
Gianni Jacucci

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14 Gianni Jacucci, Finn Kensing: Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Participatory Design: Expanding boundaries in design, PDC 2006, Trento, Italy, August 1-5, 2006 ACM 2006
13EESara Eriksén, Ina Wagner, Peter Axel Nielsen, Silvia Gherardi, Gianni Jacucci, Claudio U. Ciborra: Panel: Situatedness, accountabilty or moods to contrast abstraction. ECIS 2003
12EEVincenzo D'Andrea, Sandra Cattai, Gianni Jacucci: Technology definition and users' participation: A case study on actor roles in systems development. ECIS 2003
11 Maurizio Marchese, Gianni Jacucci: Sustaining the Introduction of Innovation in Digital Enterprises: Challenges and Demands from Small Medium Enterprises in the Italian Northeast Region. PROLAMAT 2001: 230-241
10EEVincenzo D'Andrea, Alessandro E. Narduzzo, Arthur B. Baskin, Gianni Jacucci, Enrico Zaninotto: A Flexible Enterprise Needs an Adaptable e-Business Architecture in order to Satisfy Naturally Evolving Requirements. ECIS 2000
9EEMaurizio Marchese, Claudia Cattani, Vincenzo D'Andrea, Gianni Jacucci: Training Students to Intervene in Information Systems Inherently Involves Organizational and Technology Skill Acquisition. ECIS 2000
8 Arthur B. Baskin, George L. Kovács, Gianni Jacucci: Cooperative Knowledge Processing for Engineering Design Kluwer 1999
7 George L. Kovács, Gianni Jacucci, Angela Lo Surdo, Eliseo Mambella, Marco Ronchetti, Giancarlo Succi, Carl T. Uhrik, Guido Cardino: Application Of An Object Repository As An Example Of Cooperative Knowledge Processing. Cooperative Knowledge Processing for Engineering Design 1999: 145-160
6 M. Foy, Maurizio Marchese, Gianni Jacucci: Engineering Plasma Spray Films By Knowledge Based Simulations. Cooperative Knowledge Processing for Engineering Design 1999: 289-306
5 Gianni Jacucci, Gustav J. Olling, Kenneth Preiss, Michael J. Wozny: Globalization of Manufacturing in the Digital Communications Era of the 21st Century: Innovation, Agility, and the Virtual Enterprise, Proceedings of the Tenth International IFIP WG5.2/WG5.3 Conference PROLAMAT 98, Tento, Italy, September 9-12, 1998 Kluwer 1998
4 Gianni Jacucci, Maurizio Marchese, Carl T. Uhrik: Composing Simulations by Expert Rules: Modeling Plasma Sprayed Films. KNOWHSEM 1993: 213-224
3 Gianni Jacucci, Stefano Longano, Brigitta von Rekowsky, Paolo Patelli, Robert Stepp, Lothar Heggmair, Dietmar Trippner, Christian De Graeve, Stefan Noll, Manfred Shendel, Norbert Schiffner, Klara Shroeder, Helmut Rackl, Jürgen Götz, Ilse Lienstromberg, Keith Hall: TIBAS: Concurrent Engineering and Cooperative Problem Solving Design Tools for Interaction Between the Automotive Industy and Its Suppliers. Towards World Class Manufacturing 1993: 151-164
2 Gianni Jacucci, Maurizio Marchese, Carl T. Uhrik: Engineering Plasma Sprayed Films by Knowledge Based Simulations. Towards World Class Manufacturing 1993: 313-322
1 Gianni Jacucci, Maurizio Marchese, I. St. Doltsinis: Supercomputing Simultation of Advanced Materials for Product and Process Modelling and Data Driven Applications in Engineering and Manufacturing. PROLAMAT 1992: 421-435

Coauthor Index

1Arthur B. Baskin [8] [10]
2Guido Cardino [7]
3Sandra Cattai [12]
4Claudia Cattani [9]
5Claudio U. Ciborra [13]
6Vincenzo D'Andrea [9] [10] [12]
7I. St. Doltsinis [1]
8Sara Eriksén [13]
9M. Foy [6]
10Silvia Gherardi [13]
11Jürgen Götz [3]
12Christian De Graeve [3]
13Keith Hall [3]
14Lothar Heggmair [3]
15Finn Kensing [14]
16George L. Kovács [7] [8]
17Ilse Lienstromberg [3]
18Stefano Longano [3]
19Eliseo Mambella [7]
20Maurizio Marchese [1] [2] [4] [6] [9] [11]
21Alessandro E. Narduzzo [10]
22Peter Axel Nielsen [13]
23Stefan Noll [3]
24Gustav J. Olling [5]
25Paolo Patelli [3]
26Kenneth Preiss [5]
27Helmut Rackl [3]
28Brigitta von Rekowsky [3]
29Marco Ronchetti [7]
30Norbert Schiffner [3]
31Manfred Shendel [3]
32Klara Shroeder [3]
33Robert Stepp [3]
34Giancarlo Succi [7]
35Angela Lo Surdo [7]
36Dietmar Trippner [3]
37Carl T. Uhrik [2] [4] [7]
38Ina Wagner [13]
39Michael J. Wozny [5]
40Enrico Zaninotto [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)