1996 |
19 | EE | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer,
Patricia Crane Wells:
Quantitative Results Comparing Three Intelligent Interfaces for Information Capture: A Case Study Adding Name Information into an Electronic Personal Organizer
CoRR cs.AI/9612102: (1996) |
18 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer,
Patricia Crane Wells:
Quantitative Results Comparing Three Intelligent Interfaces for Information Capture: A Case Study Adding Name Information into an Electronic Personal Organizer.
J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 5: 329-349 (1996) |
1994 |
17 | EE | Leonard A. Hermens,
Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
A Machine-Learning Apprentice for the Completion of Repetitive Forms.
IEEE Expert 9(1): 28-33 (1994) |
1993 |
16 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
Efficiently Inducing Determinations: A Complete and Systematic Search Algorithm that Uses Optimal Pruning.
ICML 1993: 284-290 |
15 | EE | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer,
Leonard A. Hermens:
Software Agents: Completing Patterns and Constructing User Interfaces
CoRR cs.AI/9311102: (1993) |
14 | EE | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
Self-Modeling Databases.
IEEE Expert 8(2): 35-43 (1993) |
13 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer,
Leonard A. Hermens:
Software Agents: Completing Patterns and Constructing User Interfaces.
J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 1: 61-89 (1993) |
1991 |
12 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
Learning Meta Knowledge for Database Checking.
AAAI 1991: 335-340 |
11 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
Database Consistency via Inductive Learning.
ML 1991: 640-644 |
10 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer,
Tom M. Mitchell,
John P. McDermott:
Justification-Based Refinement of Expert Knowledge.
Knowledge Discovery in Databases 1991: 397-410 |
9 | EE | Ming Tan,
Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
A cost-sensitive machine learning method for the approach and recognize task.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 8(1-2): 31-45 (1991) |
1990 |
8 | | Ming Tan,
Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
Two Case Studies in Cost-Sensitive Concept Acquisition.
AAAI 1990: 854-860 |
1989 |
7 | | Ming Tan,
Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
Cost-Sensitive Concept Learning of Sensor Use in Approach ad Recognition.
ML 1989: 392-395 |
6 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
Refining Representations to Improve Problem Solving Quality.
ML 1989: 457-460 |
1988 |
5 | | Douglas H. Fisher,
Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
Concept Simplification and Prediction Accuracy.
ML 1988: 22-28 |
1987 |
4 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer:
Learning and Representation Change.
AAAI 1987: 511-515 |
1986 |
3 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer,
Douglas H. Fisher:
A Case Study of Incremental Concept Induction.
AAAI 1986: 496-501 |
2 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer,
Richard H. Granger:
Beyond Incremental Processing: Tracking Concept Drift.
AAAI 1986: 502-507 |
1 | | Jeffrey C. Schlimmer,
Richard H. Granger:
Incremental Learning from Noisy Data.
Machine Learning 1(3): 317-354 (1986) |