
Tadashi Nagata

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9EEHongbin Zha, Hideki Nanamegi, Tadashi Nagata: Recognizing 3-D objects by using a Hopfield-style optimization algorithm for matching patch-based descriptions. Pattern Recognition 31(6): 727-741 (1998)
8EEHongbin Zha, Ken'ichi Morooka, Tsutomu Hasegawa, Tadashi Nagata: Active Modeling of 3-D Objects: Planning on the Next Best Pose (NBP) for Acquiring Range Images. 3DIM 1997: 68-75
7 Nobuhiro Okada, Tadashi Nagata: A Parts Picking System with a Range Finder and a Camera System. ICRA 1995: 1410-1415
6 Jae-Moon Chung, Tadashi Nagata: Extracting Parametric Descriptions of Circular GCs from a Pair of Contours for 3-D Shapes Recognition. ICRA 1995: 255-260
5 Tadashi Nagata, Jun-ichi Hirai: Distributed Planning for Assembly Tasks by Multiple Manipulators. ICRA 1994: 3522-3529
4 Lan-di Shan, Tadashi Nagata: Reasoning about Actions with Bidirectional Approach BI-STRIPS. IWAR 1992: 311-326
3EEHongbin Zha, Tadashi Nagata: 3-D Curved Object Recognition Based on Parameter Nets Weighted with Feature Saliency. . . .. MVA 1992: 575-578
2EETadashi Nagata, Hongbin Zha: Determining orientation, location and size of primitive surfaces by a modified hough transformation technique. Pattern Recognition 21(5): 481-491 (1988)
1 Tadashi Nagata, Masato Yamazaki, Michiharu Tsukamoto: Robot Planning System Based on Problem Solvers. IJCAI 1973: 388-395

Coauthor Index

1Jae-Moon Chung [6]
2Tsutomu Hasegawa [8]
3Jun-ichi Hirai [5]
4Ken'ichi Morooka [8]
5Hideki Nanamegi [9]
6Nobuhiro Okada [7]
7Lan-di Shan [4]
8Michiharu Tsukamoto [1]
9Masato Yamazaki [1]
10Hongbin Zha [2] [3] [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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