
Fabricio Carvalho de Gouveia

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6EERichard Good, Fabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Thomas Magedanz, Neco Ventura: Policy-Based Middleware for QoS Management and Signaling in the Evolved Packet System. MOBILWARE 2009: 115-128
5EEAlberto Diez Albaladejo, Fabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Marius Iulian Corici, Thomas Magedanz: The PCC Rule in the 3GPP IMS Policy and Charging Control Architecture. GLOBECOM 2008: 1572-1576
4EEAdel Al-Hezmi, Fabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Muhammad Sher, Oliver Friedrich, Thomas Magedanz: Provisioning IMS-based seamless triple play services over different access networks. NOMS 2008: 927-930
3EERichard Good, Fabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Shengyao Chen, Neco Ventura, Thomas Magedanz: Critical Issues for QoS Management and Provisioning in the IP Multimedia Subsystem. J. Network Syst. Manage. 16(2): 129-144 (2008)
2EEFabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Thomas Magedanz: POBUCS Framework: Integrating Mobility and QoS Management in Next Generation Networks. IPOM 2005: 98-107
1EEFabricio Carvalho de Gouveia, Thomas Magedanz: A Framework to Improve QoS and Mobility Management for Multimedia Applications in the IMS. ISM 2005: 216-222

Coauthor Index

1Adel Al-Hezmi [4]
2Alberto Diez Albaladejo [5]
3Shengyao Chen [3]
4Marius Iulian Corici [5]
5Oliver Friedrich [4]
6Richard Good [3] [6]
7Thomas Magedanz [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
8Muhammad Sher [4]
9Neco Ventura [3] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)