
Marco Trubian

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15EEDanilo Ardagna, Chiara Francalanci, Marco Trubian: Joint Optimization of Hardware and Network Costs for Distributed Computer Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 38(2): 470-484 (2008)
14EEDanilo Ardagna, Marco Trubian, Li Zhang: SLA based resource allocation policies in autonomic environments. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 67(3): 259-270 (2007)
13EERoberto Cordone, Marco Trubian: An exact algorithm for the node weighted Steiner tree problem. 4OR 4(2): 124-144 (2006)
12EEDanilo Ardagna, Chiara Francalanci, Marco Trubian: A multi-model algorithm for the cost-oriented design of Internet-based systems. Inf. Sci. 176(21): 3105-3131 (2006)
11EEMaurizio Bruglieri, Francesco Maffioli, Marco Trubian: Solving minimum K-cardinality cut problems in planar graphs. Networks 48(4): 195-208 (2006)
10 Danilo Ardagna, Chiara Francalanci, Gianfranco Bazzigaluppi, Mauro Gatti, Francesco Silveri, Marco Trubian: A Cost-Oriented Tool to Support Server Consolidation. ICEIS (3) 2005: 323-330
9EEDanilo Ardagna, Marco Trubian, Li Zhang: SLA Based Profit Optimization in Multi-tier Systems. NCA 2005: 263-266
8EEPaola Cappanera, Marco Trubian: A Local-Search-Based Heuristic for the Demand-Constrained Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 17(1): 82-98 (2005)
7EEDanilo Ardagna, Chiara Francalanci, Marco Trubian: A cost-oriented approach for infrastructural design. SAC 2004: 1431-1437
6EEGiovanni Righini, Marco Trubian: A note on the approximation of the asymmetric traveling salesman problem. European Journal of Operational Research 153(1): 255-265 (2004)
5EEDanilo Ardagna, Chiara Francalanci, Marco Trubian: A multi-model algorithm for the cost-oriented design of the information technology infrastructure. ECIS 2003
4 Lorenzo Brunetta, Francesco Maffioli, Marco Trubian: Solving the feedback vertex set problem on undirected graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 101(1-3): 37-51 (2000)
3EEGiovanni Righini, Marco Trubian: Data-dependent Bounds for the General and the Asymmetric Stacker-Crane Problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 91(1-3): 235-242 (1999)
2EEMauro Dell'Amico, Francesco Maffioli, Marco Trubian: New bounds for optimum traffic assignment in satellite communication. Computers & OR 25(9): 729-743 (1998)
1 Sandro Morasca, Mauro Pezzè, Marco Trubian: Timed High-Level Nets. Real-Time Systems 3(2): 165-189 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Danilo Ardagna [5] [7] [9] [10] [12] [14] [15]
2Gianfranco Bazzigaluppi [10]
3Maurizio Bruglieri [11]
4Lorenzo Brunetta [4]
5Paola Cappanera [8]
6Roberto Cordone [13]
7Mauro Dell'Amico [2]
8Chiara Francalanci [5] [7] [10] [12] [15]
9Mauro Gatti [10]
10Francesco Maffioli [2] [4] [11]
11Sandro Morasca [1]
12Mauro Pezzè [1]
13Giovanni Righini [3] [6]
14Francesco Silveri [10]
15Li Zhang [9] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)