
Sven Thiel

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10EENicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Sven Thiel: Sweep synchronization as a global propagation mechanism. Computers & OR 33(10): 2835-2851 (2006)
9EEIrit Katriel, Sven Thiel: Complete Bound Consistency for the Global Cardinality Constraint. Constraints 10(3): 191-217 (2005)
8EENicolas Beldiceanu, Irit Katriel, Sven Thiel: Filtering Algorithms for the Same Constraint. CPAIOR 2004: 65-79
7EENicolas Beldiceanu, Irit Katriel, Sven Thiel: GCC-Like Restrictions on the Same Constraint. CSCLP 2004: 1-11
6EEMartin Henz, Tobias Müller, Sven Thiel: Global constraints for round robin tournament scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research 153(1): 92-101 (2004)
5EEIrit Katriel, Sven Thiel: Fast Bound Consistency for the Global Cardinality Constraint. CP 2003: 437-451
4EEErnst Althaus, Denys Duchier, Alexander Koller, Kurt Mehlhorn, Joachim Niehren, Sven Thiel: An efficient graph algorithm for dominance constraints. J. Algorithms 48(1): 194-219 (2003)
3EENicolas Beldiceanu, Qi Guo, Sven Thiel: Non-overlapping Constraints between Convex Polytopes. CP 2001: 392-407
2EEErnst Althaus, Denys Duchier, Alexander Koller, Kurt Mehlhorn, Joachim Niehren, Sven Thiel: An efficient algorithm for the configuration problem of dominance graphs. SODA 2001: 815-824
1EEKurt Mehlhorn, Sven Thiel: Faster Algorithms for Bound-Consistency of the Sortedness and the Alldifferent Constraint. CP 2000: 306-319

Coauthor Index

1Ernst Althaus [2] [4]
2Nicolas Beldiceanu [3] [7] [8] [10]
3Mats Carlsson [10]
4Denys Duchier [2] [4]
5Qi Guo [3]
6Martin Henz [6]
7Irit Katriel [5] [7] [8] [9]
8Alexander Koller [2] [4]
9Kurt Mehlhorn [1] [2] [4]
10Tobias Müller [6]
11Joachim Niehren [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)