
Matthias M. Müller

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20EEThomas Gruber, Dimitris Tsivilis, Claire-Marie Giabbiconi, Matthias M. Müller: Induced Electroencephalogram Oscillations during Source Memory: Familiarity is Reflected in the Gamma Band, Recollection in the Theta Band. J. Cognitive Neuroscience 20(6): 1043-1053 (2008)
19EEAlexander Christoph, Matthias M. Müller: GREAT: UML transformation tool for porting middleware applications. Sci. Comput. Program. 73(1): 3-12 (2008)
18EEMatthias M. Müller, Andreas Höfer: The effect of experience on the test-driven development process. Empirical Software Engineering 12(6): 593-615 (2007)
17EEMatthias M. Müller: Do programmer pairs make different mistakes than solo programmers? Journal of Systems and Software 80(9): 1460-1471 (2007)
16EEAusten Rainer, Marcus Ciolkowski, Dietmar Pfahl, Barbara Kitchenham, Sandro Morasca, Matthias M. Müller, Guilherme Horta Travassos, Sira Vegas: Teaching Empirical Methods to Undergraduate Students Working Group Results. Empirical Software Engineering Issues 2006: 158-162
15EEMatthias M. Müller: The Effect of Test-Driven Development on Program Code. XP 2006: 94-103
14EEMatthias M. Müller: A preliminary study on the impact of a pair design phase on pair programming and solo programming. Information & Software Technology 48(5): 335-344 (2006)
13 Matthias M. Müller, Frank Padberg, Walter F. Tichy: Ist XP etwas für mich? Empirische Studien zur Einschätzung von XP. Software Engineering 2005: 217-228
12EEMatthias M. Müller: Two controlled experiments concerning the comparison of pair programming to peer review. Journal of Systems and Software 78(2): 166-179 (2005)
11EEFrank Padberg, Matthias M. Müller: Modeling the Impact of a Learning Phase on the Business Value of a Pair Programming Project. APSEC 2004: 142-149
10EEMatthias M. Müller, Frank Padberg: An Empirical Study about the Feelgood Factor in Pair Programming. IEEE METRICS 2004: 151-158
9EEMatthias M. Müller, Johannes Link, Roland Sand, Guido Malpohl: Extreme Programming in Curriculum: Experiences from Academia and Industry. XP 2004: 294-302
8EEMatthias M. Müller: Are Reviews an Alternative to Pair Programming?. Empirical Software Engineering 9(4): 335-351 (2004)
7EEMatthias M. Müller, Frank Padberg: On the economic evaluation of XP projects. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2003: 168-177
6EEFrank Padberg, Matthias M. Müller: Analyzing the Cost and Benefit of Pair Programming. IEEE METRICS 2003: 166-
5EEAlexander Christoph, Matthias M. Müller: GREAT: UML Transformation Tool for Porting Middleware Applications. UML 2003: 18-30
4EEMatthias M. Müller, Rainer Typke, Oliver Hagner: Two Controlled Experiments Concerning the Usefulness of Assertions as a Means for Programming. ICSM 2002: 84-92
3 Matthias M. Müller, Oliver Hagner: Experiment about test-first programming. IEE Proceedings - Software 149(5): 131-136 (2002)
2 Matthias M. Müller, Walter F. Tichy: Case Study: Extreme Programming in a University Environment. ICSE 2001: 537-544
1EEMatthias M. Müller, Thomas M. Warschko, Walter F. Tichy: Prefetching on the Cray-T3E. International Conference on Supercomputing 1998: 361-368

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Christoph [5] [19]
2Marcus Ciolkowski [16]
3Claire-Marie Giabbiconi [20]
4Thomas Gruber [20]
5Oliver Hagner [3] [4]
6Andreas Höfer [18]
7Barbara A. Kitchenham (Barbara Kitchenham) [16]
8Johannes Link [9]
9Guido Malpohl [9]
10Sandro Morasca [16]
11Frank Padberg [6] [7] [10] [11] [13]
12Dietmar Pfahl [16]
13Austen Rainer [16]
14Roland Sand [9]
15Walter F. Tichy [1] [2] [13]
16Guilherme Horta Travassos (Guilherme Travassos) [16]
17Dimitris Tsivilis [20]
18Rainer Typke [4]
19Sira Vegas [16]
20Thomas M. Warschko [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)