2009 |
71 | | Mohamed Hamdy,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Leader Election Modes of the Service Distribution Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
MMS 2009: 11-242 |
2008 |
70 | EE | Andreas Nauerz,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Martin Welsch:
Recommending Background Information and Related Content in Web 2.0 Portals.
AH 2008: 366-369 |
69 | EE | Andreas Nauerz,
Martin Welsch,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Adaptive Portals: Context Adaptive Navigation through Large Information Spaces.
AH 2008: 370-373 |
68 | EE | Andreas Nauerz,
Fedor Bakalov,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Martin Welsch:
Personalized recommendation of related content based on automatic metadata extraction.
CASCON 2008: 5 |
67 | EE | Dennis Heimann,
Jens Nieschulze,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Die Verwendung von Ontologien für die semantische Integration von Daten und Tools.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2008: 106-110 |
66 | EE | Birgitta König-Ries,
Aigul Gabdulkhakova:
Coordinating Activities in Emergency Situations.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2008: 81-85 |
65 | EE | Ulrich Küster,
Birgitta König-Ries:
On the Empirical Evaluation of Semantic Web Service Approaches: Towards Common SWS Test Collections.
ICSC 2008: 339-346 |
64 | EE | Ulrich Küster,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Andreas Krug:
OPOSSum - An Online Portal to Collect and Share SWS Descriptions.
ICSC 2008: 480-481 |
63 | EE | Friederike Klan,
Mathias Röhl,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Using context information to evaluate cooperativeness.
Q2SWinet 2008: 98-105 |
62 | EE | Ulrich Küster,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Evaluating Semantic Web Service Matchmaking Effectiveness Based on Graded Relevance.
SMRR 2008 |
61 | EE | Friederike Klan,
Birgitta König-Ries:
A Personalized Approach to Experience-Aware Service Ranking and Selection.
SUM 2008: 270-283 |
2007 |
60 | | Birgitta König-Ries,
Franz Lehner,
Rainer Malaka,
Can Türker:
MMS 2007: Mobilität und mobile Informationssysteme, 2nd conference of GI-Fachgruppe MMS, March 6th, 2007, Aachen, Germany
GI 2007 |
59 | EE | Birgitta König-Ries:
Functionality Sharing in Open Environments.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2007: 5 |
58 | | Ulrich Küster,
Andrea Turati,
Maciej Zaremba,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Dario Cerizza,
Emanuele Della Valle,
Marco Brambilla,
Stefano Ceri,
Federico Michele Facca,
Christina Tziviskou:
Service Discovery with SWE-ET and DIANE - A Comparative Evaluation by Means of Solutions to a Common Scenario.
ICEIS (4) 2007: 430-437 |
57 | EE | Ulrich Küster,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Supporting Dynamics in Service Descriptions - The Key to Automatic Service Usage.
ICSOC 2007: 220-232 |
56 | EE | Mohamed Hamdy,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Ulrich Küster:
Non-functional Parameters as First Class Citizens in Service Description and Matchmaking - An Integrated Approach.
ICSOC Workshops 2007: 93-104 |
55 | | Mathias Röhl,
Adelinde M. Uhrmacher,
Birgitta König-Ries:
An Experimental Frame for Evaluating Service Trading Overlays in Mobile ad-hoc Networks.
MMS 2007: 37-48 |
54 | EE | Katharina Hahn,
Joos-Hendrik Böse,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Philipp Obreiter:
Robust and fair trading in volatile environments: overcoming technical problems and uncooperativeness.
MobiDE 2007: 33-40 |
53 | EE | Ulrich Küster,
Holger Lausen,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Evaluation of Semantic Service Discovery - A Survey and Directions for Future Research.
WEWST 2007 |
52 | EE | Ulrich Küster,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Mirco Stern,
Michael Klein:
DIANE: an integrated approach to automated service discovery, matchmaking and composition.
WWW 2007: 1033-1042 |
51 | EE | Ulrich Küster,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Semantic Mediation between Business Partners - A SWS-Challenge Solution Using DIANE Service Descriptions.
Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2007: 139-143 |
50 | EE | Ulrich Küster,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Semantic Service Discovery with DIANE Service Descriptions.
Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2007: 152-156 |
2006 |
49 | | Thomas Kirste,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Key Pousttchi,
Klaus Turowski:
Mobile Informationssysteme - Potentiale, Hindernisse, Einsatz, 1. Fachtagung Mobilität und Mobile Informationssysteme (MMS), 20.-22. Februar 2006, Passau, Germany
GI 2006 |
48 | EE | Ulrich Küster,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Dynamic Binding for BPEL Processes - A Lightweight Approach to Integrate Semantics into Web Services.
ICSOC Workshops 2006: 116-127 |
47 | EE | Mohamed Hamdy,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Service-Orientation in Mobile Computing - An Overview.
MDM 2006: 138 |
46 | EE | Clemens Beckstein,
Peter Dittrich,
Christian Erfurth,
Dietmar Fey,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Martin Mundhenk,
Harald Sack:
SOGOS - A Distributed Meta Level Architecture for the Self-Organizing Grid of Services.
MDM 2006: 82 |
45 | EE | Peter A. Boncz,
Angela Bonifati,
Arantza Illarramendi,
Peter Janacik,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Wolfgang Lehner,
Pedro José Marrón,
Wolfgang May,
Aris M. Ouksel,
Kay Römer,
Brahmananda Sapkota,
Kai-Uwe Sattler,
Heinz Schweppe,
Rita Steinmetz,
Can Türker:
06431 Working Group Report on Managing and Integrating Data in P2P Databases.
Scalable Data Management in Evolving Networks 2006 |
44 | EE | Peter A. Boncz,
Angela Bonifati,
Joos-Hendrik Böse,
Stefan Böttcher,
Panos K. Chrysanthis,
Le Gruenwald,
Arantza Illarramendi,
Peter Janacik,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Wolfgang May,
Anirban Mondal,
Sebastian Obermeier,
Aris M. Ouksel,
George Samaras:
06431 Working Group Summary: P2P, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks - All the Different or All the Same?.
Scalable Data Management in Evolving Networks 2006 |
43 | EE | Philipp Obreiter,
Birgitta König-Ries:
The Interactive Cooperation Tournament.
iTrust 2006: 463-466 |
42 | EE | Birgitta König-Ries,
Michael Klein,
Tobias Breyer:
Activity-Based User Modeling in Wireless Networks.
MONET 11(2): 267-277 (2006) |
2005 |
41 | | Margaret H. Dunham,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Evaggelia Pitoura,
Peter L. Reiher,
Can Türker:
Mobile Information Management, 24.-29. October 2004
IBFI, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2005 |
40 | | Hagen Höpfner,
Can Türker,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme: Konzepte und Techniken
dpunkt 2005 |
39 | EE | Philipp Obreiter,
Birgitta König-Ries:
A New View on Normativeness in Distributed Reputation Systems.
AP2PC 2005: 16-29 |
38 | | Khaldoun Ateyeh,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Didactic as a First-Class Citizen in Courseware Development.
DeLFI 2005: 423-434 |
37 | EE | Michael Klein,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Michael Mussig:
What is needed for semantic service descriptions? A proposal for suitable language constructs.
IJWGS 1(3/4): 328-364 (2005) |
2004 |
36 | EE | Michael Klein,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Coupled Signature and Specification Matching for Automatic Service Binding.
ECOWS 2004: 183-197 |
35 | EE | Philipp Obreiter,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Georgios Papadopoulos:
Engineering Incentive Schemes for Ad Hoc Networks.
EDBT Workshops 2004: 395-404 |
34 | | Stefan Fähnrich,
Philipp Obreiter,
Birgitta König-Ries:
The Buddy System: A Distributed Reputation System Based on Social Structure.
GI Jahrestagung (1) 2004: 293-297 |
33 | | Roland Domagalski,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Möglichkeiten der Anfragebearbeitung in mobilen Ad-hoc-Netzwerken.
Grundlagen und Anwendungen mobiler Informationstechnologie 2004: 41-52 |
32 | EE | Michael Klein,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Combining Query and Preference - An Approach to Fully Automatize Dynamic Service Binding.
ICWS 2004: 788-791 |
31 | EE | Margaret H. Dunham,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Evaggelia Pitoura,
Peter L. Reiher,
Can Türker:
04441 Abstracts Collection - Mobile Information Management.
Mobile Information Management 2004 |
30 | EE | Margaret H. Dunham,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Evaggelia Pitoura,
Peter L. Reiher,
Can Türker:
04441 Executive Summary - Mobile Information Management.
Mobile Information Management 2004 |
29 | EE | Birgitta König-Ries,
Franz Lehner,
Rainer Malaka,
Florian Matthes,
Philipp Obreiter,
Key Pousttchi,
Frank Seliger,
Klaus Turowski,
Jari Veijalainen:
04441 Working Group - Business Models.
Mobile Information Management 2004 |
28 | EE | Susanne Boll,
Martin Breunig,
Nigel Davies,
Christian S. Jensen,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Rainer Malaka,
Florian Matthes,
Christoforos Panayiotou,
Simonas Saltenis,
Thomas Schwarz:
04441 Working Group - Towards a Handbook for User-Centred Mobile Application Design.
Mobile Information Management 2004 |
27 | EE | Tobias Breyer,
Michael Klein,
Philipp Obreiter,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Activity-Based User Modeling in Service-Oriented Ad-Hoc-Networks.
WONS 2004: 43-56 |
2003 |
26 | | Birgitta König-Ries,
Michael Klein,
Philipp Obreiter:
Persistence, Scalability, Transactions - Database Mechanisms for Mobile Applications, Workshop by the GI-Arbeitskreis "Mobile Datenbanken", April, 10-11th, 2003 in Karlsruhe
GI 2003 |
25 | EE | Khaled Nagi,
Iman Elghandour,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Mobile Agents for Locating Documents in Ad Hoc Networks.
AP2PC 2003: 198-204 |
24 | EE | Michael Klein,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Philipp Obreiter:
Service Rings - A Semantic Overlay for Service Discovery in Ad hoc Networks.
DEXA Workshops 2003: 180-185 |
23 | | Birgitta König-Ries,
Michael Klein:
Hunting for Mobile Information - A Report on the Lab Course "Mobile Databases"?
Database Mechanisms for Mobile Applications 2003: 18-29 |
22 | | Khaled Nagi,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Asynchronous Service Discovery in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks.
Database Mechanisms for Mobile Applications 2003: 69-78 |
21 | EE | Michael Klein,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Philipp Obreiter:
Stepwise Refinable Service Descriptions: Adapting DAML-S to Staged Service Trading.
ICSOC 2003: 178-193 |
20 | EE | Michael Klein,
Birgitta König-Ries:
A Process and a Tool for Creating Service Descriptions Based on DAML-S.
TES 2003: 143-154 |
19 | | Philipp Obreiter,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Michael Klein:
Stimulating Cooperative Behavior of Autonomous Devices: An Analysis of Requirements and Existing Approaches.
Wireless Information Systems 2003: 71-82 |
18 | | Khaldoun Ateyeh,
Michael Klein,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Jutta A. Mülle:
A Practical Strategy for the Modularization of Courseware.
Wissensmanagement 2003: 235-239 |
17 | EE | Niki Pissinou,
Kia Makki,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Mobile users in heterogeneous environments with middleware platform.
Computer Communications 26(7): 700-707 (2003) |
16 | | Birgitta König-Ries,
Hagen Höpfner:
Persisten, Skalierbarkeit, Transaktionen - Datenbankmechanismen für mobile Anwendungen: Bericht vom Workshop und Frührjahrstreffen des GI-Arbeitskreises "Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme", 10./11. April 2003, Karlsruhe.
Datenbank-Spektrum 6: 78-79 (2003) |
15 | | Birgitta König-Ries,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Peter Tomczyk:
Datenbankgruppen vorgestellt: Lehrstuhl für Systeme der Informationsverwaltung an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) und Forschungsbereich Datenbanksysteme am Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI).
Datenbank-Spektrum 7: 70-75 (2003) |
2002 |
14 | | Birgitta König-Ries,
Kia Makki,
S. A. M. Makki,
Niki Pissinou,
Peter Scheuermann:
Developing an Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems, NSF Workshop IMWS 2001, Scottsdale, AZ, October 15, 2001, Revised Papers
Springer 2002 |
13 | EE | Michael Klein,
Birgitta König-Ries:
An Ontology-Based Document-Space as an Adaptable User Interface for Mobile Information Systems.
Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme 2002: 10-14 |
12 | EE | Michael Klein,
Birgitta König-Ries:
Multi-layer Clusters in Ad-hoc Networks - An Approach to Service Discovery.
NETWORKING Workshops 2002: 187-201 |
11 | | Birgitta König-Ries,
Michael Klein:
Information Services to Support E-Learning in Ad-hoc Networks.
Wireless Information Systems 2002: 13-24 |
10 | EE | Birgitta König-Ries,
Kia Makki,
S. A. M. Makki,
Charles E. Perkins,
Niki Pissinou,
Peter L. Reiher,
Peter Scheuermann,
Jari Veijalainen,
Ouri Wolfson:
Report on the NSF Workshop on Building an Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems.
SIGMOD Record 31(2): 73-79 (2002) |
2001 |
9 | EE | Luo Li,
Birgitta König-Ries,
Niki Pissinou,
Kia Makki:
Strategies for Semantic Caching.
DEXA 2001: 284-298 |
8 | EE | Birgitta König-Ries,
Kia Makki,
S. A. M. Makki,
Charles E. Perkins,
Niki Pissinou,
Peter L. Reiher,
Peter Scheuermann,
Jari Veijalainen,
Alexander L. Wolf,
Ouri Wolfson:
Research Direction for Developing an Infrastructure for Mobile & Wireless Systems: Consensus Report of the NSF Workshop Held on October 15, 2001 in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems 2001: 1-37 |
2000 |
7 | EE | Birgitta König-Ries:
An Approach to the Semi-Automatic Generation of Mediator Specifications.
EDBT 2000: 101-117 |
6 | EE | Niki Pissinou,
Kia Makki,
Birgitta König-Ries:
A Middleware-based Architecture to Support Transparent Data Access by Mobile Users in Heterogeneous Environments.
RIDE 2000: 63-70 |
1999 |
5 | | Birgitta König-Ries:
Ein Verfahren zur semi-automatischen Generierung von Mediatorspezifikationen.
Infix Verlag, St. Augustin, Germany 1999 |
4 | EE | Holger Wache,
Thorsten Scholz,
Helge Stieghahn,
Birgitta König-Ries:
An Integration Method for the Specification of Rule-Oriented Mediators.
DANTE 1999: 109-112 |
1998 |
3 | EE | Birgitta König-Ries:
Semi-automatische Generierung von Mediator-Spezifikationen.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1998: 67-71 |
1997 |
2 | | Christine Reck,
Birgitta König-Ries:
An Architecture for Transparent Access to Semantically Heterogeneous Information Sources.
CIA 1997: 260-271 |
1 | EE | Birgitta König-Ries,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Research in Databases and Data-Intensive Applications - Computer Science Department and FZI, University of Karlsruhe.
SIGMOD Record 26(3): 67-72 (1997) |