
Pilar Rodríguez Marín

Pilar Rodríguez

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30EEIsmael Pascual-Nieto, Diana Pérez-Marín, Mick O'Donnell, Pilar Rodríguez: Enhancing a Free-Text Adaptive Computer Assisted Assessment System with Self-Assessment Features. ICALT 2008: 399-401
29EEIsmael Pascual-Nieto, Diana Rosario Pérez Marín, Pilar Rodríguez, Mick O'Donnell: Using Automatically Generated Students' Clickable Conceptual Models for E-tutoring. ICCS Supplement 2008: 1-8
28 Diana Rosario Pérez Marín, Ismael Pascual-Nieto, Pilar Rodríguez Marín: Natural Language Interaction Based on Automatically Generated Conceptual Models. ICEIS (5) 2008: 5-12
27 Diana Rosario Pérez Marín, Ismael Pascual-Nieto, Pilar Rodríguez: About the Benefits of Exploiting Natural Language Processing Techniques for E-Learning. WEBIST (1) 2008: 472-475
26 Diana Rosario Pérez Marín, Ismael Pascual-Nieto, Enrique Alfonseca, Pilar Rodríguez: Automatically Generated Inspectable Learning Models for Students. AIED 2007: 632-634
25EEDiana Rosario Pérez Marín, Enrique Alfonseca, Pilar Rodríguez, Ismael Pascual-Nieto: Automatic Generation of Students' Conceptual Models from Answers in Plain Text. User Modeling 2007: 329-333
24EEDiana Rosario Pérez Marín, Enrique Alfonseca, Pilar Rodríguez, Ismael Pascual-Nieto: A Study on the Possibility of Automatically Estimating the Confidence Value of Students' Knowledge in Generated Conceptual Models. JCP 2(5): 17-26 (2007)
23EEManuel Freire, Pilar Rodríguez: A Graph-Based Monitoring Tool for Adaptive Hypermedia Course Systems. AH 2006: 279-282
22EEDiana Pérez, Enrique Alfonseca, Pilar Rodríguez: On the Dynamic Adaptation of Computer Assisted Assessment of Free-Text Answers. AH 2006: 374-377
21EEManuel Freire, Pilar Rodríguez: Preserving the mental map in interactive graph interfaces. AVI 2006: 270-273
20EEEstefanía Martín, Rosa M. Carro, Pilar Rodríguez: A Mechanism to Support Context-Based Adaptation in M-Learning. EC-TEL 2006: 302-315
19EEPedro Paredes, Pilar Rodríguez: The Application of Learning Styles in Both Individual and Collaborative Learning. ICALT 2006: 1141-1142
18EEDiana Rosario Pérez Marín, Enrique Alfonseca, Manuel Freire, Pilar Rodríguez, José María Guirao, Antonio Moreno-Sandoval: Automatic Generation of Students' Conceptual Models Underpinned by Free-Text Adaptive Computer Assisted Assessment. ICALT 2006: 280-284
17 Diana Pérez, Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo, Carlo Strapparava, Enrique Alfonseca, Pilar Rodríguez, Bernardo Magnini: Automatic Assessment of Students' Free-Text Answers Underpinned by the Combination of a BLEU-Inspired Algorithm and Latent Semantic Analysis. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 358-363
16EEEnrique Alfonseca, Rosa M. Carro, Manuel Freire, Alvaro Ortigosa, Diana Pérez, Pilar Rodríguez: Authoring of Adaptive Computer Assisted Assessment of Free-text Answers. Educational Technology & Society 8(3): 53-65 (2005)
15EEManuel Freire, Pilar Rodríguez: A graph-based interface to complex hypermedia structure visualization. AVI 2004: 163-166
14EEEnrique Alfonseca, Diana Pérez, Pilar Rodríguez: Welkin: Automatic Generation of Adaptive Hypermedia Sites with NLP Techniques. ICWE 2004: 617-618
13EERosa M. Carro, Manuel Freire, Estefanía Martín, Alvaro Ortigosa, Pedro Paredes, Pilar Rodríguez, Johann H. Schlichter: Authoring and Dynamic Generation of Adaptive E-courses. ICWE 2004: 619-620
12EEEnrique Alfonseca, Pilar Rodríguez: Extending an on-line information site with accurate domain-dependent extracts from the World Wide Web. CAiSE Workshops 2003
11EEEnrique Alfonseca, Pilar Rodríguez: Generating Extracts with Genetic Algorithms. ECIR 2003: 511-519
10EEEnrique Alfonseca, Pilar Rodríguez: Modelling Users' Interests and Needs for an Adaptive Online Information System. User Modeling 2003: 76-80
9EEPedro Paredes, Pilar Rodríguez: Considering Sensing-Intuitive Dimension to Exposition-Exemplification in Adaptive Sequencing. AH 2002: 556-559
8 Ignacio Cruzado, Pablo de la Fuente, Javier Portugal, Pilar Rodríguez, Jesús Vegas: Diseño y Realización de una Biblioteca Digital de Fondo Antiguo: los Incunables de la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad de Valladolid. JBIDI 2001
7EERosa M. Carro, Estrella Pulido, Pilar Rodríguez: Improving Web-Site Maintenance with TANGOW by Making Page Structure and Contents Independent. Web Engineering 2001: 325-334
6EERosa M. Carro, Estrella Pulido, Pilar Rodríguez: How Adaptivity Affects the Development of TANGOW Web-Based Courses. AH 2000: 280-283
5 Rosa M. Carro, Estrella Pulido, Pilar Rodríguez: Adaptive Internet-based learning with the TANGOW system. Computers and Education in the 21st Century 2000: 127-135
4 Rosa M. Carro, Roberto Moriyón, Estrella Pulido, Pilar Rodríguez: Teaching tasks in an adaptive learning environment. HCI (2) 1999: 740-744
3 Rosa M. Carro, Estrella Pulido, Pilar Rodríguez: An Adaptive Driving Course Based on HTML Dynamic Generation. WebNet 1999: 171-176
2 F. García, Javier Contreras, Pilar Rodríguez, Roberto Moriyón: Help Generation for Task Based Applications with HATS. EHCI 1998: 149-167
1 Pilar Rodríguez: Un Proyecto para Facilitar la Recuperación de Información Tecnológica a Usuarios no Expertos. JIDBD 1997: 149-158

Coauthor Index

1Enrique Alfonseca [10] [11] [12] [14] [16] [17] [18] [22] [24] [25] [26]
2Rosa M. Carro [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [13] [16] [20]
3Javier Contreras [2]
4Ignacio Cruzado [8]
5Manuel Freire [13] [15] [16] [18] [21] [23]
6Pablo de la Fuente [8]
7F. García [2]
8Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo [17]
9José María Guirao [18]
10Bernardo Magnini [17]
11Estefanía Martín [13] [20]
12Antonio Moreno-Sandoval [18]
13Roberto Moriyón [2] [4]
14Mick O'Donnell [29] [30]
15Alvaro Ortigosa [13] [16]
16Pedro Paredes [9] [13] [19]
17Ismael Pascual-Nieto [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30]
18Diana Pérez (Diana Rosario Pérez Marín) [14] [16] [17] [18] [22] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29]
19Diana Pérez-Marín [30]
20Javier Portugal [8]
21Estrella Pulido [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
22Johann H. Schlichter [13]
23Carlo Strapparava [17]
24Jesús Vegas [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)