
George L. Kovács

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22 Kesheng Wang, George L. Kovács, Michael J. Wozny, Minglun Fang: Knowledge Enterprise: Intelligent Strategies in Product Design, Manufacturing, and Management, Proceedings of PROLAMAT 2006, IFIP TC5 International Conference, June 15-17, 2006, Shanghai, China Springer 2006
21EEGeorge L. Kovács: Management and Production Control Issues of Distributed Enterprises. PROLAMAT 2006: 11-20
20EEJ. Nacsa, R. Bueno, A. Alzaga, George L. Kovács: Knowledge management support for machine tool designers using expert enablers. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 18(7): 561-571 (2005)
19EERinaldo C. Michelini, George L. Kovács: Information Infrastructures and Sustainability. BASYS 2004: 347-356
18 George L. Kovács, Peter Bertók, Géza Haidegger: Digital Enterprise Challenges: Life-Cycle Approach to Management and Production, IFIP TC5 / WG5.2 & WG5.3 Eleventh International PROLAMAT Conference on Digital Enterprise - New Challenges, November 7-10, 2001, Budapest, Hungary Kluwer 2001
17 George L. Kovács, Paolo Paganelli: A Planning and Management Infrastructure for Complex Distributed Organizations. PROLAMAT 2001: 242-252
16 István Mezgár, George L. Kovács, G. Gáti, Csaba Szabó: A General Model of Auxiliary Processes in Manufacturing. PROLAMAT 2001: 50-59
15 Arthur B. Baskin, George L. Kovács, Gianni Jacucci: Cooperative Knowledge Processing for Engineering Design Kluwer 1999
14 George L. Kovács, Gianni Jacucci, Angela Lo Surdo, Eliseo Mambella, Marco Ronchetti, Giancarlo Succi, Carl T. Uhrik, Guido Cardino: Application Of An Object Repository As An Example Of Cooperative Knowledge Processing. Cooperative Knowledge Processing for Engineering Design 1999: 145-160
13 George L. Kovács: Some artificial intelligent techniques to design robotic systems. BASYS 1998: 265-278
12 George L. Kovács, István Mezgár: A Distributed Planning Network for Manufacturing Systems Management. ICRA 1998: 1787-1792
11 George L. Kovács, J. Nasca, D. Gavalcová: A knowledge based and a hybrid system to evaluate flexible manufacturing systems. ICRA 1994: 3570-3575
10 George L. Kovács, István Mezgár, J. Nacsa, Sándor Kopácsi, D. Gavalcová: A Hybrid Simulation-Scheduler-Quality Control System to Assist the Design of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. IFIP Congress (2) 1994: 92-95
9 István Mezgár, George L. Kovács: CE Approach to Quality Assurance of Products and Production Systems. APMS 1993: 259-266
8 Sándor Kopácsi, George L. Kovács: A Knowledge Based Simulation System for Flexible Manufacturing. ICRA (1) 1993: 858-863
7 István Mezgár, George L. Kovács: Hybrid Systems for CIM Components' Configuration/Reconfiguration. KNOWHSEM 1993: 77-88
6 Arturo Molina, István Mezgár, George L. Kovács: Object Knowledge Representation Models for Concurrent Design of FMS. PROLAMAT 1992: 779-788
5 George L. Kovács, István Mezgár, Elizabeth Szelke, M. Girnt: One-of-a-Kind Production - A Concurrent Engineering Approach. One-Of-A-Kind Production 1991: 143-156
4 Zoltán Létray, Sándor Kopácsi, George L. Kovács: Application of Cooperative Agents (Co-gents) for the Simulation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Open Distributed Processing 1991: 415-420
3 George L. Kovács, Zoltán Létray: A Knowledge-Based Manufacturing Cell Design System. IFIP Congress 1989: 1043-1049
2 George L. Kovács: Position Statement on Computers and Continuing Education. IFIP Congress 1989: 265
1 George L. Kovács: Position Statement on Flexible Integrated Automation. IFIP Congress 1989: 771

Coauthor Index

1A. Alzaga [20]
2Arthur B. Baskin [15]
3Peter Bertók [18]
4R. Bueno [20]
5Guido Cardino [14]
6Minglun Fang [22]
7G. Gáti [16]
8D. Gavalcová [10] [11]
9M. Girnt [5]
10Géza Haidegger [18]
11Gianni Jacucci [14] [15]
12Sándor Kopácsi [4] [8] [10]
13Zoltán Létray [3] [4]
14Eliseo Mambella [14]
15István Mezgár [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [12] [16]
16Rinaldo C. Michelini [19]
17Arturo Molina [6]
18J. Nacsa [10] [20]
19J. Nasca [11]
20Paolo Paganelli [17]
21Marco Ronchetti [14]
22Giancarlo Succi [14]
23Angela Lo Surdo [14]
24Csaba Szabó [16]
25Elizabeth Szelke [5]
26Carl T. Uhrik [14]
27Kesheng Wang [22]
28Michael J. Wozny [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)