
Shibin Qiu

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10EEShibin Qiu, Terran Lane: Multiple Kernel Support Vector Regression for siRNA Efficacy Prediction. ISBRA 2008: 367-378
9 Shibin Qiu, Terran Lane, Ljubomir J. Buturovic: A Randomized String Kernel and Its Application to RNA Interference. AAAI 2007: 627-632
8EEShibin Qiu, Terran Lane: The RNA String Kernel for siRNA Efficacy Prediction. BIBE 2007: 307-314
7EEShibin Qiu, Terran Lane, Cundong Yang: Efficient search algorithms for RNAi target detection. The Journal of Supercomputing 42(3): 303-319 (2007)
6EEShibin Qiu, Cundong Yang, Terran Lane: Efficient Target Detection for RNA Interference. GPC 2006: 22-31
5EEShibin Qiu, Terran Lane: Phase Transitions in Gene Knockdown Networks of Transitive RNAi. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2006: 895-903
4EEShibin Qiu, Terran Lane: RNA string kernels for RNAi off-target evaluation. IJBRA 2(2): 132-146 (2006)
3EEShibin Qiu, Terran Lane: String Kernels of Imperfect Matches for Off-target Detection in RNA Interference. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 894-902
2 Shibin Qiu, Terran Lane: Parallel Computation of RBF Kernels for Support Vector Classifiers. SDM 2005
1 Shibin Qiu, Shu Li: Efficient Search of Multimedia Metadata on XML Database Systems using Information Retrieval Approach. Applied Informatics 2003: 1239-1244

Coauthor Index

1Ljubomir J. Buturovic [9]
2Terran Lane [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
3Shu Li [1]
4Cundong Yang [6] [7]

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