
Ken'ichi Morooka

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17EEYumi Iwashita, Ryo Kurazume, Kenji Hara, Seiichi Uchida, Ken'ichi Morooka, Tsutomu Hasegawa: Fast 3D reconstruction of human shape and motion tracking by parallel fast level set method. ICRA 2008: 980-986
16EEKen'ichi Morooka, Xian Chen, Ryo Kurazume, Seiichi Uchida, Kenji Hara, Yumi Iwashita, Makoto Hashizume: Real-Time Nonlinear FEM with Neural Network for Simulating Soft Organ Model Deformation. MICCAI (2) 2008: 742-749
15EEShun Matsui, Kohta Aoki, Hiroshi Nagahashi, Ken'ichi Morooka: Cross-Parameterization for Triangular Meshes with Semantic Features. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2007: 457-460
14 Ken'ichi Morooka, Hiroshi Nagahashi: A Method for Integrating Range Images with Different Resolutions for 3-D Model Construction. ICRA 2006: 3070-3075
13EEKen'ichi Morooka, Kazuhisa Hamamoto, Hiroshi Nagahashi: Autonomous motion recognition by combining reinforcement learning and hidden Markov model. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(14): 34-43 (2006)
12EEKen'ichi Morooka, Hiroshi Nagahashi: Self-organizing Deformable Model: A New Method for Fitting Mesh Model to Given Object Surface. ISVC 2005: 151-158
11EEYousun Kang, Ken'ichi Morooka, Hiroshi Nagahashi: Scale Invariant Texture Analysis Using Multi-scale Local Autocorrelation Features. Scale-Space 2005: 363-373
10EEYousun Kang, Ken'ichi Morooka, Hiroshi Nagahashi: Texture Classification Using Hierarchical Linear Discriminant Space. IEICE Transactions 88-D(10): 2380-2388 (2005)
9EEJunya Arakawa, Ken'ichi Morooka, Yousun Kang, Hiroshi Nagahashi: A method for detecting human face region based on generation and selection of kernel features. SMC (3) 2004: 2191-2196
8EEKazuhisa Hamamoto, Ken'ichi Morooka, Hiroshi Nagahashi: Motion recognition by combining HMM and reinforcement learning. SMC (6) 2004: 5259-5264
7EESyuichi Yasuoka, Yousun Kang, Ken'ichi Morooka, Hiroshi Nagahashi: Texture classification using hierarchical discriminant analysis. SMC (7) 2004: 6395-6400
6EEKen'ichi Morooka, Hongbin Zha, Tsutomu Hasegawa: View space representation and viewpoint planning computation for automatic 3D object modeling. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(4): 60-71 (2004)
5EEKen'ichi Morooka, Hiroyuki Takagi, Hiroshi Nagahashi: Active Balloon Model Based On 3D Skeleton Extraction By Competitive Learning. 3DIM 2003: 87-94
4 K. Ikesako, Ken'ichi Morooka, Hiroshi Nagahashi: Watermarking for Bézier Polynomial Surface Models. Computer Graphics and Imaging 2003: 193-199
3EEKen'ichi Morooka, Hongbin Zha, Tsutomu Hasegawa: Computations on a Spherical View Space for Efficient Planning of Viewpoints in 3-D Object Modeling. 3DIM 1999: 138-147
2 Hongbin Zha, Ken'ichi Morooka, Tsutomu Hasegawa: Next Best Viewpoint (NBV) Planning for Active Object Modeling Based on a Learning-by-Showing Approach. ACCV (2) 1998: 185-192
1EEHongbin Zha, Ken'ichi Morooka, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Tadashi Nagata: Active Modeling of 3-D Objects: Planning on the Next Best Pose (NBP) for Acquiring Range Images. 3DIM 1997: 68-75

Coauthor Index

1Kohta Aoki [15]
2Junya Arakawa [9]
3Xian Chen [16]
4Kazuhisa Hamamoto [8] [13]
5Kenji Hara [16] [17]
6Tsutomu Hasegawa [1] [2] [3] [6] [17]
7Makoto Hashizume [16]
8K. Ikesako [4]
9Yumi Iwashita [16] [17]
10Yousun Kang [7] [9] [10] [11]
11Ryo Kurazume [16] [17]
12Shun Matsui [15]
13Hiroshi Nagahashi [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
14Tadashi Nagata [1]
15Hiroyuki Takagi [5]
16Seiichi Uchida [16] [17]
17Syuichi Yasuoka [7]
18Hongbin Zha [1] [2] [3] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)