
Fabrice Monteiro

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11EEFabrice Monteiro, Stanislaw J. Piestrak, Houssein Jaber, Abbas Dandache: Fault-Secure Interface Between Fault-Tolerant RAM and Transmission Channel Using Systematic Cyclic Codes. IOLTS 2007: 199-200
10 Mehdi Jallouli, Camille Diou, Fabrice Monteiro: Stack processor architecture and development methods suitable for dependable applications. ReCoSoC 2007: 69-75
9EEDamien Leroy, Stanislaw J. Piestrak, Fabrice Monteiro, Abbas Dandache, Stéphane Rossignol, Pascal Moitrel: Characterizing Laser-Induced Pulses in ICs: Methodology and Results. IOLTS 2006: 11-16
8EEDamien Leroy, Stanislaw J. Piestrak, Fabrice Monteiro, Abbas Dandache: Modeling of Transients Caused by a Laser Attack on Smart Cards. IOLTS 2005: 193-194
7EEAmine M'sir, Fabrice Monteiro, Abbas Dandache, Bernard Lepley: Designing a High Speed Decoder for Cyclic Codes. IOLTS 2004: 129-134
6EEA. Msir, Fabrice Monteiro, Abbas Dandache, Bernard Lepley: Design of a high speed parallel encoder for convolutional codes. Microelectronics Journal 35(2): 151-166 (2004)
5EEStanislaw J. Piestrak, Abbas Dandache, Fabrice Monteiro: Designing fault-secure parallel encoders for systematic linear error correcting codes. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52(4): 492-500 (2003)
4EEAmine M'sir, Fabrice Monteiro, Abbas Dandache, Bernard Lepley: A High Speed Encoder for Recursive Systematic Convolutive Codes. IOLTW 2002: 51-55
3EEStanislaw J. Piestrak, Abbas Dandache, Fabrice Monteiro: Design of Fault-Secure Encoders for a Class of Systematic Error Correcting Codes. DFT 2001: 314-
2EEFabrice Monteiro, Abbas Dandache, Bernard Lepley: Fast Configurable Polynomial Division for Error Control Coding Applications. IOLTW 2001: 158-
1EET. Vallino, Abbas Dandache, J. P. Delahaye, Fabrice Monteiro, Bernard Lepley: A Stamping Technique to Increase the Error Correction Capacity of the (127, k, d) RS Code. IOLTW 2000: 169-170

Coauthor Index

1Abbas Dandache [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
2J. P. Delahaye [1]
3Camille Diou [10]
4Houssein Jaber [11]
5Mehdi Jallouli [10]
6Bernard Lepley [1] [2] [4] [6] [7]
7Damien Leroy [8] [9]
8Amine M'sir [4] [7]
9Pascal Moitrel [9]
10A. Msir [6]
11Stanislaw J. Piestrak [3] [5] [8] [9] [11]
12Stéphane Rossignol [9]
13T. Vallino [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)