
J. Nacsa

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5EEJ. Nacsa, R. Bueno, A. Alzaga, George L. Kovács: Knowledge management support for machine tool designers using expert enablers. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 18(7): 561-571 (2005)
4 J. Nacsa: Intelligent Open CNC System Based on the Knowledge Server Concept. PROLAMAT 2001: 360-368
3 J. Nacsa: Logical Communication Levels in an Intelligent Flexible Manufacturing System. PROLAMAT 2001: 37-42
2 George L. Kovács, István Mezgár, J. Nacsa, Sándor Kopácsi, D. Gavalcová: A Hybrid Simulation-Scheduler-Quality Control System to Assist the Design of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. IFIP Congress (2) 1994: 92-95
1 S. Markos, Laszlo Monostori, J. Nacsa, G. Szöllõsi: Monitoring of the Milling Process through Neural Network and Fuzzy Techniques. KNOWHSEM 1993: 239-250

Coauthor Index

1A. Alzaga [5]
2R. Bueno [5]
3D. Gavalcová [2]
4Sándor Kopácsi [2]
5George L. Kovács [2] [5]
6S. Markos [1]
7István Mezgár [2]
8László Monostori (Laszlo Monostori) [1]
9G. Szöllõsi [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)