
Tony Manninen

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15EEPasi Mattila, Jukka Miettunen, Tony Manninen: An approach to a virtual learning environment through a game. DIGITEL 2007: 185-187
14EETony Manninen, Laura Vallius, Tomi Kujanpää: Plot Clusters - Intertwined and Re-playable Storyline Components in a Multiplayer RPG. TIDSE 2006: 265-276
13EELaura Vallius, Tomi Kujanpää, Tony Manninen: Experiencing Narrative Elements Through Social Communication in Computer Based Role-Playing Game - CASE: Castle of Oulu 1651. TIDSE 2006: 289-299
12EELaura Vallius, Tony Manninen: Between a rock and a hard place - the role of animation design in game production. DIGRA Conf. 2005
11EETony Manninen, Tuomo Korva: Designing Puzzles for Collaborative Gaming Experience - CASE: eScape. DIGRA Conf. 2005
10EETomi Kujanpää, Tony Manninen: Visual vs. Functional Design of 3D Models for Games. DIGRA Conf. 2005
9EETony Manninen, Tomi Kujanpää: The Hunt for Collaborative War Gaming - CASE: Battlefield 1942. Game Studies 5(1): (2005)
8EETony Manninen: Conceptual, Communicative and Pragmatic Aspects of Interaction Forms - Rich Interaction Model for Collaborative Virtual Environments. CASA 2003: 168-
7EETomi Kujanpää, Tony Manninen: Supporting visual elements of non-verbal communication in computer game avatars. DIGRA Conf. 2003
6EETony Manninen: Interaction Forms and Communicative Actions in Multiplayer Games. Game Studies 3(1): (2003)
5EETony Manninen: Towards Communicative, Collaborative and Constructive Multi-Player Games. CGDC Conf. 2002
4EETony Manninen: Contextual Virtual Interaction as Part of Ubiquitous Game Design and Development. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6(5/6): 390-406 (2002)
3EETony Manninen: Rich interaction in networked virtual environments. ACM Multimedia 2000: 517-518
2EETony Manninen: Interaction in Networked Virtual Environments as Communicative Action: Social Theory and Multi-Player Games. CRIWG 2000: 154-157
1 Tony Manninen, Jouko Paaso: Computer Based Training Centre: Integration of Traditional Teaching Methods and Modern Telematics Based Techniques. WebNet 1998

Coauthor Index

1Tuomo Korva [11]
2Tomi Kujanpää [7] [9] [10] [13] [14]
3Pasi Mattila [15]
4Jukka Miettunen [15]
5Jouko Paaso [1]
6Laura Vallius [12] [13] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)