2009 |
149 | EE | Feng Bao,
Hui Li,
Guilin Wang:
Information Security Practice and Experience, 5th International Conference, ISPEC 2009, Xi'an, China, April 13-15, 2009, Proceedings
Springer 2009 |
2008 |
148 | | Joonsang Baek,
Feng Bao,
Kefei Chen,
Xuejia Lai:
Provable Security, Second International Conference, ProvSec 2008, Shanghai, China, October 30 - November 1, 2008. Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
147 | EE | Joonsang Baek,
Jianying Zhou,
Feng Bao:
Generic Constructions of Stateful Public Key Encryption and Their Applications.
ACNS 2008: 75-93 |
146 | EE | Chunhua Su,
Feng Bao,
Jianying Zhou,
Tsuyoshi Takagi,
Kouichi Sakurai:
A New Scheme for Distributed Density Estimation based Privacy-Preserving Clustering.
ARES 2008: 112-119 |
145 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Robust and Reliable Broadcast Protocols in the Stand-Alone and Simulation-Based Frameworks.
ICC 2008: 1635-1641 |
144 | EE | Kun Peng,
Feng Bao:
Efficient Vote Validity Check in Homomorphic Electronic Voting.
ICISC 2008: 202-217 |
143 | EE | Yongdong Wu,
Qiming Li,
Feng Bao:
Optimizing the capacity of distortion-freewatermarking on palette images.
ICME 2008: 205-208 |
142 | EE | Yanjiang Yang,
Xuhua Ding,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
An Efficient PIR Construction Using Trusted Hardware.
ISC 2008: 64-79 |
141 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Xuhua Ding,
Yanjiang Yang:
Private Query on Encrypted Data in Multi-user Settings.
ISPEC 2008: 71-85 |
140 | EE | Kun Peng,
Feng Bao:
Batch ZK Proof and Verification of OR Logic.
Inscrypt 2008: 141-156 |
139 | EE | Kun Peng,
Feng Bao:
Correction, Optimisation and Secure and Efficient Application of PBD Shuffling.
Inscrypt 2008: 425-437 |
138 | EE | Yongdong Wu,
Haixia Yao,
Feng Bao:
Minimizing SSO Effort in Verifying SSL Anti-phishing Indicators.
SEC 2008: 47-61 |
2007 |
137 | | Feng Bao,
Steven Miller:
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, ASIACCS 2007, Singapore, March 20-22, 2007
ACM 2007 |
136 | | Feng Bao,
San Ling,
Tatsuaki Okamoto,
Huaxiong Wang,
Chaoping Xing:
Cryptology and Network Security, 6th International Conference, CANS 2007, Singapore, December 8-10, 2007, Proceedings
Springer 2007 |
135 | EE | Yongdong Wu,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Forgery Attack to an Asymptotically Optimal Traitor Tracing Scheme.
ACISP 2007: 171-183 |
134 | EE | Chunhua Su,
Feng Bao,
Jianying Zhou,
Tsuyoshi Takagi,
Kouichi Sakurai:
Privacy-Preserving Two-Party K-Means Clustering via Secure Approximation.
AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 385-391 |
133 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Light-Weight Encryption Schemes for Multimedia Data and High-Speed Networks.
GLOBECOM 2007: 188-192 |
132 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao:
Oblivious Keyword Search Protocols in the Public Database Model.
ICC 2007: 1336-1341 |
131 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao:
Light-Weight Fair-Dealing Infrastructures (FADIS) for M-Commerce.
ICC 2007: 1503-1508 |
130 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao,
A. Lakshminarayanan:
Price Negotiation Systems for M-commerce.
ICC 2007: 1521-1526 |
129 | EE | Zhiguo Wan,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao,
Bart Preneel:
n PAKE + : A Hierarchical Group Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol Using Different Passwords.
ICICS 2007: 31-43 |
128 | EE | Ying Qiu,
Feng Bao,
Jianying Zhou:
Firewall for Dynamic IP Address in Mobile IPv6.
ICICS 2007: 467-479 |
127 | EE | Yongdong Wu,
Bo Qiu,
Feng Bao:
Evaluating Ouda's Tamper-Localization Watermarking Scheme.
ICME 2007: 843-846 |
126 | EE | Yanjiang Yang,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
Privacy-Preserving Credentials Upon Trusted Computing Augmented Servers.
ISPEC 2007: 177-192 |
125 | EE | Chunhua Su,
Jianying Zhou,
Feng Bao,
Tsuyoshi Takagi,
Kouichi Sakurai:
Two-Party Privacy-Preserving Agglomerative Document Clustering.
ISPEC 2007: 193-208 |
124 | EE | Yongdong Wu,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Marc Mouffron,
Frederic Rousseau:
Enhanced Security by OS-Oriented Encapsulation in TPM-Enabled DRM.
Inscrypt 2007: 472-481 |
123 | EE | Guilin Wang,
Joonsang Baek,
Duncan S. Wong,
Feng Bao:
On the Generic and Efficient Constructions of Secure Designated Confirmer Signatures.
Public Key Cryptography 2007: 43-60 |
122 | EE | Guilin Wang,
Feng Bao:
Security Remarks on a Convertible Nominative Signature Scheme.
SEC 2007: 265-275 |
121 | EE | Zhiguo Wan,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao,
Akkihebbal L. Ananda:
Access control protocols with two-layer architecture for wireless networks.
Computer Networks 51(3): 655-670 (2007) |
2006 |
120 | | Jianying Zhou,
Moti Yung,
Feng Bao:
Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 4th International Conference, ACNS 2006, Singapore, June 6-9, 2006, Proceedings
ACNS 2006 |
119 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao:
More on Stand-Alone and Setup-Free Verifiably Committed Signatures.
ACISP 2006: 148-158 |
118 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao:
Oblivious Scalar-Product Protocols.
ACISP 2006: 313-323 |
117 | EE | Yanjiang Yang,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
Fortifying password authentication in integrated healthcare delivery systems.
ASIACCS 2006: 255-265 |
116 | EE | Yanjiang Yang,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
Practical private data matching deterrent to spoofing attacks.
CIKM 2006: 852-853 |
115 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao:
Stand-Alone and Setup-Free Verifiably Committed Signatures.
CT-RSA 2006: 159-173 |
114 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao,
Jianwei Liu:
Computing of Trust in Ad-Hoc Networks.
Communications and Multimedia Security 2006: 1-11 |
113 | EE | Shuhong Wang,
Xuhua Ding,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
Private Information Retrieval Using Trusted Hardware.
ESORICS 2006: 49-64 |
112 | EE | Guilin Wang,
Feng Bao:
Cryptanalysis of Timestamp-Based Password Authentication Schemes Using Smart Cards.
ICICS 2006: 399-409 |
111 | EE | Guilin Wang,
Feng Bao,
Jianying Zhou:
The Fairness of Perfect Concurrent Signatures.
ICICS 2006: 435-451 |
110 | EE | Fang Qi,
Feng Bao,
Tieyan Li,
Weijia Jia,
Yongdong Wu:
Preventing Web-Spoofing with Automatic Detecting Security Indicator.
ISPEC 2006: 112-122 |
109 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao,
Tieyan Li,
Ying Qiu:
More on Shared-Scalar-Product Protocols.
ISPEC 2006: 142-152 |
108 | EE | Yongdong Wu,
Feng Bao:
Batch Decryption of Encrypted Short Messages and Its Application on Concurrent SSL Handshakes.
Inscrypt 2006: 264-278 |
107 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Tieyan Li,
Feng Bao:
Privacy-Preserving Shared-Additive-Inverse Protocols and Their Applications.
SEC 2006: 340-350 |
106 | EE | Ying Qiu,
Jianying Zhou,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Using Certificate-based Binding Update Protocol to Hide the Movement of Mobile Nodes in MIPv6.
VTC Spring 2006: 828-830 |
105 | EE | Feng Bao,
Cheng-Chi Lee,
Min-Shiang Hwang:
Cryptanalysis and improvement on batch verifying multiple RSA digital signatures.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 172(2): 1195-1200 (2006) |
104 | EE | Kui Ren,
Wenjing Lou,
Kai Zeng,
Feng Bao,
Jianying Zhou,
Robert H. Deng:
Routing optimization security in mobile IPv6.
Computer Networks 50(13): 2401-2419 (2006) |
103 | EE | Shen-Tat Goh,
HweeHwa Pang,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
Three architectures for trusted data dissemination in edge computing.
Data Knowl. Eng. 58(3): 381-409 (2006) |
102 | EE | Yanjiang Yang,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
A Practical Password-Based Two-Server Authentication and Key Exchange System.
IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 3(2): 105-114 (2006) |
101 | EE | Zhiguo Wan,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Akkihebbal L. Ananda:
Security analysis on a conference scheme for mobile communications.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(6): 1238-1240 (2006) |
100 | EE | Feng Bao:
Analysis of a secure conference scheme for mobile communication.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(8): 1984-1986 (2006) |
99 | EE | Shuhong Wang,
Feng Bao,
Jie Wang:
A More Efficient Improvement of the Virtual Software Token Protocols.
IEICE Transactions 89-B(3): 945-948 (2006) |
98 | EE | Jianying Zhou,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Minimizing TTP's involvement in signature validation.
Int. J. Inf. Sec. 5(1): 37-47 (2006) |
2005 |
97 | | Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao,
HweeHwa Pang,
Jianying Zhou:
Information Security Practice and Experience, First International Conference, ISPEC 2005, Singapore, April 11-14, 2005, Proceedings
Springer 2005 |
96 | | Jianying Zhou,
Javier Lopez,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
Information Security, 8th International Conference, ISC 2005, Singapore, September 20-23, 2005, Proceedings
Springer 2005 |
95 | EE | Yanjiang Yang,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Security Analysis and Fix of an Anonymous Credential System.
ACISP 2005: 537-547 |
94 | EE | Bin Zhang,
Hongjun Wu,
Dengguo Feng,
Feng Bao:
A Fast Correlation Attack on the Shrinking Generator.
CT-RSA 2005: 72-86 |
93 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao,
Tieyan Li:
Compact Stimulation Mechanism for Routing Discovery Protocols in Civilian Ad-Hoc Networks.
Communications and Multimedia Security 2005: 200-209 |
92 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao:
Augmented Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation Protocol and Its Applications.
ESORICS 2005: 222-230 |
91 | EE | Helger Lipmaa,
Guilin Wang,
Feng Bao:
Designated Verifier Signature Schemes: Attacks, New Security Notions and a New Construction.
ICALP 2005: 459-471 |
90 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Sequential Aggregate Signatures Working over Independent Homomorphic Trapdoor One-Way Permutation Domains.
ICICS 2005: 207-219 |
89 | EE | Guilin Wang,
Feng Bao,
Kenji Imamoto,
Kouichi Sakurai:
Generic, Optimistic, and Efficient Schemes for Fair Certified Email Delivery.
ICICS 2005: 40-52 |
88 | EE | Fang Qi,
Weijia Jia,
Feng Bao,
Yongdong Wu:
Batching SSL/TLS Handshake Improved.
ICICS 2005: 402-413 |
87 | EE | Shuhong Wang,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Cryptanalysis of a Forward Secure Blind Signature Scheme with Provable Security.
ICICS 2005: 53-60 |
86 | EE | Bo Zhu,
Guilin Wang,
Zhiguo Wan,
Mohan S. Kankanhalli,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Providing efficient certification services against active attacks in ad hoc networks.
IPCCC 2005: 285-292 |
85 | EE | Zhiguo Wan,
Akkihebbal L. Ananda,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
Anonymous DoS-Resistant Access Control Protocol Using Passwords for Wireless Networks.
LCN 2005: 328-335 |
84 | | Yongdong Wu,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Secure Person-To-Person Communications Based on Biometrics Signals.
SEC 2005: 205-222 |
83 | | Yanjiang Yang,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
A New Architecture for User Authentication and Key Exchange Using Password for Federated Enterprises.
SEC 2005: 95-112 |
82 | EE | Huafei Zhu,
Feng Bao:
A Novel Construction of Two-Party Private Bidding Protocols from Yao's Millionaires Problem.
TrustBus 2005: 266-273 |
81 | EE | Guilin Wang,
Feng Bao,
Changshe Ma,
Kefei Chen:
Efficient Authenticated Encryption Schemes with Public Verifiability
CoRR abs/cs/0504019: (2005) |
80 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Protocols that hide user's preferences in electronic transactions.
Computer Networks 48(4): 503-515 (2005) |
79 | EE | Bo Zhu,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Mohan S. Kankanhalli,
Guilin Wang:
Efficient and robust key management for large mobile ad hoc networks.
Computer Networks 48(4): 657-682 (2005) |
78 | EE | Gui Liang Feng,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao,
Jia-Chen Shen:
New Efficient MDS Array Codes for RAID Part II: Rabin-Like Codes for Tolerating Multiple (greater than or equal to 4) Disk Failures.
IEEE Trans. Computers 54(12): 1473-1483 (2005) |
77 | EE | Gui Liang Feng,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao,
Jia-Chen Shen:
New Efficient MDS Array Codes for RAID Part I: Reed-Solomon-Like Codes for Tolerating Three Disk Failures.
IEEE Trans. Computers 54(9): 1071-1080 (2005) |
76 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Beng Chin Ooi,
Yanjiang Yang:
Tailored reversible watermarking schemes for authentication of electronic clinical atlas.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 9(4): 554-563 (2005) |
75 | EE | Shuhong Wang,
Feng Bao,
Jie Wang:
Security Analysis on an Improvement of RSA-Based Password Authenticated Key Exchange.
IEICE Transactions 88-B(4): 1641-1646 (2005) |
2004 |
74 | | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Jianying Zhou:
Public Key Cryptography - PKC 2004, 7th International Workshop on Theory and Practice in Public Key Cryptography, Singapore, March 1-4, 2004
Springer 2004 |
73 | EE | Feng Bao:
Analysis of a Conference Scheme Under Active and Passive Attacks.
ACISP 2004: 157-163 |
72 | EE | Feng Bao,
Guilin Wang,
Jianying Zhou,
Huafei Zhu:
Analysis and Improvement of Micali's Fair Contract Signing Protocol.
ACISP 2004: 176-187 |
71 | EE | Yongdong Wu,
Feng Bao:
Collusion attack on a multi-key secure video proxy scheme.
ACM Multimedia 2004: 380-383 |
70 | EE | Bin Zhang,
Hongjun Wu,
Dengguo Feng,
Feng Bao:
Cryptanalysis of a Knapsack Based Two-Lock Cryptosystem.
ACNS 2004: 303-309 |
69 | EE | Bok-Min Goi,
Raphael Chung-Wei Phan,
Yanjiang Yang,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
M. U. Siddiqi:
Cryptanalysis of Two Anonymous Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocols and an Improvement for True Anonymity.
ACNS 2004: 369-382 |
68 | EE | Feng Bao:
Colluding Attacks to a Payment Protocol and Two Signature Exchange Schemes.
ASIACRYPT 2004: 417-429 |
67 | EE | Bo Zhu,
Tieyan Li,
Huafei Zhu,
Mohan S. Kankanhalli,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Trust Establishment in Large Scale Grid Settings.
GCC 2004: 317-324 |
66 | EE | Bin Zhang,
Hongjun Wu,
Dengguo Feng,
Feng Bao:
Security Analysis of the Generalized Self-shrinking Generator.
ICICS 2004: 388-400 |
65 | EE | Kisik Chang,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao,
Sangjin Lee,
HyungJun Kim,
Jongin Lim:
On Security Notions for Steganalysis.
ICISC 2004: 440-454 |
64 | EE | Guilin Wang,
Feng Bao,
Jianying Zhou:
On the Security of a Certified E-Mail Scheme.
INDOCRYPT 2004: 48-60 |
63 | EE | Bin Zhang,
Hongjun Wu,
Dengguo Feng,
Feng Bao:
Chosen Ciphertext Attack on a New Class of Self-Synchronizing Stream Ciphers.
INDOCRYPT 2004: 73-83 |
62 | EE | Kisik Chang,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao,
Sangjin Lee,
HyungJun Kim:
On Security Notions of Steganographic Systems.
IWDW 2004: 137-151 |
61 | EE | Bo Zhu,
Zhiguo Wan,
Mohan S. Kankanhalli,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Anonymous Secure Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks.
LCN 2004: 102-108 |
60 | EE | Kui Ren,
Tieyan Li,
Zhiguo Wan,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Kwangjo Kim:
Highly reliable trust establishment scheme in ad hoc networks.
Computer Networks 45(6): 687-699 (2004) |
59 | EE | Yanjiang Yang,
Shuhong Wang,
Feng Bao,
Jie Wang,
Robert H. Deng:
New efficient user identification and key distribution scheme providing enhanced security.
Computers & Security 23(8): 697-704 (2004) |
58 | EE | Feng Bao:
Cryptanalysis of a Partially Known Cellular Automata Cryptosystem.
IEEE Trans. Computers 53(11): 1493-1497 (2004) |
57 | EE | Guilin Wang,
Feng Bao,
Jianying Zhou,
Robert H. Deng:
Comments on "A Practical (t, n) Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme Based on the RSA Cryptosystem".
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(10): 1309-1311 (2004) |
56 | | Yanjiang Yang,
Xiaoxi Han,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
A smart-card-enabled privacy preserving E-prescription system.
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 8(1): 47-58 (2004) |
2003 |
55 | EE | Feng Bao:
Cryptanalysis of a New Cellular Automata Cryptosystem.
ACISP 2003: 416-427 |
54 | EE | Gang Yao,
Kui Ren,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Dengguo Feng:
Making the Key Agreement Protocol in Mobile ad hoc Network More Efficient.
ACNS 2003: 343-356 |
53 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Huafei Zhu:
Variations of Diffie-Hellman Problem.
ICICS 2003: 301-312 |
52 | EE | Guilin Wang,
Feng Bao,
Jianying Zhou,
Robert H. Deng:
Security Remarks on a Group Signature Scheme with Member Deletion.
ICICS 2003: 72-83 |
51 | EE | Hongjun Wu,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
An Efficient Known Plaintext Attack on FEA-M.
ICICS 2003: 84-87 |
50 | EE | Jianying Zhou,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
An Efficient Public-Key Framework.
ICICS 2003: 88-99 |
49 | EE | Guilin Wang,
Feng Bao,
Jianying Zhou,
Robert H. Deng:
Security Analysis of Some Proxy Signatures.
ICISC 2003: 305-319 |
48 | EE | Feng Bao:
Security Analysis of a Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol.
ISC 2003: 208-217 |
47 | EE | Jianying Zhou,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Validating Digital Signatures without TTP's Time-Stamping and Certificate Revocation.
ISC 2003: 96-110 |
46 | EE | Yanjiang Yang,
Zhenlan Wang,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Secure the image-based simulated telesurgery system.
ISCAS (2) 2003: 596-599 |
45 | | Yanjiang Yang,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Flexible authentication of images.
VCIP 2003: 1905-1911 |
2002 |
44 | | Robert H. Deng,
Sihan Qing,
Feng Bao,
Jianying Zhou:
Information and Communications Security, 4th International Conference, ICICS 2002, Singapore, December 9-12, 2002, Proceedings
Springer 2002 |
43 | EE | Hongjun Wu,
Feng Bao:
Cryptanalysis of Stream Cipher COS(2, 128) Mode I.
ACISP 2002: 154-158 |
42 | EE | Yanjiang Yang,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Security Analysis and Improvement of the Global Key Recovery System.
ACISP 2002: 17-24 |
41 | EE | Robert H. Deng,
Jianying Zhou,
Feng Bao:
Defending against redirect attacks in mobile IP.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2002: 59-67 |
40 | EE | Yongdong Wu,
Changsheng Xu,
Feng Bao:
Counterfeiting Attack on a Lossless Authentication Watermarking Scheme.
VIP 2002: 109-112 |
39 | | Hongjun Wu,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Cryptanalysis of Some Hash Functions Based on Block Ciphers and Codes.
Informatica (Slovenia) 26(3): (2002) |
2001 |
38 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Peirong Feng,
Yan Guo,
Hongjun Wu:
Secure and Private Distribution of Online Video and Some Related Cryptographic Issues.
ACISP 2001: 190-205 |
37 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Privacy Protection for Transactions of Digital Goods.
ICICS 2001: 202-213 |
36 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Willi Geiselmann,
Claus-Peter Schnorr,
Rainer Steinwandt,
Hongjun Wu:
Cryptoanalysis of Two Sparse Polynomial Based Public Key Cryptosystems.
Public Key Cryptography 2001: 153-164 |
35 | EE | Hongjun Wu,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
Cryptanalysis of a Digital Signature Scheme on ID-Based Key-Sharing Infrastructures.
Public Key Cryptography 2001: 173-179 |
2000 |
34 | | Hongjun Wu,
Feng Bao,
Dingfeng Ye,
Robert H. Deng:
Cryptanalysis of Polynominal Authentication and Signature Scheme.
ACISP 2000: 278-288 |
33 | | Hongjun Wu,
Feng Bao,
Dingfeng Ye,
Robert H. Deng:
Cryptanalysis of the m-Permutation Protection Schemes.
ACISP 2000: 97-111 |
32 | EE | Feng Bao:
Multimedia content protection by cryptography and watermarking in tamper-resistant hardware.
ACM Multimedia Workshops 2000: 139-142 |
31 | EE | Feng Bao:
Introducing Decryption Authority into PKI.
ACSAC 2000: 288- |
30 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Peirong Feng:
An Efficient and Practical Scheme for Privacy Protection in the E-Commerce of Digital Goods.
ICISC 2000: 162-170 |
29 | | Jianying Zhou,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
Some Remarks on a Fair Exchange Protocol.
Public Key Cryptography 2000: 46-57 |
28 | | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Jianying Zhou:
Electronic Payment Systems with Fair On-line Verification.
SEC 2000: 451-460 |
27 | EE | Xinkai Wang,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
Multicast Internet protocol.
Computer Communications 23(11): 1047-1054 (2000) |
1999 |
26 | EE | Jianying Zhou,
Robert H. Deng,
Feng Bao:
Evolution of Fair Non-repudiation with TTP.
ACISP 1999: 258-269 |
25 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Khanh Quoc Nguyen,
Vijay Varadharajan:
Multi-Party Fair Exchange with an Off-Line Trusted Neutral Party.
DEXA Workshop 1999: 858-863 |
24 | | Khanh Quoc Nguyen,
Feng Bao,
Yi Mu,
Vijay Varadharajan:
Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Possession of Digital Signatures and Its Applications.
ICICS 1999: 103-118 |
23 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
A New type of ``Magic Ink'' Signatures - Towards Transcript-Irrelevant Anonymity Revocation.
Public Key Cryptography 1999: 1-11 |
1998 |
22 | EE | Hongjun Wu,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Qin-Zhong Ye:
Cryptanalysis of Rijmen-Preneel Trapdoor Ciphers.
ASIACRYPT 1998: 126-132 |
21 | EE | Hongjun Wu,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Qin-Zhong Ye:
Improved Truncated Differential Attacks on SAFER.
ASIACRYPT 1998: 133-147 |
20 | | Feng Bao:
An Efficient Verifiable Encryption Scheme for Encryption of Discrete Logarithms.
CARDIS 1998: 213-220 |
19 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Wenbo Mao:
Efficient and Practical Fair Exchange Protocols with Off-Line TTP.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1998: 77-85 |
18 | EE | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
A Signcryption Scheme with Signature Directly Verifiable by Public Key.
Public Key Cryptography 1998: 55-59 |
17 | EE | Robert H. Deng,
Jian Hu,
Feng Bao,
A. Desai Narasimhalu:
A Ubiquitous Secure and Reliable Digital Data Depository System.
WETICE 1998: 354-358 |
16 | EE | Feng Bao,
Yoshihide Igarashi,
Sabine R. Öhring:
Reliable broadcasting in product networks.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 83(1-3): 3-20 (1998) |
1997 |
15 | | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Yongfei Han,
Albert B. Jeng:
Design and Analyses of Two Basic Protocols for Use in TTP-Based Key Escrow.
ACISP 1997: 261-270 |
14 | | Marc Joye,
Jean-Jacques Quisquater,
Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng:
RSA-type Signatures in the Presence of Transient Faults.
IMA Int. Conf. 1997: 155-160 |
13 | EE | Feng Bao,
Yutaka Funyu,
Yukihiro Hamada,
Yoshihide Igarashi:
Reliable broadcasting and secure distributing in channel networks.
ISPAN 1997: 472-478 |
12 | | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Xiang Gao,
Yoshihide Igarashi:
Modified Finite Automata Public Key Cryptosystem.
ISW 1997: 82-95 |
11 | | Feng Bao,
Robert H. Deng,
Yongfei Han,
Albert B. Jeng,
A. Desai Narasimhalu,
Teow-Hin Ngair:
Breaking Public Key Cryptosystems on Tamper Resistant Devices in the Presence of Transient Faults.
Security Protocols Workshop 1997: 115-124 |
10 | EE | Feng Bao,
Aohan Mei,
Yoshihide Igarashi:
Average Competitive Ratios of On-Line Spanning Trees.
Inf. Process. Lett. 62(4): 213-216 (1997) |
1996 |
9 | | Yukihiro Hamada,
Aohan Mei,
Feng Bao,
Yoshihide Igarashi:
Broadcasting in Star Graphs with Byzantine Failures.
ASIAN 1996: 162-171 |
8 | | Tatsuya Akutsu,
Feng Bao:
Approximating Minimum Keys and Optimal Substructure Screens.
COCOON 1996: 290-299 |
7 | | Feng Bao,
Yoshihide Igarashi:
Reliable Broadcasting in Product Networks with Byzantine Faults.
FTCS 1996: 262-271 |
6 | | Yukihiro Hamada,
Feng Bao,
Aohan Mei,
Yoshihide Igarashi:
Fault-tolerant File Transmission by Information Dispersal Algorithm in Rotator Graphs.
ICDCS 1996: 19-25 |
5 | | Aohan Mei,
Feng Bao,
Yukihiro Hamada,
Yoshihide Igarashi:
Optimal Time Broadcasting in Faulty Star Networks.
WDAG 1996: 175-190 |
4 | | Koji Obokata,
Yukihiro Iwasaki,
Feng Bao,
Yoshihide Igarashi:
Independent Spanning Trees of Product Graphs.
WG 1996: 338-351 |
1995 |
3 | | Feng Bao,
Yoshihide Igarashi:
Break Finite Automata Public Key Cryptosystem.
ICALP 1995: 147-158 |
2 | | Feng Bao,
Yoshihide Igarashi,
Keiko Katano:
Broadcasting in Hypercubes with Randomly Distributed Byzantine Faults.
WDAG 1995: 215-229 |
1994 |
1 | | Feng Bao,
Yoshihide Igarashi:
A Randomized Algorithm to Finite Automata Public Key Cryptosystem.
ISAAC 1994: 678-686 |