms Approach For The Study Of Natural Evolution. GECCO 2002: 1057-1064
9 Clare Bates Congdon: An Evolutionary Approach to Phylogenetic Tree Construction. JCIS 2002: 651-654
8EEClare Bates Congdon: Gaphyl: A Genetic Algorithms Approach to Cladistics. PKDD 2001: 67-78
7EEMichael Goldweber, Clare Bates Congdon, Barry S. Fagin, Deborah J. Hwang, Frank Klassner: The use of robots in the undergraduate curriculum: experience reports. SIGCSE 2001: 404-405
6EEClare Bates Congdon, Deepak Kumar: Curriculum descant: machine learning for the masses. Intelligence 12(2): 15-16 (2001)
5EEClare Bates Congdon: Machine learning in the liberal arts curriculum. SIGCSE 2000: 100-104
4EEDavid G. Kay, Clare Bates Congdon, Sue Fitzgerald, Merle S. King, Pat Semmes: Teaching advice and support for new and adjunct faculty (panel session): experiences, policies, and strategies. SIGCSE 2000: 414-415
3 David Kortenkamp, Marcus Huber, Charles Cohen, Ulrich Raschke, Clint Bidlack, Clare Bates Congdon, Frank Koss, Terry E. Weymouth: Winning the AAAI Robot Competition. AAAI 1993: 858-859
2 Clare Bates Congdon, Marcus Huber, David Kortenkamp, Kurt Konolige, Karen L. Myers, Alessandro Saffiotti, Enrique H. Ruspini: Carmel Versus Flakey: A Comparison of Two Winners. AI Magazine 14(1): 49-57 (1993)
1EEDavid Kortenkamp, Marcus Huber, Charles Cohen, Ulrich Raschke, Clint Bidlack, Clare Bates Congdon, Frank Koss, Terry E. Weymouth: Integrated Mobile-Robot Design-Winning the AAAI 1992 Robot Competition. IEEE Expert 8(4): 61-73 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Joseph C. Aman [15] [19]
2Clint Bidlack [1] [3]
3Fu-Tien Chiang [17] [20]
4Charles Cohen [1] [3]
5Thomas Cook [16]
6Barry S. Fagin [7]
7Sue Fitzgerald [4]
8Charles Fizer [15]
9H. Rex Gaskins [15] [18] [19]
10Michael Goldweber [7]
11Thomas Goth [17] [20]
12Win Mar Htay [14]
13Marcus Huber [1] [2] [3]
14Deborah J. Hwang [7]
15David G. Kay [4]
16Merle S. King [4]
17Frank Klassner [7]
18Kurt Konolige [2]
19David Kortenkamp [1] [2] [3]
20Frank Koss [1] [3]
21Deepak Kumar [6]
22Carolyn J. Mattingly [15] [18] [19]
23Raymond H. Mazza [12]
24Karen L. Myers [2]
25Gerardo M. Nava [15] [18] [19]
26Ulrich Raschke [1] [3]
27Enrique H. Ruspini [2]
28Alessandro Saffiotti [2]
29Pat Semmes [4]
30Kevin J. Septor [11]
31Noah W. Smith [13] [15]
32Chris C. Sotzing [14]
33Chia-Ti Tsai [17] [20]
34Terry E. Weymouth [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)