Volume 11,
Number 1,
July 1989
- K. Ohmaki, S. Tomura, K. Inoue, T. Ito, K. Ito, K. Torii:
TERM: a parallel executable graph reduction machine for equational language.
1-16 BibTeX
- M. E. Henderson, Willard L. Miranker:
Synergy in parallel algorithms.
17-35 BibTeX
- Anthony T. Chronopoulos, C. William Gear:
On the efficient implementation of preconditioned s-step conjugate gradient methods on multiprocessors with memory hierarchy.
37-53 BibTeX
- Eleanor Chu, Alan George:
QR factorization of a dense matrix on a shared-memory multiprocessor.
55-71 BibTeX
- Joseph W. H. Liu:
Reordering sparse matrices for parallel elimination.
73-91 BibTeX
- David A. Carlson, Binay Sugla:
Adapting shuffle-exchange like parallel processing organizations to work as systolic arrays.
93-106 BibTeX
- Clive Temperton:
Further measurements of (rinfty, n1/2) on the CRAY-1 and CRAY X-MP.
107-111 BibTeX
- C. Lecot:
An algorithm for generating low discrepancy sequences on vector computers.
113-116 BibTeX
- Jacek Moscinski, Zbigniew A. Rycerz, Patrick W. M. Jacobs:
Timing results of some internal sorting algorithms on the ETA 10-P.
117-119 BibTeX
- José M. Troya, M. Ortega:
A study of parallel branch-and-bound algorithms with best-bound-first search.
121-126 BibTeX
Volume 11,
Number 2,
Volume 11,
Number 3,
- David E. Womble, Richard C. Allen Jr., Lorraine S. Baca:
Invariant imbedding and the method of lines for parallel computers.
263-273 BibTeX
- Xiaobo Li, Zhixi Fang:
Parallel clustering algorithms.
275-290 BibTeX
- Emilio L. Zapata, Francisco F. Rivera, Oscar G. Plata, M. A. Ismail:
Parallel fuzzy clustering on fixed size hypercube SIMD computers.
291-303 BibTeX
- Daniel W. Lozier, R. G. Rehm:
Some performance comparisons for a fluid dynamics code.
305-320 BibTeX
- G. Stuart Pawley, Clive F. Baillie, E. Tenenbaum, William Celmaster:
The BBN Butterfly used to simulate a molecular liquid.
321-329 BibTeX
- Janice I. Glasgow, Michael A. Jenkins, H. Meijer, Carl McCrosky:
Expressing parallel algorithms in Nial.
331-347 BibTeX
- Venu K. Murthy, Heiko Schröder:
Systolic arrays for parallel matrix g-inversion and finding Petri net invariants.
349-359 BibTeX
- W. Ewinger, O. Haan, E. Haupenthal, C. Siemers:
Modelling and measurement of memory access in SIEMENS VP supercomputers.
361-365 BibTeX
- I.-C. Chang Jou:
Linear rotation based algorithm and systolic architecture for solving linear system equations.
367-379 BibTeX
- Jang-Ping Sheu, Chun-lien Wu, Gen-Huey Chen:
Selection of the first k largest processes in hypercubes.
381-384 BibTeX
- David J. Evans:
A systolic design for the Aitken extrapolation formula.
385-388 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:16:19 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)