
John McLean

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16EEConstance L. Heitmeyer, Myla Archer, Elizabeth I. Leonard, John McLean: Applying Formal Methods to a Certifiably Secure Software System. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 34(1): 82-98 (2008)
15EEJohn McLean: Formal methods in security engineering: where we've been, where we are, where we need to go. FMSE 2007: 1
14EEAnn Miller, John McLean, O. Sami Saydjari, Jeffrey M. Voas: COMPSAC Panel Session on Trustworthy Computing. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 31
13EEJohn McLean: Trustworthy Software: Why we need it, Why we don't have it, How we can get it. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 32-33
12EEClay Williams, Harm Sluiman, David Pitcher, Marius Slavescu, Jim Spratley, Mark Brodhun, John McLean, Charles Rankin, Karen Rosengren: The STCL test tools architecture. IBM Systems Journal 41(1): 74-88 (2002)
11EEJohn McLean: Twenty Years of Formal Methods. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1999: 115-116
10EEJohn McLean: A General Theory of Composition for a Class of ``Possibilistic'' Properties. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(1): 53-67 (1996)
9EEJames W. Gray III, John McLean: Using temporal logic to specify and verify cryptographic protocols. CSFW 1995: 108-
8 Oliver Costich, John McLean, John P. McDermott: Confidentiality in a Replicated Architecture Trusted Database System: A Formal Model. CSFW 1994: 60-65
7 John McLean: Proving Noninterference and Functional Correctness Using Traces. Journal of Computer Security 1(1): 37-58 (1992)
6 John McLean: Security Models and Information Flow. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1990: 180-189
5 John McLean: The Specification and Modeling of Computer Security. IEEE Computer 23(1): 9-16 (1990)
4 John McLean: Reasoning About Security Models. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1987: 123-133
3 John McLean: A Comment on the `Basic Security Theorem' of Bell and LaPadula. Inf. Process. Lett. 20(2): 67-70 (1985)
2EEJohn McLean: A Formal Method for the Abstract Specification of Software. J. ACM 31(3): 600-627 (1984)
1 John McLean: A Complete System of Temporal Logic for Specification Schemata. Logic of Programs 1983: 360-370

Coauthor Index

1Myla Archer [16]
2Mark Brodhun [12]
3Oliver Costich [8]
4James W. Gray III [9]
5Constance L. Heitmeyer (Connie Heitmeyer) [16]
6Elizabeth I. Leonard [16]
7John P. McDermott [8]
8Ann Miller [14]
9David Pitcher [12]
10Charles Rankin [12]
11Karen Rosengren [12]
12O. Sami Saydjari [14]
13Marius Slavescu [12]
14Harm Sluiman [12]
15Jim Spratley [12]
16Jeffrey M. Voas [14]
17Clay Williams [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)