
Michael D. Moffitt

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18EEMichael D. Moffitt: MaizeRouter: Engineering an effective global router. ASP-DAC 2008: 226-231
17EEMichael D. Moffitt, David A. Papa, Zhuo Li, Charles J. Alpert: Path smoothing via discrete optimization. DAC 2008: 724-727
16EEMichael D. Moffitt, Jarrod A. Roy, Igor L. Markov: The coming of age of (academic) global routing. ISPD 2008: 148-155
15EEDavid A. Papa, Tao Luo, Michael D. Moffitt, Chin-Ngai Sze, Zhuo Li, Gi-Joon Nam, Charles J. Alpert, Igor L. Markov: RUMBLE: an incremental, timing-driven, physical-synthesis optimization algorithm. ISPD 2008: 2-9
14EEMichael D. Moffitt, Jarrod A. Roy, Igor L. Markov, Martha E. Pollack: Constraint-driven floorplan repair. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 13(4): (2008)
13EEMichael D. Moffitt: MaizeRouter: Engineering an Effective Global Router. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(11): 2017-2026 (2008)
12EEDavid A. Papa, Tao Luo, Michael D. Moffitt, Chin-Ngai Sze, Zhuo Li, Gi-Joon Nam, Charles J. Alpert, Igor L. Markov: RUMBLE: An Incremental Timing-Driven Physical-Synthesis Optimization Algorithm. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(12): 2156-2168 (2008)
11 Michael D. Moffitt: On the Partial Observability of Temporal Uncertainty. AAAI 2007: 1031-1037
10EEMichael D. Moffitt, Martha E. Pollack: Generalizing Temporal Controllability. IJCAI 2007: 1985-1990
9 Michael D. Moffitt, Martha E. Pollack: Temporal Preference Optimization as Weighted Constraint Satisfaction. AAAI 2006
8EEMichael D. Moffitt, Aaron N. Ng, Igor L. Markov, Martha E. Pollack: Constraint-driven floorplan repair. DAC 2006: 1103-1108
7 Michael D. Moffitt, Martha E. Pollack: Optimal Rectangle Packing: A Meta-CSP Approach. ICAPS 2006: 93-102
6 Michael D. Moffitt, Bart Peintner, Martha E. Pollack: Augmenting Disjunctive Temporal Problems with Finite-Domain Constraints. AAAI 2005: 1187-1192
5 Michael D. Moffitt, Martha E. Pollack: Partial Constraint Satisfaction of Disjunctive Temporal Problems. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 715-720
4 Bart Peintner, Michael D. Moffitt, Martha E. Pollack: Solving Over-constrained Disjunctive Temporal Problems with Preferences. ICAPS 2005: 202-211
3EEMark H. Liffiton, Michael D. Moffitt, Martha E. Pollack, Karem A. Sakallah: Identifying Conflicts in Overconstrained Temporal Problems. IJCAI 2005: 205-211
2EEMichael D. Moffitt, Martha E. Pollack: Applying Local Search to Disjunctive Temporal Problems. IJCAI 2005: 242-247
1EEMelinda T. Gervasio, Michael D. Moffitt, Martha E. Pollack, Joseph M. Taylor, Tomás E. Uribe: Active preference learning for personalized calendar scheduling assistance. IUI 2005: 90-97

Coauthor Index

1Charles J. Alpert [12] [15] [17]
2Melinda T. Gervasio [1]
3Zhuo Li [12] [15] [17]
4Mark H. Liffiton [3]
5Tao Luo [12] [15]
6Igor L. Markov [8] [12] [14] [15] [16]
7Gi-Joon Nam [12] [15]
8Aaron N. Ng [8]
9David A. Papa [12] [15] [17]
10Bart Peintner [4] [6]
11Martha E. Pollack [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [14]
12Jarrod A. Roy [14] [16]
13Karem A. Sakallah [3]
14Chin-Ngai Sze [12] [15]
15Joseph M. Taylor [1]
16Tomás E. Uribe [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)