
Carl McCrosky

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23EEYuke Wang, Carl McCrosky, Xiaoyu Song: Single-faced Boolean Functions and their Minimization. Comput. J. 44(4): 280-291 (2001)
22EEAlpesh Patel, Anthony J. Kusalik, Carl McCrosky: Area-Efficient VLSI Layouts for Binary Hypercubes. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(2): 160-169 (2000)
21EEMostafa H. Abd-El-Barr, Yanging Xu, Carl McCrosky: Transistor Stuck-Open Fault Detection in Multilevel CMOS Circuits. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1999: 388-
20 Yuke Wang, Carl McCrosky: Solving Boolean Equations Using ROSOP Forms. IEEE Trans. Computers 47(2): 171-177 (1998)
19 Lei Wang, Carl McCrosky: An Approximate Solution for Queuing Network Models of a Burst-Level Traffic Control Scheme in ATM WAN. Perform. Eval. 34(3): 125-145 (1998)
18EELei Wang, Carl McCrosky: Performance Comparison of Control Schemes for ABR Service in ATM LANs. MASCOTS 1997: 205-212
17 Yuke Wang, Mostafa H. Abd-El-Barr, Carl McCrosky: An Algorithm for Total Symmetric OBDD Detection. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(6): 731-733 (1997)
16 Yuke Wang, Carl McCrosky: Negation Trees: A Unified Approach to Boolean Function Complementation. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(5): 626-630 (1996)
15EEYanbing Xu, Mostafa H. Abd-El-Barr, Carl McCrosky: Graph-based output phase assignment for PLA minimization. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 14(5): 613-622 (1995)
14 Lakshmikanth Ghatraju, Mostafa H. Abd-El-Barr, Carl McCrosky: High-Level Synthesis of Digital Circuits by Finding Fixpoints. EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC 1994: 94-98
13 Ken Sailor, Carl McCrosky: A Practical Approach to Type-Sensitive Parsing. Comput. Lang. 20(2): 101-116 (1994)
12 Weidong Li, Carl McCrosky, Mostafa H. Abd-El-Barr: Reducing the Cost of Test Pattern Generation by Information Reusing. ICCD 1993: 310-313
11 Carl McCrosky, Ken Sailor: A Synthesis of Type-Checking and Parsing. Comput. Lang. 18(4): 241-250 (1993)
10 Carl McCrosky: Intermediate Container Removal. Comput. Lang. 16(2): 179-195 (1991)
9 Sudarsan Tandri, Mostafa H. Abd-El-Barr, Carl McCrosky: Integrated Specification, Simulation, and Fabrication of Systolic/Wavefront Arrays. International Journal in Computer Simulation 1(3): (1991)
8EECarl McCrosky, Michael A. Jenkins: Design of a processor for array-theoretic computation. Journal of Systems and Software 9(1): 67-74 (1989)
7 Carl McCrosky: Realizing the parallelism of array-based computation. Parallel Computing 10(1): 29-43 (1989)
6 Janice I. Glasgow, Michael A. Jenkins, H. Meijer, Carl McCrosky: Expressing parallel algorithms in Nial. Parallel Computing 11(3): 331-347 (1989)
5EECarl McCrosky: The elimination of intermediate containers in the evaluation of first-class array expressions. ICCL 1988: 135-142
4 Carl McCrosky, Anthony J. Kusalik: Improving First-Class Array Expressions Using Prolog. ICLP/SLP 1988: 18-25
3 Michael A. Jenkins, Janice I. Glasgow, Carl McCrosky: Programming Styles in Nial. IEEE Software 3(1): 46-55 (1986)
2 Janice I. Glasgow, Michael A. Jenkins, Carl McCrosky: User Defined Parallel Control Strategies in Nial. SLP 1985: 22-28
1EECarl McCrosky, Janice I. Glasgow, Michael A. Jenkins: Nial: A candidate language for fifth generation computer systems. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1984: 157-166

Coauthor Index

1Mostafa H. Abd-El-Barr [9] [12] [14] [15] [17] [21]
2Lakshmikanth Ghatraju [14]
3Janice I. Glasgow [1] [2] [3] [6]
4Michael A. Jenkins [1] [2] [3] [6] [8]
5Anthony J. Kusalik [4] [22]
6Weidong Li [12]
7H. Meijer [6]
8Alpesh Patel [22]
9Ken Sailor [11] [13]
10Xiaoyu Song [23]
11Sudarsan Tandri [9]
12Lei Wang [18] [19]
13Yuke Wang [16] [17] [20] [23]
14Yanbing Xu [15]
15Yanging Xu [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)