4. IS&N 1997:
Alvin P. Mullery, Michel Besson, Mário Campolargo, Roberta Gobbi, Rick Reed (Eds.):
Intelligence in Services and Networks: Technology for Cooperative Competition, Fourth International Conference on Intelligence and Services in Networks, IS&N'97, Cernobbio, Italy, May 27-29, 1997, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1238 Springer 1997, ISBN 3-540-63135-6 BibTeX
editor = {Alvin P. Mullery and
Michel Besson and
M{\'a}rio Campolargo and
Roberta Gobbi and
Rick Reed},
title = {Intelligence in Services and Networks: Technology for Cooperative
Competition, Fourth International Conference on Intelligence
and Services in Networks, IS{\&}N'97, Cernobbio, Italy, May
27-29, 1997, Proceedings},
booktitle = {IS{\&}N},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1238},
year = {1997},
isbn = {3-540-63135-6},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Service Architecture
- Sebastiano Trigila:
Service Architecture - Introduction.
1-4 BibTeX
- Giovanna De Zen, Lorenzo Faglia:
Video On Demand in an Integrated IN/B-ISDN Scenario.
5-14 BibTeX
- Nicolas Mercouroff, Ajeet Parhar:
TINA Computational Modelling Concepts and Object Definition Language.
15-24 BibTeX
- Michael P. Evans, Kimmo T. Kettunen, Grahame K. Blackwell, Steven Furnell, Andrew D. Phippen, Stephen Hope, Paul L. Reynolds:
Network Resource Adaptation in the DOLMEN Service Machine.
25-34 BibTeX
- Javier Huélamo, Hans Vanderstraeten, Juan Carlos Garcìa, Paolo Coppo, Juan C. Yelmo, George Pavlou:
A TINA Based Prototype for a Multimedia Multiparty Mobility Service.
35-48 BibTeX
- Sung Won Sohn, Jongsoo Jang, Chang Suk Oh:
Architecture of Multimedia Service Interworking for Heterogeneous Multi-Carrier ATM Network.
49-60 BibTeX
- Ramon Martí, Jaime Delgado:
Use of WWW Technology for Client/Server Applications in MULTIMEDIATOR.
61-68 BibTeX
- A. Limongiello, Riccardo Melen, M. Rocuzzo, Vittorio Trecordi, J. Wojtowicz:
An Experimental Open Architecture to Support Multimedia Services Based on CORBA, Java and WWW Technologies.
69-76 BibTeX
- Taesang Choi, Eunyoung Son, Kyeong-yeol Yu:
DAVIC and The Internet Convergence: A Convergence Architecture Using WWW, Java, and CORBA.
77-83 BibTeX
Service Engineering
- Thomas Magedanz:
Service Engineering - Introduction.
85-86 BibTeX
- Heinrich Hußmann:
Intelligent ATM Networks: Services and Realisation Alternatives.
87-96 BibTeX
- Kristofer Kimbler, Niklas Johansson, Johan Slottner:
Goal-Based Filtering of Service Interactions.
97-106 BibTeX
- O. Makhrovskiy, V. Kolpakov, V. Shibanov, Yu. Soloviov, I. Tkachman:
Intelligent Networks Planning Supported by Software Tools.
107-115 BibTeX
- Declan Martin:
Adopting Object Oriented Analysis for Telecommunications Systems Development.
117-126 BibTeX
- Aggeliki Dede, Spiros Arsenis, Alessandro Tosti, Ferdinando Lucidi, Richard Westerga:
OSAM Component Model - A Key Concept for the Efficient Design of Future Telecommunication Systems.
127-136 BibTeX
- Tin Qian, Roy H. Campbell:
Extending OMG Event Service for Integrating Distributed Multimedia Components.
137-144 BibTeX
- Erich Newcomer, Hartmut Vogler, Thomas Kunkelmann, Malik Saheb:
STDL as a High-Level Interoperability Concept for Distributed Transaction Processing Systems.
145-154 BibTeX
- Anthony Sang-Bum Park, Axel Küpper, Stefan Leuker:
JAE - A Multi-Agent System with Internet Services Access.
155-164 BibTeX
- Alberto Silva, Miguel Mira da Silva, José Delgado:
Motivation and Requirements for the AgentSpace: A Framework for Developing Agent Programming Systems.
165-175 BibTeX
Intelligent Networks
- Berthold F. Koch:
Intelligent Networks - Introduction.
177-178 BibTeX
- Giovanna De Zen, Lorenzo Faglia, Heinrich Hußmann, Alexander W. van der Vekens:
Proposal for an IN Switching State Model in an Integrated IN/B-ISDN Scenario.
179-188 BibTeX
- Jørn Johansen:
Harmonisation/Integration of B-ISDN and IN (EURESCOM project P506).
189-200 BibTeX
- L. Vezzoli, T. Bertchi, A. Markou, John Nelson, Conor Morris:
Intelligent Network Evolution for Supporting Mobility.
201-210 BibTeX
- Young Bae Choi, Adrian Tang:
A Generic Service Order Handling Interface for the Cooperative Service Providers in the Deregulating and Competitive Telecommunications Environment.
211-218 BibTeX
- U. Herzog, Thomas Magedanz:
From IN toward TINA - Potential Migration Steps.
219-228 BibTeX
- Subrata Mazumdar, Nilo Mitra:
ROS-to-CORBA Mappings: First Step towards Intelligent Networking using CORBA.
229-240 BibTeX
Communications Management
- Vincent P. Wade:
Communications Management - Introduction.
241-244 BibTeX
- Vincent P. Wade, David Lewis, Mark Sheppard, Michael Tschichholz, Jane Hall:
A Methodology for Developing Integrated Multi-domain Service Management Systems.
245-254 BibTeX
- Stefan Covaci, Dan Dragan:
Towards Harmonised Pan-European TMN Customer Care Solutions: Interoperable Trouble Ticketing Management Service.
255-262 BibTeX
- David Griffin, George Pavlou, Thurain Tin:
Implementing TMN-like Management Services in a TINA Compliant Architecture: A Case Study on Resource Configuration Management.
263-274 BibTeX
- Chris Bleakley, William Donnelly, Arne S. Lindgren, Harri O. Vuorela:
TMN Specifications to Support Inter-Domain Exchange of Accounting, Billing and Charging Information.
275-282 BibTeX
- David Lewis, Thanassis Tiropanis, Cliff Redmond, Vincent P. Wade, Alistair McEwan, Ralf Bracht:
Inter-Domain Integration of Services and Service Management.
283-291 BibTeX
- Lennart H. Bjerring, P. Vorm:
Domain Interoperability for Federated Connectivity Management.
293-302 BibTeX
- Alex Galis, Carlo Brianza, Crescenzo Leone, Christiam Salvatori, Dieter Gantenbein, Stefan Covaci, George Mykoniatis, Fotis Karayannis:
Towards Integrated Network Management for ATM and SDH Networks Supporting a Global Broadband Connectivity Management Service.
303-314 BibTeX
- Céline Verdier, Magda Chatzaki, Graham Knight, Rong Shi:
QoS-based Routing Solutions for Hybrid SDH-ATM Networks.
315-328 BibTeX
- Luca Deri, Bela Ban:
Static vs. Dynamic CMIP/SNMP Network Management Using CORBA.
329-337 BibTeX
- Heiko Dassow, G. Lehr:
SNMP and TMN: Aspects of Migration and Integration.
339-347 BibTeX
- Rivalino Matias Júnior, Elizabeth Sueli Specialski:
Managed Objects as Active Objects: A Multithred Approach.
349-358 BibTeX
- G. Bogler:
Internet - New Inspiration for Telecommunications Management Network.
359-367 BibTeX
Human Factors
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:25:55 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)