2008 |
29 | EE | Marcus T. Dittrich,
Gunnar W. Klau,
Andreas Rosenwald,
Thomas Dandekar,
Tobias Müller:
Identifying functional modules in protein-protein interaction networks: an integrated exact approach.
ISMB 2008: 223-231 |
28 | EE | Matthias Wolf,
Benjamin Ruderisch,
Thomas Dandekar,
Jörg Schultz,
Tobias Müller:
ProfDistS: (profile-) distance based phylogeny on sequence - structure alignments.
Bioinformatics 24(20): 2401-2402 (2008) |
27 | EE | Tobias Müller,
Attila Pór,
Jean-Sébastien Sereni:
Lower bounding the boundary of a graph in terms of its maximum or minimum degree.
Discrete Mathematics 308(24): 6581-6583 (2008) |
26 | EE | Ross J. Kang,
Tobias Müller,
Jean-Sébastien Sereni:
Improper colouring of (random) unit disk graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 308(8): 1438-1454 (2008) |
25 | EE | Christian Selig,
Matthias Wolf,
Tobias Müller,
Thomas Dandekar,
Jörg Schultz:
The ITS2 Database II: homology modelling RNA structure for molecular systematics.
Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 377-380 (2008) |
2006 |
24 | EE | Torben Friedrich,
Birgit Pils,
Thomas Dandekar,
Jörg Schultz,
Tobias Müller:
Modelling interaction sites in protein domains with interaction profile hidden Markov models.
Bioinformatics 22(23): 2851-2857 (2006) |
23 | EE | Jörg Schultz,
Tobias Müller,
Marco Achtziger,
Philipp N. Seibel,
Thomas Dandekar,
Matthias Wolf:
The internal transcribed spacer 2 database - a web server for (not only) low level phylogenetic analyses.
Nucleic Acids Research 34(Web-Server-Issue): 704-707 (2006) |
2005 |
22 | EE | Joachim Friedrich,
Thomas Dandekar,
Matthias Wolf,
Tobias Müller:
ProfDist: a tool for the construction of large phylogenetic trees based on profile distances.
Bioinformatics 21(9): 2108-2109 (2005) |
21 | EE | Matthias Wolf,
Joachim Friedrich,
Thomas Dandekar,
Tobias Müller:
CBCAnalyzer: inferring phylogenies based on compensatory base changes in RNA secondary structures.
In Silico Biology 5: (2005) |
2004 |
20 | EE | Torsten Crass,
Iris Antes,
Rico Basekow,
Peer Bork,
Christian Buning,
Maik Christensen,
Holger Claussen,
Christian Ebeling,
Peter Ernst,
Valérie Gailus-Durner,
Karl-Heinz Glatting,
Rolf Gohla,
Frank Gößling,
Korbinian Grote,
Karsten R. Heidtke,
Alexander Herrmann,
Sean O'Keeffe,
O. Kießlich,
Sven Kolibal,
Jan O. Korbel,
Thomas Lengauer,
Ines Liebich,
Mark van der Linden,
Hannes Luz,
Kathrin Meissner,
Christian von Mering,
Heinz-Theodor Mevissen,
Hans-Werner Mewes,
Holger Michael,
Martin Mokrejs,
Tobias Müller,
Heike Pospisil,
Matthias Rarey,
Jens G. Reich,
Ralf Schneider,
Dietmar Schomburg,
Steffen Schulze-Kremer,
Knut Schwarzer,
Ingolf Sommer,
Stephan Springstubbe,
Sándor Suhai,
Gnanasekaran Thoppae,
Martin Vingron,
Jens Warfsmann,
Thomas Werner,
Daniel Wetzler,
Edgar Wingender,
Ralf Zimmer:
The Helmholtz Network for Bioinformatics: an integrative web portal for bioinformatics resources.
Bioinformatics 20(2): 268-270 (2004) |
19 | EE | Martin Henz,
Tobias Müller,
Sven Thiel:
Global constraints for round robin tournament scheduling.
European Journal of Operational Research 153(1): 92-101 (2004) |
18 | EE | Katja Rateitschak,
Tobias Müller,
Martin Vingron:
Annotating significant pairs of transcription factor binding sites in regulatory DNA.
In Silico Biology 4: (2004) |
2003 |
17 | | Tobias Müller,
Sven Rahmann,
Thomas Dandekar,
Matthias Wolf:
Robust estimation of the phylogeny of Chlorophyceae(Chlorophyta)based on profile distances.
German Conference on Bioinformatics 2003: 97-101 |
16 | EE | Christine Steinhoff,
Tobias Müller,
Ulrike A. Nuber,
Martin Vingron:
Gaussian Mixture Density Estimation Applied to Microarray Data.
IDA 2003: 418-429 |
2001 |
15 | | Tobias Müller,
Sven Rahmann,
Marc Rehmsmeier:
Non-symmetric score matrices and the detection of homologous transmembrane proteins.
ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2001: 182-189 |
2000 |
14 | EE | Tobias Müller:
Practical Investigation of Constraints with Graph Views.
CP 2000: 320-336 |
13 | EE | Tobias Müller:
Promoting Constraints to First-Class Status.
Computational Logic 2000: 429-447 |
12 | | Erica Melis,
Jürgen Zimmer,
Tobias Müller:
Extensions of Constraint Solving for Proof Planning.
ECAI 2000: 229-233 |
11 | | Erica Melis,
Jürgen Zimmer,
Tobias Müller:
Integrating Constraint Solving into Proof Planning.
FroCos 2000: 32-46 |
10 | | Tobias Müller,
Martin Vingron:
Modeling Amino Acid Replacement.
Journal of Computational Biology 7(6): 761-776 (2000) |
1999 |
9 | | Tobias Müller,
Rainer Spang,
Martin Vingron:
A new method for modeling protein evolution.
German Conference on Bioinformatics 1999: 2-8 |
8 | | Tobias Müller:
Practical Investigation of Constraints with Graph Views.
ICLP 1999: 615 |
7 | EE | Martin Henz,
Tobias Müller,
Ka Boon Ng:
Figaro: Yet Another Constraint Programming Library.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 30(3): (1999) |
6 | | Tobias Müller,
Jörg Würtz:
Embedding Propagators in a Concurrent Constraint Language.
Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 1999(Special Issue 1): (1999) |
1997 |
5 | | Tobias Müller,
Jörg Würtz:
Connecting Propagators with a Concurrent Constraint Language.
ICLP 1997: 412 |
4 | | Tobias Müller,
Jörg Würtz:
Extending a Concurrent Constraint Language by Propagators.
ILPS 1997: 149-163 |
3 | | Tobias Müller,
Martin Müller:
Finite Set Intervals in Oz.
WLP 1997: 17-19 |
1996 |
2 | | Jörg Würtz,
Tobias Müller:
Constructive Disjunction Revisited.
KI 1996: 377-386 |
1995 |
1 | | Tobias Müller,
Jörg Würtz:
Constructive Disjunction in Oz.
WLP 1995: 113-122 |