
Carl T. Uhrik

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9 George L. Kovács, Gianni Jacucci, Angela Lo Surdo, Eliseo Mambella, Marco Ronchetti, Giancarlo Succi, Carl T. Uhrik, Guido Cardino: Application Of An Object Repository As An Example Of Cooperative Knowledge Processing. Cooperative Knowledge Processing for Engineering Design 1999: 145-160
8EEGiancarlo Succi, Carl T. Uhrik: The compilation of SL, a set-based logic language for generic parallel architectures. J. Prog. Lang. 5(1): 37-84 (1997)
7 Giancarlo Succi, Carl T. Uhrik: Towards a complete framework for parallel implementation of logic languages: the data parallel implementation of SEL. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 8(3): 191-204 (1996)
6EEGiancarlo Succi, Carl T. Uhrik, Marco Ronchetti: Reusability and portability of logic programming. J. Prog. Lang. 4(2): 101-114 (1996)
5 Mark Foy, Carl T. Uhrik: Exploiting Domain Knowledge, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms to Harvest Traffic Simulation Results. KNOWHSEM 1993: 119-130
4 Gianni Jacucci, Maurizio Marchese, Carl T. Uhrik: Composing Simulations by Expert Rules: Modeling Plasma Sprayed Films. KNOWHSEM 1993: 213-224
3 Gianni Jacucci, Maurizio Marchese, Carl T. Uhrik: Engineering Plasma Sprayed Films by Knowledge Based Simulations. Towards World Class Manufacturing 1993: 313-322
2 Jiarong Hong, Carl T. Uhrik: The Extension Matrix Approach to Attribute Based Learning. EWSL 1987: 172-182
1 Carl T. Uhrik: PLANT/ds Revisited: Non-Homogeneous Evaluation Schema in Expert Systems. AAAI 1982: 217-220

Coauthor Index

1Guido Cardino [9]
2Mark Foy [5]
3Jiarong Hong [2]
4Gianni Jacucci [3] [4] [9]
5George L. Kovács [9]
6Eliseo Mambella [9]
7Maurizio Marchese [3] [4]
8Marco Ronchetti [6] [9]
9Giancarlo Succi [6] [7] [8] [9]
10Angela Lo Surdo [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)