
Xuejia Lai

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22 Joonsang Baek, Feng Bao, Kefei Chen, Xuejia Lai: Provable Security, Second International Conference, ProvSec 2008, Shanghai, China, October 30 - November 1, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
21EEZheng Gong, Xuejia Lai, Kefei Chen: A synthetic indifferentiability analysis of some block-cipher-based hash functions. Des. Codes Cryptography 48(3): 293-305 (2008)
20 Liqun Chen, Willy Susilo, Huaxiong Wang, Duncan S. Wong, Ed Dawson, Xuejia Lai, Masahiro Mambo, Atsuko Miyaji, Yi Mu, David Pointcheval, Bart Preneel, Nigel P. Smart: Cryptography in Computer System Security. J. UCS 14(3): 314-317 (2008)
19EEXizhe Zhang, Yong Xie, Xuejia Lai, Shensheng Zhang, Zijian Deng: A Multi-core Security Architecture Based on EFI. OTM Conferences (2) 2007: 1675-1687
18EEMingXin Lu, Xuejia Lai, Guozhen Xiao, Lei Qin: Symmetric-key cryptosystem with DNA technology. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 50(3): 324-333 (2007)
17 Kefei Chen, Robert H. Deng, Xuejia Lai, Jianying Zhou: Information Security Practice and Experience, Second International Conference, ISPEC 2006, Hangzhou, China, April 11-14, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
16 Xuejia Lai, Kefei Chen: Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2006, 12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Shanghai, China, December 3-7, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
15EEXiaoyun Wang, Xuejia Lai, Dengguo Feng, Hui Chen, Xiuyuan Yu: Cryptanalysis of the Hash Functions MD4 and RIPEMD. EUROCRYPT 2005: 1-18
14 Xuejia Lai: Public Key Infrastructure: Managing the e-Business Security. SEC 2000: 505-505
13EELars R. Knudsen, Xuejia Lai, Bart Preneel: Attacks on Fast Double Block Length Hash Functions. J. Cryptology 11(1): 59-72 (1998)
12 Xuejia Lai, Rainer A. Rueppel: Attacks on the HKM/HFX Cryptosystem. FSE 1996: 1-14
11EELars R. Knudsen, Xuejia Lai: New Attacks on all Double Block Length Hash Functions of Hash Rate 1, including the Parallel-DM. EUROCRYPT 1994: 410-418
10 Xuejia Lai: Additive and Linear Structures of Cryptographic Functions. FSE 1994: 75-85
9 Alexander Herrigel, Xuejia Lai: Secure IN internetworking. SMARTNET 1994: 149-158
8EEWalter Hohl, Xuejia Lai, Thomas Meier, Christian Waldvogel: Security of Iterated Hash Functions Based on Block Ciphers. CRYPTO 1993: 379-390
7 Xuejia Lai, Lars R. Knudsen: Attacks on Double Block Length Hash Functions. FSE 1993: 157-165
6 Xuejia Lai, Rainer A. Rueppel, Jack Woollven: A Fast Cryptographic Checksum Algorithm Based on Stream Ciphers. AUSCRYPT 1992: 339-348
5EEXuejia Lai, James L. Massey: Hash Function Based on Block Ciphers. EUROCRYPT 1992: 55-70
4EEXuejia Lai, James L. Massey: Markov Ciphers and Differentail Cryptanalysis. EUROCRYPT 1991: 17-38
3 H. Bonnenberg, Andreas Curiger, Norbert Felber, Hubert Kaeslin, Xuejia Lai: VLSI Implementation of a New Block Cipher. ICCD 1991: 510-513
2EEXuejia Lai, James L. Massey: A Proposal for a New Block Encryption Standard. EUROCRYPT 1990: 389-404
1 Xuejia Lai: Condition for the nonsingularity of a feedback shift-register over a general finite field. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 33(5): 747- (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Joonsang Baek [22]
2Feng Bao [22]
3H. Bonnenberg [3]
4Hui Chen [15]
5Kefei Chen [16] [17] [21] [22]
6Liqun Chen [20]
7Andreas Curiger [3]
8Ed Dawson [20]
9Robert H. Deng (Robert Huijie Deng) [17]
10Zijian Deng [19]
11Norbert Felber [3]
12Dengguo Feng [15]
13Zheng Gong [21]
14Alexander Herrigel [9]
15Walter Hohl [8]
16Hubert Kaeslin [3]
17Lars R. Knudsen [7] [11] [13]
18MingXin Lu [18]
19Masahiro Mambo [20]
20James L. Massey [2] [4] [5]
21Thomas Meier [8]
22Atsuko Miyaji [20]
23Yi Mu [20]
24David Pointcheval [20]
25Bart Preneel [13] [20]
26Lei Qin [18]
27Rainer A. Rueppel [6] [12]
28Nigel P. Smart [20]
29Willy Susilo [20]
30Christian Waldvogel [8]
31Huaxiong Wang [20]
32Xiaoyun Wang [15]
33Duncan S. Wong [20]
34Jack Woollven [6]
35Guozhen Xiao [18]
36Yong Xie [19]
37Xiuyuan Yu [15]
38Shensheng Zhang (Shen-sheng Zhang) [19]
39Xizhe Zhang [19]
40Jianying Zhou [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)