
Ugo Dal Lago

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32EEUgo Dal Lago, Luca Roversi, Luca Vercelli: Taming Modal Impredicativity: Superlazy Reduction. LFCS 2009: 137-151
31EEUgo Dal Lago: The geometry of linear higher-order recursion. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 10(2): (2009)
30EEUgo Dal Lago, Martin Hofmann: Bounded Linear Logic, Revisited CoRR abs/0904.2675: (2009)
29EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini: On Constructor Rewrite Systems and the Lambda-Calculus CoRR abs/0904.4120: (2009)
28EEUgo Dal Lago, Andrea Masini, Margherita Zorzi: On a measurement-free quantum lambda calculus with classical control. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 19(2): 297-335 (2009)
27EEUgo Dal Lago, Olivier Laurent: Quantitative Game Semantics for Linear Logic. CSL 2008: 230-245
26EEUgo Dal Lago, Martin Hofmann: A Semantic Proof of Polytime Soundness of Light Affine Logic. CSR 2008: 134-145
25EEPaolo Coppola, Ugo Dal Lago, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca: Light Logics and the Call-by-Value Lambda Calculus CoRR abs/0809.0195: (2008)
24EEUgo Dal Lago, Luca Roversi, Luca Vercelli: Taming Modal Impredicativity: Superlazy Reduction CoRR abs/0810.2891: (2008)
23EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini: The weak lambda calculus as a reasonable machine. Theor. Comput. Sci. 398(1-3): 32-50 (2008)
22EEPatrick Baillot, Paolo Coppola, Ugo Dal Lago: Light Logics and Optimal Reduction: Completeness and Complexity. LICS 2007: 421-430
21EEUgo Dal Lago, Angelo Montanari, Gabriele Puppis: On the Equivalence of Automaton-Based Representations of Time Granularities. TIME 2007: 82-93
20EEPatrick Baillot, Paolo Coppola, Ugo Dal Lago: Light Logics and Optimal Reduction: Completeness and Complexity CoRR abs/0704.2448: (2007)
19EEUgo Dal Lago, Andrea Masini, Margherita Zorzi: Quantum Lambda Calculi with Classical Control: Syntax and Expressive Power CoRR abs/cs/0703152: (2007)
18EEUgo Dal Lago, Angelo Montanari, Gabriele Puppis: Compact and tractable automaton-based representations of time granularities. Theor. Comput. Sci. 373(1-2): 115-141 (2007)
17EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini: An Invariant Cost Model for the Lambda Calculus. CiE 2006: 105-114
16EEUgo Dal Lago: Context Semantics, Linear Logic and Computational Complexity. LICS 2006: 169-178
15EEPatrick Baillot, Ugo Dal Lago, Jean-Yves Moyen: On Quasi-Interpretations, Blind Abstractions and Implicit Complexity CoRR abs/cs/0608030: (2006)
14EEUgo Dal Lago, Patrick Baillot: On light logics, uniform encodings and polynomial time. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 16(4): 713-733 (2006)
13EEUgo Dal Lago, Martin Hofmann: Quantitative Models and Implicit Complexity. FSTTCS 2005: 189-200
12EEUgo Dal Lago: The Geometry of Linear Higher-Order Recursion. LICS 2005: 366-375
11EEPaolo Coppola, Ugo Dal Lago, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca: Elementary Affine Logic and the Call-by-Value Lambda Calculus. TLCA 2005: 131-145
10EEUgo Dal Lago, Martin Hofmann: Quantitative Models and Implicit Complexity CoRR abs/cs/0506079: (2005)
9EEUgo Dal Lago: The Geometry of Linear Higher-Order Recursion CoRR abs/cs/0506080: (2005)
8EEUgo Dal Lago: Context Semantics, Linear Logic and Computational Complexity CoRR abs/cs/0510092: (2005)
7EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini: An Invariant Cost Model for the Lambda Calculus CoRR abs/cs/0511045: (2005)
6EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini: Phase semantics and decidability of elementary affine logic. Theor. Comput. Sci. 318(3): 409-433 (2004)
5EEUgo Dal Lago: On the Expressive Power of Light Affine Logic. ICTCS 2003: 216-227
4EEUgo Dal Lago, Angelo Montanari, Gabriele Puppis: Towards Compact and Tractable Automaten-Based Representations of Time Granularities. ICTCS 2003: 72-85
3EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini, Luca Roversi: Higher-Order Linear Ramified Recurrence. TYPES 2003: 178-193
2 Ugo Dal Lago, Marco Pistore, Paolo Traverso: Planning with a Language for Extended Goals. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 447-454
1EEUgo Dal Lago, Angelo Montanari: Calendars, Time Granularities, and Automata. SSTD 2001: 279-298

Coauthor Index

1Patrick Baillot [14] [15] [20] [22]
2Paolo Coppola [11] [20] [22] [25]
3Martin Hofmann [10] [13] [26] [30]
4Olivier Laurent [27]
5Simone Martini [3] [6] [7] [17] [23] [29]
6Andrea Masini [19] [28]
7Angelo Montanari [1] [4] [18] [21]
8Jean-Yves Moyen [15]
9Marco Pistore [2]
10Gabriele Puppis [4] [18] [21]
11Simona Ronchi Della Rocca [11] [25]
12Luca Roversi [3] [24] [32]
13Paolo Traverso [2]
14Luca Vercelli [24] [32]
15Margherita Zorzi [19] [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)