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Edmundo R. M. Madeira
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2009 | ||
48 | EE | Luiz F. Bittencourt, Carlos R. Senna, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: Bicriteria Service Scheduling with Dynamic Instantiation for Workflow Execution on Grids. GPC 2009: 177-188 |
47 | EE | Evandro Bacarin, Edmundo R. M. Madeira, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros: Assembling and Managing Virtual Organizations out of Multi-party Contracts. ICEIS 2009: 758-769 |
2008 | ||
46 | Ivo José Garcia dos Santos, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira: Transparency in Citizen-Centric Services - A Traceability-based Approach on the Semantic Web. ICEIS (4) 2008: 184-189 | |
45 | EE | Jo Ueyama, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Paul Grace: FlexPar: Reconfigurable Middleware for Parallel Environments. ISORC 2008: 312-316 |
44 | EE | Luiz F. Bittencourt, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: A performance-oriented adaptive scheduler for dependent tasks on grids. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(9): 1029-1049 (2008) |
2007 | ||
43 | EE | Rachel de C. Paschoalino, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: A Scalable Link Quality Routing Protocol for Multi-radio Wireless Mesh Networks. ICCCN 2007: 1053-1058 |
42 | Ivo José Garcia dos Santos, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira: E-Government and Grid Computing - Potentials and Challenges Towards Citizen-Centric Services. ICEIS (4) 2007: 144-148 | |
41 | EE | Fábio Luciano Verdi, Maurício F. Magalhães, Eleri Cardozo, Edmundo R. M. Madeira, Annikki Welin: A Service Oriented Architecture-based Approach for Interdomain Optical Network Services. J. Network Syst. Manage. 15(2): 141-170 (2007) |
40 | EE | Fábio Luciano Verdi, Maurício F. Magalhães, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Annikki Welin: Using Virtualization to Provide Interdomain QoS-enabled Routing. JNW 2(2): 23-32 (2007) |
2006 | ||
39 | EE | Neumar Malheiros, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Fábio Luciano Verdi, Maurício F. Magalhães: A Management Architecture for Layer 1 VPN Services. BROADNETS 2006 |
38 | EE | Lásaro J. Camargos, Edmundo R. M. Madeira, Fernando Pedone: Optimal and Practical WAB-Based Consensus Algorithms. Euro-Par 2006: 549-558 |
37 | EE | Ivo José Garcia dos Santos, Matthias Flügge, Neil Paiva Tizzo, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira: Challenges and techniques on the road to dynamically compose web services. ICWE 2006: 40-47 |
36 | EE | Fábio Luciano Verdi, Maurício F. Magalhães, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Annikki Welin: The Virtual Topology Service: A Mechanism for QoS-Enabled Interdomain Routing. IPOM 2006: 205-217 |
35 | EE | Fábio Luciano Verdi, Maurício F. Magalhães, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira: On the Performance of Interdomain Provisioning of Connections in Optical Networks Uing Web Services. ISCC 2006: 955-960 |
34 | EE | Fábio Luciano Verdi, R. Duarte, F. C. de Lacerda, Eleri Cardozo, Murício Magalhães, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira: Provisioning and Management of Interdomain Connections in Optical Networks: A Service Oriented Architecture-based Approach. NOMS 2006 |
33 | EE | Fábio R. L. Cicerre, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Luiz Eduardo Buzato: Structured process execution middleware for Grid computing. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(6): 581-594 (2006) |
32 | EE | Ivo José Garcia dos Santos, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira: Applying Orchestration and Choreography of Web Services on Dynamic Virtual Marketplaces. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 15(1): 57-86 (2006) |
31 | EE | Edmundo R. M. Madeira, Thomas Magedanz, Petre Dini: Operations and Management Challenges in Next Generation Services and Networks: A Report on IPOM 2005. J. Network Syst. Manage. 14(2): 313-316 (2006) |
2005 | ||
30 | Thomas Magedanz, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Petre Dini: Operations and Management in IP-Based Networks, 5th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management, IPOM 2005, Barcelona, Spain, October 26-28, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005 | |
29 | EE | Cláudio Carvalho, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Fábio Luciano Verdi, Maurício F. Magalhães: Policy-Based Fault Management for Integrating IP over Optical Networks. IPOM 2005: 88-97 |
28 | EE | Fernando Menezes Matos, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: A Context-Aware Negotiation Model for M-Commerce. MATA 2005: 230-239 |
27 | EE | Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, José de Jesús Pérez Alcázar, Luciano A. Digiampietri, Gilberto Zonta Pastorello Jr., André Santanchè, Ricardo da Silva Torres, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Evandro Bacarin: WOODSS and the Web: annotating and reusing scientific workflows. SIGMOD Record 34(3): 18-23 (2005) |
2004 | ||
26 | Ahmed Karmouch, Larry Korba, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira: Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications, First International Workshop,MATA 2004, Florianópolis, Brazil, October 20-22, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004 | |
25 | EE | Fábio Luciano Verdi, Maurício F. Magalhães, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: Policy-Based Admission Control in GMPLS Optical Networks. BROADNETS 2004: 337-339 |
24 | EE | Evandro Bacarin, Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: A Collaborative Model for Agricultural Supply Chains. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (1) 2004: 319-336 |
23 | Ivo José Garcia dos Santos, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: VM-FLOW: Using Web Services Orchestration and Choreography to Implement a Policy-based Virtual Marketplace. I3E 2004: 265-285 | |
22 | EE | Marcos Vinicius Gialdi, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Paul Grace, Gordon S. Blair: ICoMP: A Mobile Portal Model Based on Reflective Middleware and Mobile Agents. MATA 2004: 88-97 |
21 | EE | Fábio R. L. Cicerre, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira, Luiz Eduardo Buzato: A hierarchical process execution support for grid computing. Middleware for Grid Computing 2004: 87-92 |
20 | EE | Bruno Schulze, Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira: Grid computing and active services. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(5): 535-542 (2004) |
2003 | ||
19 | EE | Fábio Luciano Verdi, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: Service Provisioning and Management in Virtual Private Active Networks. FTDCS 2003: 205-211 |
18 | EE | Fernando Menezes Matos, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: An Automated Negotiation Model for M-commerce Using Mobile Agents. ICWE 2003: 72-75 |
17 | EE | Maria Claudia B. Barros, Edmundo R. M. Madeira, Irineu Sotoma: An Experience on CORBA Component Deployment. ISADS 2003: 319- |
16 | EE | Lásaro J. Camargos, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: DisCusS and FuSe: Considering Modularity, Genericness, and Adaptation in the Development of Consensus and Fault Detection Services. LADC 2003: 234-253 |
15 | EE | Fábio Luciano Verdi, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: Service Provisioning and Management in Telecom Environments Using Active Network Technology. MATA 2003: 32-41 |
14 | Fabiano S. G. de Oliveira, Constantino G. Ribeiro, Jauvane C. de Oliveira, Bruno Schulze, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: Functionalities in Grid Computing with Active Services. Middleware Workshops 2003: 194-199 | |
13 | EE | Roberto Silveira Silva Filho, Jacques Wainer, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: A Fully Distributed Architecture for Large Scale Workflow Enactment. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 12(4): 411-440 (2003) |
12 | Elias Procópio Duarte Jr., Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira: Future Trends in Network Management: A Report on LANOMS 2003. J. Network Syst. Manage. 11(4): (2003) | |
2001 | ||
11 | EE | Irineu Sotoma, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: ADAPTATION - Algorithms to ADAPTive FAulT MonItOriNg and Their Implementation on CORBA. DOA 2001: 219-228 |
10 | EE | Irineu Sotoma, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: DPCP (Discard Past Consider Present) -- A Novel Approach to Adaptive Fault Detection in Distributed Systems. FTDCS 2001: 76-82 |
9 | EE | Jo Ueyama, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: An Automated Negotiation Model for Electronic Commerce. ISADS 2001: 29- |
8 | Jo Ueyama, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: Using XML for Electronic Catalogs. Workshop on Information Integration on the Web 2001: 43-50 | |
7 | Bruno Schulze, Edmundo R. M. Madeira, Patrícia Ropelatto, Francisco Jose Silveira de Vasconcellos: MomentA: Service Management Using Mobile Agents in a CORBA Environment. J. Network Syst. Manage. 9(2): 203-222 (2001) | |
1999 | ||
6 | Claudio Silveira, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: A configuration management facility for CORBA applications. DAIS 1999: 258-264 | |
5 | EE | Roberto Silveira Silva Filho, Jacques Wainer, Edmundo R. M. Madeira, Clarence A. Ellis: CORBA based Architecture for Large Scale Workflow. ISADS 1999: 276-283 |
4 | EE | Bruno Schulze, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: Migration Transparency in Agent Systems. ISADS 1999: 320-323 |
1997 | ||
3 | Bruno Schulze, Edmundo R. M. Madeira: Contracting and Moving Agents in Distributed Applications Based on a Service-Oriented Architecture. Mobile Agents 1997: 74-85 | |
1995 | ||
2 | Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira: Multiware Platform: Some Issues about the Middleware Layer. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 162-166 | |
1994 | ||
1 | W. P. D. C. Loyolla, Edmundo R. M. Madeira, M. J. Mendes: DEMOS: Implementation Aspects of Open Distributed Decision Support Tools in Production Management Systems. Production Management Methods 1994: 245-252 |