
Habib Mehrez

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14EEZied Marrakchi, Hayder Mrabet, Emna Amouri, Habib Mehrez: Efficient tree topology for FPGA interconnect network. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2008: 321-326
13EESophie Belloeil, Roselyne Chotin-Avot, Habib Mehrez: Arithmetic Data Path Optimization Using Borrow-Save Representation. ISVLSI 2008: 4-9
12EEAna Abril, Habib Mehrez, Frédéric Pétrot, Jean Gobert, Carolina Miro: Estimation et optimisation de la consommation dans les SoC utilisant la simulation précise au cycle. Technique et Science Informatiques 27(1-2): 203-233 (2008)
11EEZied Marrakchi, Hayder Mrabet, Christian Masson, Habib Mehrez: Mesh of Tree: Unifying Mesh and MFPGA for Better Device Performances. NOCS 2007: 243-252
10EEHayder Mrabet, Zied Marrakchi, Pierre Souillot, Habib Mehrez: A multilevel hierarchical interconnection structure for FPGA. FPGA 2006: 225
9EEZied Marrakchi, Hayder Mrabet, Habib Mehrez: Configuration tools for a new multilevel hierarchical FPGA. FPGA 2006: 229
8EEHayder Mrabet, Zied Marrakchi, Pierre Souillot, Habib Mehrez: Performances improvement of FPGA using novel multilevel hierarchical interconnection structure. ICCAD 2006: 675-679
7EEZied Marrakchi, Hayder Mrabet, Habib Mehrez: A new Multilevel Hierarchical MFPGA and its suitable configuration tools. ISVLSI 2006: 263-268
6 Hayder Mrabet, Zied Marrakchi, Pierre Souillot, Habib Mehrez, André Tissot: Performance Improvement of FPGA Using Novel Multilevel Hierarchical Interconnection Structure. ReCoSoC 2006: 117-123
5 Hayder Mrabet, Zied Marrakchi, Habib Mehrez, André Tissot: Implementation of Scalable Embedded FPGA for SOC. ReCoSoC 2005: 59-62
4EEM. Aberbour, Habib Mehrez, François Durbin, Jacques Haussy, P. Lalande, André Tissot: A System-On-A-Chip for Pattern Recognition Architecture and Design Methodology. CAMP 2000: 155-162
3EEM. Aberbour, A. Houelle, Habib Mehrez, N. Vaucher, Alain Guyot: On portable macrocell FPU generators for division and square root operators complying to the full IEEE-754 standard. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 6(1): 114-121 (1998)
2EEA. Houelle, Habib Mehrez, N. Vaucher, Luis A. Montalvo, Alain Guyot: Application of fast layout synthesis environment to dividers evaluation. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 1995: 67-74
1EEAlain Guyot, Luis A. Montalvo, A. Houelle, Habib Mehrez, N. Vaucher: Comparison of the layout synthesis of radix-2 and pseudo-radix-4 dividers. VLSI Design 1995: 386-391

Coauthor Index

1M. Aberbour [3] [4]
2Ana Abril [12]
3Emna Amouri [14]
4Sophie Belloeil [13]
5Roselyne Chotin-Avot [13]
6François Durbin [4]
7Jean Gobert [12]
8Alain Guyot [1] [2] [3]
9Jacques Haussy [4]
10A. Houelle [1] [2] [3]
11P. Lalande [4]
12Zied Marrakchi [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14]
13Christian Masson [11]
14Carolina Miro [12]
15Luis A. Montalvo [1] [2]
16Hayder Mrabet [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14]
17Frédéric Pétrot [12]
18Pierre Souillot [6] [8] [10]
19André Tissot [4] [5] [6]
20N. Vaucher [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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