
Estrella Pulido

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10EERosa M. Carro, Estrella Pulido, Pilar Rodríguez: Improving Web-Site Maintenance with TANGOW by Making Page Structure and Contents Independent. Web Engineering 2001: 325-334
9EERosa M. Carro, Estrella Pulido, Pilar Rodríguez: How Adaptivity Affects the Development of TANGOW Web-Based Courses. AH 2000: 280-283
8 Rosa M. Carro, Estrella Pulido, Pilar Rodríguez: Adaptive Internet-based learning with the TANGOW system. Computers and Education in the 21st Century 2000: 127-135
7 Rosa M. Carro, Roberto Moriyón, Estrella Pulido, Pilar Rodríguez: Teaching tasks in an adaptive learning environment. HCI (2) 1999: 740-744
6 Rosa M. Carro, Estrella Pulido, Pilar Rodríguez: An Adaptive Driving Course Based on HTML Dynamic Generation. WebNet 1999: 171-176
5 Manuel Alfonseca, Juan de Lara, Estrella Pulido: Semiautomatic Generation of Educational Courses in the Internet by Means of an Object-Oriented Continuous Simulation Language. ESM 1998: 547-551
4 Estrella Pulido: Procesamiento de Recursivas Usando Técnicas de Recorrido de Grafos. JIDBD 1997: 81-90
3EEEstrella Pulido: STARBASE: A Deductive System Based on Chart Parsing ADBIS 1996: 153-159
2EEEstrella Pulido: Recursive Query Processing Using Graph Traversal Techniques. CIKM 1996: 37-44
1 Estrella Pulido: Database Query Evaluation with the STARBASE Method. Logic in Databases 1996: 323-342

Coauthor Index

1Manuel Alfonseca (Manuel Alfonseca Moreno) [5]
2Rosa M. Carro [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
3Juan de Lara (Juan de Lara Jaramillo) [5]
4Pilar Rodríguez Marín (Pilar Rodríguez) [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
5Roberto Moriyón [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)