
Mike Kendall

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12 Mike Kendall, Brian Samways: Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society, IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, IFIP TC 3 ED-L2L Conference, September 7-10, 2008, Milano, Italy Springer 2008
11 Tom J. van Weert, Mike Kendall: Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age: Sustainable for all in a changing world, IFIP Technical Committee 3 (Education) Lifelong Learning Working Track in the IFIP conference, E-Training Practices for Professional Organisations, Pori, Finland, 7-11 July 2003 Kluwer 2004
10EEMike Kendall: Exploring the Role of Informal Learning in Real-Life Learning. Information and Communication Technologies and Real-Life Learning 2004: 189-196
9EEMagda Ritzen, Anne McDougall, Mike Kendall, Alexander Karapadis, Barbara Bamberger, Hannelore Dekeyser, Gina Reyes, Julia Walsh: Real Life Learning: The Developing Importance of Formal and Informal Professional Communities of Practice. Information and Communication Technologies and Real-Life Learning 2004: 269-275
8 Mike Kendall, Jan Wibe: Group E: Teaching Environments: Key Influences and Considerations. ICT and the Teacher of the Future 2003: 295-299
7 Divjak Dowling, Sasja Dowling, Carolyn Dowling, Petra Fisser, Anna Grabowska, Marijke Hezemans, Mike Kendall, Pencho Mihnev, Magda Ritzen, Maciej M. Syslo, Rosa Maria Vicari, Tom J. van Weert: Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age (Focus Group Report). Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age 2003: 1-49
6 Mike Kendall: Community Based Learning (Developing the Interface Between Formal and Informal Learning Communities). Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age 2003: 157-168
5 Mike Kendall, Brian Samways, Tom J. van Weert, Jan Wibe: IFIP TC3 Lifelong Learning Position Paper (IFIP Technical Commitee 3 Taskforce on Lifelong Learning). Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age 2003: 191-216
4 Yvonne Buettner, Charles Duchâteau, Catherine P. Fulford, Pieter Hogenbirk, Mike Kendall, Raymond Morel, Tom J. van Weert: Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education. Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age 2003: 217-241
3 Don Passey, Mike Kendall: TelE-Learning: the Challenge for the Third Millennium, IFIP 17th World Computer Congress - TC3 Stream on TelE-Learning, August 25-30, 2002, Montréal, Québec, Canada Kluwer 2002
2 Doug Brown, Mike Kendall: Needed: New Indicators of Success. WCCE 2001: 875-880
1 Mike Kendall: Schools as partners in creating a learning city. Communications and Networking in Education 1999: 299-310

Coauthor Index

1Barbara Bamberger [9]
2Doug Brown [2]
3Yvonne Buettner [4]
4Hannelore Dekeyser [9]
5Carolyn Dowling [7]
6Divjak Dowling [7]
7Sasja Dowling [7]
8Charles Duchâteau [4]
9Petra Fisser [7]
10Catherine P. Fulford [4]
11Anna Grabowska [7]
12Marijke Hezemans [7]
13Pieter Hogenbirk [4]
14Alexander Karapadis [9]
15Anne McDougall [9]
16Pencho Mihnev [7]
17Raymond Morel [4]
18Don Passey [3]
19Gina Reyes [9]
20Magda Ritzen [7] [9]
21Brian Samways [5] [12]
22Maciej M. Syslo [7]
23Rosa Maria Vicari (Rosa Vicari, Rosa Maria Viccari) [7]
24Julia Walsh [9]
25Tom J. van Weert [4] [5] [7] [11]
26Jan Wibe [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)