RANLP 2003:
Nicolas Nicolov, Kalina Bontcheva, Galia Angelova, Ruslan Mitkov (Eds.):
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing III, Selected Papers from RANLP 2003, Borovets, Bulgaria.
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (CILT) 260 John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2004, ISBN 1-58811-618-2 BibTeX
Invited Lectures
Lexical semantics and lexical knowledge acquisition
- Oren Glickman, Ido Dagan:
Acquiring lexical paraphrases from a single corpus.
81-90 BibTeX
- Violeta Seretan, Luka Nerima, Eric Wehrli:
Multi-word collocation extraction by syntactic composition of collocation bigrams.
91-100 BibTeX
- Peter D. Turney, Michael L. Littman, Jeffrey Bigham, Victor Shnayder:
Combining independent modules in lexical multiple-choice problems.
101-110 BibTeX
- Mario Jarmasz, Stan Szpakowicz:
Roget's thesaurus and semantic similarity.
111-120 BibTeX
- Eneko Agirre, Oier Lopez de Lacalle:
Clustering WordNet word senses.
121-130 BibTeX
- Roberto Basili, Maria Teresa Pazienza, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto:
Inducing hyperlinking rules in text collections.
131-140 BibTeX
- Diana Zaiu Inkpen, Graeme Hirst:
Near-synonym choice in natural language generation.
141-152 BibTeX
parsing and syntax
Information extraction
Text Summarisation and Document Processing
Other NLP topics
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:35:37 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)