Volume 59,
Number 1,
March 1994
Volume 59,
Number 2,
June 1994
- B. Mazur:
Questions of Decidability and Undecidability in Number Theory.
353-371 BibTeX
- Thanases Pheidas:
Extensions of Hilbert's Tenth Problem.
372-397 BibTeX
- Roger D. Maddux:
Undecidable Semiassociative Relation Algebras.
398-418 BibTeX
- Dirk Roorda:
Interpolation in Fragments of Classical Linear Logic.
419-444 BibTeX
- Moti Gitik, Menachem Magidor:
Extender Based Forcings.
445-460 BibTeX
- Garvin Melles:
Natural Internal Forcing Schemata Extending ZFC: Truth in the Universe.
461-472 BibTeX
- Brigitte Hösli, Gerhard Jäger:
About Some Symmetries of Negation.
473-485 BibTeX
- Ganesh Baliga, John Case, Sanjay Jain, Mandayam Suraj:
Machine Learning of Higher-Order Programs.
486-500 BibTeX
- Othman Qasim Malhas:
Abacus Logic: The Lattice of Quantum Propositions as the Poset of a Theory.
501-515 BibTeX
- Masahiro Kumabe:
Minimal Upper Bounds for Arithmetical Degrees.
516-528 BibTeX
- Mark Fuller:
Normality of a Filter over a Space of Partitions.
529-533 BibTeX
- Alan S. Stern, Stanislaw Swierczkowski:
A Class of Connected Theories of Order.
534-542 BibTeX
- Samson Abramsky, Radha Jagadeesan:
Games and Full Completeness for Multiplicative Linear Logic.
543-574 BibTeX
- Frank O. Wagner:
A Note on Defining Groups in Stable Structures.
575-578 BibTeX
- Elisabeth Bouscaren, Ehud Hrushovski:
On One-Based Theories.
579-595 BibTeX
- Daniele Mundici:
A Constructive Proof of McNaughton's Theorem in Infinite-valued Logic.
596-602 BibTeX
- Marion Scheepers:
Meager Nowhere-Dense Games (IC): n-Tactics (Continued).
603-605 BibTeX
- Sy D. Friedman:
The Genericity Conjecture.
606-614 BibTeX
- Thomas Jech, Jirí Witzany:
Full Reflection at a Measurable Cardinal.
615-630 BibTeX
- Hajnal Andréka, Steven Givant, István Németi:
The Lattice of Varieties of Representable Relation Algebras.
631-661 BibTeX
- Szymon Plewik:
Ideals of Nowhere Ramsey Sets Are Isomorphic.
662-667 BibTeX
Volume 59,
Number 3,
September 1994
Volume 59,
Number 4,
December 1994
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:11:57 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)