
Thomas Magedanz

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80EEJean-Marie Bonnin, Carlo Giannelli, Thomas Magedanz: Mobile Wireless Middleware, Operating Systems, and Applications, Second International Conference, Mobilware 2009, Berlin, Germany, April 28-29, 2009, Proceedings Springer 2009
79EEFlorian Deinert, Alin Florindor Murarasu, Andreas Bachmann, Thomas Magedanz: A Base Solution for Exposing IMS Telecommunication Services to Web 2.0 Enabled Applications. MOBILWARE 2009: 1-14
78EERichard Good, Fabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Thomas Magedanz, Neco Ventura: Policy-Based Middleware for QoS Management and Signaling in the Evolved Packet System. MOBILWARE 2009: 115-128
77EEJens Fiedler, Thomas Magedanz, Julius Müller: Extending an IMS Client with Peer-to-Peer Content Delivery. MOBILWARE 2009: 197-207
76EEYacine Rebahi, Muhammad Sher, Thomas Magedanz: Detecting flooding attacks against IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) networks. AICCSA 2008: 848-851
75EEAlberto Diez Albaladejo, Fabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Marius Iulian Corici, Thomas Magedanz: The PCC Rule in the 3GPP IMS Policy and Charging Control Architecture. GLOBECOM 2008: 1572-1576
74EEAndreas Bachmann, Alice Motanga, Thomas Magedanz: Requirements for an extendible IMS client framework. MOBILWARE 2008: 19
73EEChristian Riede, Adel Al-Hezmi, Thomas Magedanz: Session and media signaling for IPTV via IMS. MOBILWARE 2008: 20
72EENiklas Blum, David Linner, Steffen Krüssel, Thomas Magedanz, Stephan Steglich: Definition of a Web 2.0 Gateway for 3rd Party Service Access to Next Generation Networks. MWCN/PWC 2008: 247-258
71EEAlberto Diez Albaladejo, Alin Florindor Murarasu, Thomas Magedanz: Design of a coherent mobile multimedia framework for convergent services. MoMM 2008: 338-341
70EEAdel Al-Hezmi, Fabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Muhammad Sher, Oliver Friedrich, Thomas Magedanz: Provisioning IMS-based seamless triple play services over different access networks. NOMS 2008: 927-930
69EEAdel Al-Hezmi, Oliver Friedrich, Stefan Arbanowski, Thomas Magedanz: Interactive multimedia services over open NGN testbed. TRIDENTCOM 2008: 39
68EEMarius Iulian Corici, Alin Florindor Murarasu, Stefan Arbanowski, Thomas Magedanz, Suwon Lee, Xiaoyu Liu: Multimedia Mobility Service Solution. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
67EEThomas Magedanz, Edmundo Madeira, Paolo Bellavista: Management Challenges and Solutions for IP Multimedia Subsystems. J. Network Syst. Manage. 16(1): 11-13 (2008)
66EERichard Good, Fabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Shengyao Chen, Neco Ventura, Thomas Magedanz: Critical Issues for QoS Management and Provisioning in the IP Multimedia Subsystem. J. Network Syst. Manage. 16(2): 129-144 (2008)
65EEMuhammad Sher, Thomas Magedanz: 3G-WLAN Convergence: Vulnerability, Attacks Possibilities and Security Model. ARES 2007: 198-205
64EEMuhammad Sher, Thomas Magedanz: Protecting IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Service Delivery Platform from Time Independent Attacks. IAS 2007: 171-176
63EENiklas Blum, Thomas Magedanz, Horst Stein: Service creation & delivery for SME based on SOA / IMS. MNCNA 2007: 12
62EEOliver Friedrich, Adel Al-Hezmi, Stefan Arbanowski, Thomas Magedanz: Evolution of Next Generation Networks towards an Integrated Platform for IMS-Based IPTV Services. SAINT Workshops 2007: 10
61EEGeorge Kormentzas, Thomas Magedanz: Middleware challenges for next generation networks and services. Computer Networks 51(16): 4596-4598 (2007)
60EEMuhammad Sher, Thomas Magedanz: A vulnerabilities analysis and corresponding middleware security extensions for securing NGN applications. Computer Networks 51(16): 4697-4709 (2007)
59EEThomas Magedanz, Niklas Blum, Simon Dutkowski: Evolution of SOA Concepts in Telecommunications. IEEE Computer 40(11): 46-50 (2007)
58EEAdel Al-Hezmi, Oliver Friedrich, Stefan Arbanowski, Thomas Magedanz: Requirements for an IMS-based Quadruple Play Service Architecture. IEEE Network 21(2): 28-33 (2007)
57EEMuhammad Sher, Thomas Magedanz, Walter T. Penzhorn: Inter-Domains Security Management (IDSM) Model for IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). ARES 2006: 502-509
56EEJens Fiedler, Tomas Kupka, Thomas Magedanz, Michael Kleis: Reliable VoIP Services Using a Peer-to-Peer Intranet. ISM 2006: 121-130
55EEMuhammad Sher, Thomas Magedanz: Secure access to IP multimedia services using generic bootstrapping architecture (GBA) for 3G & beyond mobile networks. Q2SWinet 2006: 17-24
54EEEdmundo R. M. Madeira, Thomas Magedanz, Petre Dini: Operations and Management Challenges in Next Generation Services and Networks: A Report on IPOM 2005. J. Network Syst. Manage. 14(2): 313-316 (2006)
53EEMuhammad Sher, Thomas Magedanz: Developing Network Domain Security (NDS) Model for IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). JNW 1(6): 10-17 (2006)
52 Thomas Magedanz, Ahmed Karmouch, Samuel Pierre, Iakovos S. Venieris: Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications, Second International Workshop, MATA 2005, Montreal, Canada, October 17-19, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
51 Thomas Magedanz, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Petre Dini: Operations and Management in IP-Based Networks, 5th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management, IPOM 2005, Barcelona, Spain, October 26-28, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
50EEFabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Thomas Magedanz: POBUCS Framework: Integrating Mobility and QoS Management in Next Generation Networks. IPOM 2005: 98-107
49EEChristoph Reichert, Yuri Glickmann, Thomas Magedanz: Two Routing Algorithms for Failure Protection in IP Networks. ISCC 2005: 97-102
48EEFabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Thomas Magedanz: A Framework to Improve QoS and Mobility Management for Multimedia Applications in the IMS. ISM 2005: 216-222
47EENiklas Blum, Thomas Magedanz: PTT + IMS = PTM - Towards Community/Presence-based IMS Multimedia Services. ISM 2005: 337-344
46 Elmar Fasel, Karsten Knuettel, Thomas Magedanz: The FOKUS Open SIP AS - A Service Platform for NGN. KiVS Kurzbeiträge und Workshop 2005: 49-56
45 Jens-Michael Klaus, Thomas Magedanz: Parlay PAM in 3GPP's IP-Multimedia Subsystem. KiVS Kurzbeiträge und Workshop 2005: 73-80
44EEMuhammad Sher, Thomas Magedanz: Network Access Security Management (NASM) Model for Next Generation Mobile Telecommunication Networks. MATA 2005: 263-272
43EEDragos Vingarzan, Peter Weik, Thomas Magedanz: Design and Implementation of an Open IMS Core. MATA 2005: 284-293
42EEMuhammad Sher, Thomas Magedanz: Security Associations Management (SAM) Model for IP Multimedia System (IMS). Net-Con 2005: 311-325
41EEThomas Magedanz, Dorota Witaszek, Karsten Knuettel: The IMS Playground @ Fokus - An Open Testebed for Next Generation Network Multimedia Services. TRIDENTCOM 2005: 2-11
40 Christoph Reichert, Thomas Magedanz: Topology Requirements for Resilient IP Networks. MMB 2004: 379-388
39EEChristoph Reichert, Thomas Magedanz: A Fast Heuristic for Genetic Algorithms in Link Weight Optimization. QofIS 2004: 144-153
38 Eric Horlait, Thomas Magedanz, Roch H. Glitho: Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications, 5th International Workshop, MATA 2003, Marakech, Morocco, October 8-10, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
37 Ahmed Karmouch, Thomas Magedanz, Jaime Delgado: Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications, 4th International Workshop, MATA 2002 Barcelona, Spain, October 23-24, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002
36 Paolo Bellavista, Thomas Magedanz: Middleware Technologies: CORBA and Mobile Agents. Coordination of Internet Agents: Models, Technologies, and Applications 2001: 110-152
35EEThomas Magedanz, Mikhail Smirnov: Voice/data integration - a snapshot of intelligent networks and Internet convergence. Computer Networks 35(5): 503-505 (2001)
34 W. Chang, M. Fischer, Thomas Magedanz: Towards Mobile Agent Based Provision of Voice over IP Services. IS&N 2000: 75-88
33EEThomas Magedanz, Ahmed Karmouch: Mobile Software Agents for Telecommunication Applications. Computer Communications 23(8): 705-707 (2000)
32EEFotis G. Chatzipapadopoulos, Giovanna De Zen, Thomas Magedanz, Iakovos S. Venieris, Fabrizio Zizza: Harmonised Internet and PSTN service provisioning. Computer Communications 23(8): 731-739 (2000)
31EEC. Bäumer, Thomas Magedanz: Grasshopper - A Mobile Agent Platform for Active Telecommunication. IATA 1999: 19-32
30EESang Choy, Markus Breugst, Thomas Magedanz: A CORBA Environment Supporting Mobile Objects. IS&N 1999: 168-180
29EELorenzo Faglia, Thomas Magedanz, Andreas E. Papadakis: Introduction of DOT/MAT into a Broadband IN Architecture for Flexible Service Provision. IS&N 1999: 469-481
28EESven van der Meer, Stefan Arbanowski, Thomas Magedanz: An Approach for a 4th Generation Messaging System. ISADS 1999: 158-
27 C. Bäumer, Thomas Magedanz: The Grasshopper Mobile Agent Platform Enabling Shortterm Active Broadband Intelligent Network Implementation. IWAN 1999: 109-116
26EETom Pfeifer, Thomas Magedanz, Stephan Hübener: Mobile Guide - Location-Aware Applications from the Lab to the Market. IDMS 1998: 15-28
25EEMarkus Breugst, Thomas Magedanz: On the Usage of Standard Mobile Agent Platforms in Telecommunication Environments. IS&N 1998: 275-286
24EETom Pfeifer, Thomas Magedanz, Radu Popescu-Zeletin: Intelligent Handling of Communication Media. FTDCS 1997: 144-153
23 U. Herzog, Thomas Magedanz: From IN toward TINA - Potential Migration Steps. IS&N 1997: 219-228
22 Thomas Magedanz: Service Engineering - Introduction. IS&N 1997: 85-86
21 Stefan Covaci, Thomas Magedanz: The Mobile Agent Technology. SOFSEM 1997: 161-162
20EETim O. Eckardt, Thomas Magedanz, Radu Popescu-Zeletin: A personal communication support system based on X.500 and X.700 standards. Computer Communications 20(3): 145-156 (1997)
19EEThomas Magedanz: TINA - Architectural basis for future telecommunications services. Computer Communications 20(4): 233-245 (1997)
18 Tim O. Eckardt, Thomas Magedanz, Radu Popescu-Zeletin: Beyond IN and UPT - A Personal Communications Support System Based on TMN Concepts. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15(7): 1308-1314 (1997)
17 M. Mendes, W. Loyolla, Thomas Magedanz, Flávio Morais de Assis Silva, Sven Krause: Agent Skills and their Roles in Mobile and Personal Communications. IFIP World Conference on Mobile Communications 1996: 181-204
16 Tim O. Eckardt, Thomas Magedanz, Claudia Ulbricht, Radu Popescu-Zeletin: Generic Personal Communications Support for Open Service Environments. IFIP World Conference on Mobile Communications 1996: 50-66
15 Thomas Magedanz, Kurt Rothermel, Sven Krause: Intelligent Agents: An Emerging Technology for Next Generation Telecommunications? INFOCOM 1996: 464-472
14EETim O. Eckardt, Thomas Magedanz, Radu Popescu-Zeletin: Application of X.500 and X.700 Standards for supporting personal communications in distributed computing environments. FTDCS 1995: 232-241
13 Thomas Magedanz: On the Impacts of Intelligent Agent Concepts on Future Telecommunication Environments. IS&N 1995: 396-414
12 Thomas Magedanz: Modeling IN-based service control capabilities as part of TMN-based service management. Integrated Network Management 1995: 386-397
11 Tim O. Eckardt, Thomas Magedanz, Tom Pfeifer: On the Convergence of Distributed Computing and Telecommunications in the Field of Personal Communications. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1995: 46-60
10 Nuno Beires, Thomas Magedanz, Maarten Kockelmans: An Evolutionary Approach for TMN Management of IN Services. IS&N 1994: 285-294
9 Tim O. Eckardt, Thomas Magedanz: On the Personal Communication Impacts on Multimedia Teleservices. IWACA 1994: 435-449
8EEVolker Tschammer, Thomas Magedanz, Michael Tschichholz, Adam Wolisz: Cooperative management in open distributed systems. Computer Communications 17(10): 717-728 (1994)
7 Jane Hall, Thomas Magedanz: Uniform Modelling of Management and Telecommunication Services in Future Telecommunication Environments based on the ROSA Approach. Integrated Network Management 1993: 521-532
6 Thomas Magedanz, A. Hauptvogel, Tim O. Eckardt, J. Aronsheim-Grotsch: Intelligent Network's Management: Upcoming Requirements and Possible Solutions. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1993: 413-427
5EEThomas Magedanz: IN and TMN: the basis for future information networking architectures. Computer Communications 16(5): 267-276 (1993)
4 Thomas Magedanz: Intelligent Networks: Evolution and Future Trends. ARCS 1992: 225-236
3 Radu Popescu-Zeletin, Thomas Magedanz: Applying Open Network Provision to ISDN and Intelligent Networks. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 24(1): 1-14 (1992)
2 Thomas Magedanz, Radu Popescu-Zeletin: Modelling Open Network Provision and Intelligent Networks. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1991: 29-42
1 Gerd Schürmann, U. Holzmann, Thomas Magedanz: Verteilte Bearbeitung von Multi-Media-Dokumenten in einer Breitbandumgebung. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1989: 14-29

Coauthor Index

1Adel Al-Hezmi [58] [62] [69] [70] [73]
2Alberto Diez Albaladejo [71] [75]
3Stefan Arbanowski [28] [58] [62] [68] [69]
4J. Aronsheim-Grotsch [6]
5Andreas Bachmann [74] [79]
6C. Bäumer [27] [31]
7Nuno Beires [10]
8Paolo Bellavista [36] [67]
9Niklas Blum [47] [59] [63] [72]
10Jean-Marie Bonnin [80]
11Markus Breugst [25] [30]
12W. Chang [34]
13Fotis G. Chatzipapadopoulos [32]
14Shengyao Chen [66]
15Sang Choy [30]
16Marius Iulian Corici [68] [75]
17Stefan Covaci [21]
18Florian Deinert [79]
19Jaime Delgado [37]
20Petre Dini [51] [54]
21Simon Dutkowski [59]
22Tim O. Eckardt [6] [9] [11] [14] [16] [18] [20]
23Lorenzo Faglia [29]
24Elmar Fasel [46]
25Jens Fiedler [56] [77]
26M. Fischer [34]
27Oliver Friedrich [58] [62] [69] [70]
28Carlo Giannelli [80]
29Yuri Glickmann [49]
30Roch H. Glitho [38]
31Richard Good [66] [78]
32Fabricio Carvalho de Gouveia [48] [50] [66] [70] [75] [78]
33Jane Hall [7]
34A. Hauptvogel [6]
35U. Herzog [23]
36U. Holzmann [1]
37Eric Horlait [38]
38Stephan Hübener [26]
39Ahmed Karmouch [33] [37] [52]
40Jens-Michael Klaus [45]
41Michael Kleis [56]
42Karsten Knuettel [41] [46]
43Maarten Kockelmans [10]
44George Kormentzas [61]
45Sven Krause [15] [17]
46Steffen Krüssel [72]
47Tomas Kupka [56]
48Suwon Lee [68]
49David Linner [72]
50Xiaoyu Liu [68]
51W. Loyolla [17]
52Edmundo Madeira [67]
53Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira (Edmundo R. M. Madeira) [51] [54]
54Sven van der Meer [28]
55M. Mendes [17]
56Alice Motanga [74]
57Julius Müller [77]
58Alin Florindor Murarasu [68] [71] [79]
59Andreas E. Papadakis [29]
60Walter T. Penzhorn [57]
61Tom Pfeifer [11] [24] [26]
62Samuel Pierre [52]
63Radu Popescu-Zeletin [2] [3] [14] [16] [18] [20] [24]
64Yacine Rebahi [76]
65Christoph Reichert [39] [40] [49]
66Christian Riede [73]
67Kurt Rothermel [15]
68Gerd Schürmann [1]
69Muhammad Sher [42] [44] [53] [55] [57] [60] [64] [65] [70] [76]
70Flávio Morais de Assis Silva [17]
71Mikhail Smirnov [35]
72Stephan Steglich [72]
73Horst Stein [63]
74Volker Tschammer [8]
75Michael Tschichholz [8]
76Claudia Ulbricht [16]
77Iakovos S. Venieris [32] [52]
78Neco Ventura [66] [78]
79Dragos Vingarzan [43]
80Peter Weik [43]
81Dorota Witaszek [41]
82Adam Wolisz [8]
83Giovanna De Zen [32]
84Fabrizio Zizza [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)