1994 |
7 | | Elizabeth Szelke,
Roger M. Kerr:
Knowledge-Based Reactive Scheduling, Proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG5.7 International Workshop on Knowledge-Based Reactive Scheduling, Athens, Greec, 1 October, 1993
North-Holland 1994 |
6 | | Elizabeth Szelke,
G. Márkus:
Contingency and Performance-Driven Reactive Scheduling in Discrete Event Dynamic Environment.
Production Management Methods 1994: 225-233 |
1993 |
5 | | Elizabeth Szelke,
G. Márkus:
Human Integration in Intelligent Supervisory Control System for Dynamic Discrete Manufacturing Processes.
APMS 1993: 81-89 |
4 | | Elizabeth Szelke,
G. Márkus:
Intelligent Interface Design to Supervisory Control of Dynamic Discrete-Part Manufacturing Processes.
Interfaces in Industrial Systems for Production Engineering 1993: 159-173 |
3 | | Elizabeth Szelke,
G. Márkus:
Reactive Scheduling - An Intelligent Supervisor Function.
Knowledge-Based Reactive Scheduling 1993: 125-146 |
2 | | Roger M. Kerr,
Elizabeth Szelke:
Open Discussion - A Summary.
Knowledge-Based Reactive Scheduling 1993: 163-164 |
1991 |
1 | | George L. Kovács,
István Mezgár,
Elizabeth Szelke,
M. Girnt:
One-of-a-Kind Production - A Concurrent Engineering Approach.
One-Of-A-Kind Production 1991: 143-156 |