
Klaus Radermacher

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25EEArmin Janß, Wolfgang Lauer, Klaus Radermacher: Cognitive Task Analysis for Prospective Usability Evaluation in Computer-Assisted Surgery. USAB 2007: 349-356
24EEAleksandra Popovic, Martin Engelhardt, Klaus Radermacher: Knowledge-Based Segmentation of Calvarial Tumors in Computed Tomography Images. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006: 151-155
23EEStefanos Serefoglou, Wolfgang Lauer, Axel Perneczky, Theodor Lutze, Klaus Radermacher: Combined Endo- and Exoscopic Semi-robotic Manipulator System for Image Guided Operations. MICCAI (1) 2006: 511-518
22EETing Wu, Martin Engelhardt, Lorenz Fieten, Aleksandra Popovic, Klaus Radermacher: Anatomically Constrained Deformation for Design of Cranial Implant: Methodology and Validation. MICCAI (1) 2006: 9-16
21EEAleksandra Popovic, Ting Wu, Martin Engelhardt, Klaus Radermacher: Modeling of Intensity Priors for Knowledge-Based Level Set Algorithm in Calvarial Tumors Segmentation. MICCAI (2) 2006: 864-871
20 Frank Portheine, E. Schkommodau, Klaus Radermacher: Computerbased preoperative assessment of the manual registration reliability of CT-image based individual templates. CARS 2004: 1320
19 Martin Engelhardt, P. Bast, Wolfgang Lauer, V. Rohde, Kirsten Schmieder, Klaus Radermacher: Manual vs. robotic milling parameters for development of a new robotic system in cranial surgery. CARS 2004: 533-538
18 M. de la Fuente, E. Schkommodau, P. Lutz, M. Neuss, D. C. Wirtz, Klaus Radermacher: 3D reconstruction and navigated removal of femoral bone cement in revision THR based on few fluoroscopic images. CARS 2004: 626-631
17 Ting Wu, Andreas Zimolong, Klaus Radermacher: The usability of CAS systems: an Internet-based survey. CARS 2004: 819-823
16 Klaus Radermacher, Andreas Zimolong, Martin Stockheim, Günther Rau: Analysing reliability of surgical planning and navigation systems. CARS 2004: 824-829
15 Aleksandra Popovic, Martin Engelhardt, Ting Wu, Frank Portheine, Kirsten Schmieder, Klaus Radermacher: CRANIO - computer assisted planning for navigated and robot assisted surgery on the skull. CARS 2003: 1269-1276
14 Ting Wu, Frank Portheine, Aleksandra Popovic, P. Bast, Michael Wehöeller, Klaus Radermacher: An interface for the data exchange between CAS and CAD/CAM systems. CARS 2003: 703-709
13 Ting Wu, G. Müller, E. Schkommodau, Klaus Radermacher, Frank Langlotz, Günther Rau: Design of a web-based medical database for computer-assisted orthopedic surgery. CARS 2001: 331-337
12 Andreas Zimolong, Klaus Radermacher, Bernhard Zimolong, Günther Rau: Clinical usability engineering for computer assisted surgery. HCI 2001: 878-882
11 G. Brandt, Andreas Zimolong, Lionel Carrat, Philippe Merloz, H.-W. Staudte, Stéphane Lavallée, Klaus Radermacher, Günther Rau: CRIGOS: a compact robot for image-guided orthopedic surgery. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 3(4): 252-260 (1999)
10EEFrank Portheine, Klaus Radermacher, Andreas Zimolong, M. Anton, H.-W. Staudte, Günther Rau: Entwicklung eines klinischen Demonstrators für die computerunterstützte Orthopädische Chirurgie mit CT-Bildbasierten Individualschablonen. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1998
9 Cletus von Pichler, Klaus Radermacher, Wieland Boeckmann, Gerhard Jakse, Günther Rau: 3D Visualization for image guided surgery - a case study in video endoscopy. CVRMed 1997: 311-314
8 Klaus Radermacher, Frank Portheine, Andreas Zimolong, Ch. Eichhorn, H.-W. Staudte, Günther Rau: Image-guided orthopedic surgery using individual templated - experimental results and aspects of the development of a demonstrator for pelvis surgery. CVRMed 1997: 606-615
7 S. Erbse, Klaus Radermacher, M. Anton, Günther Rau, Wieland Boeckmann, Gerhard Jakse, H.-W. Staudte: Development of an automatic surgical holding system based on ergonomic analysis. CVRMed 1997: 737-746
6 G. Brandt, Klaus Radermacher, Stéphane Lavallée, H.-W. Staudte, Günther Rau: A compact robot for image-guided orthopedic surgery: concept and preliminary results. CVRMed 1997: 767-776
5 Cletus von Pichler, Klaus Radermacher, Wieland Boeckmann, Günther Rau, Gerhard Jakse: Stereoscopic Visualization in Endoscopic Surgery: Problems, Benefits, and Potentials. Presence 6(2): 198-217 (1997)
4EEFrank Portheine, Andreas Zimolong, Klaus Radermacher, M. Anton, Ch. Eichhorn, H.-W. Staudte, Günther Rau: Präoperative Planung und Planungsumsetzung in der computerunterstützten orthopädischen Chirurgie. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1996
3 Peter C. Lockemann, Guido Moerkotte, Andrea Neufeld, Klaus Radermacher, Norbert Runge: Database Design with User-Definable Modelling Concepts. Data Knowl. Eng. 10: 229-257 (1993)
2 Klaus Radermacher: An Extensible Graphical Programming Environment for Semantic Modelling. IDS 1992: 353-373
1 Peter C. Lockemann, Guido Moerkotte, Andrea Neufeld, Klaus Radermacher, Norbert Runge: Danbankentwurf mit frei definierbaren Modellierungskonzepten. Objektbanken für Experten 1992: 155-178

Coauthor Index

1M. Anton [4] [7] [10]
2P. Bast [14] [19]
3Wieland Boeckmann [5] [7] [9]
4G. Brandt [6] [11]
5Lionel Carrat [11]
6Ch. Eichhorn [4] [8]
7Martin Engelhardt [15] [19] [21] [22] [24]
8S. Erbse [7]
9Lorenz Fieten [22]
10M. de la Fuente [18]
11Gerhard Jakse [5] [7] [9]
12Armin Janß [25]
13Frank Langlotz [13]
14Wolfgang Lauer [19] [23] [25]
15Stéphane Lavallée [6] [11]
16Peter C. Lockemann [1] [3]
17P. Lutz [18]
18Theodor Lutze [23]
19Philippe Merloz [11]
20Guido Moerkotte [1] [3]
21G. Müller [13]
22Andrea Neufeld [1] [3]
23M. Neuss [18]
24Axel Perneczky [23]
25Cletus von Pichler [5] [9]
26Aleksandra Popovic [14] [15] [21] [22] [24]
27Frank Portheine [4] [8] [10] [14] [15] [20]
28Günther Rau [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [16]
29V. Rohde [19]
30Norbert Runge [1] [3]
31E. Schkommodau [13] [18] [20]
32Kirsten Schmieder [15] [19]
33Stefanos Serefoglou [23]
34H.-W. Staudte [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
35Martin Stockheim [16]
36Michael Wehöeller [14]
37D. C. Wirtz [18]
38Ting Wu [13] [14] [15] [17] [21] [22]
39Andreas Zimolong [4] [8] [10] [11] [12] [16] [17]
40Bernhard Zimolong [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)