
Petra Fisser

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6 Divjak Dowling, Sasja Dowling, Carolyn Dowling, Petra Fisser, Anna Grabowska, Marijke Hezemans, Mike Kendall, Pencho Mihnev, Magda Ritzen, Maciej M. Syslo, Rosa Maria Vicari, Tom J. van Weert: Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age (Focus Group Report). Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age 2003: 1-49
5 Petra Fisser: Training the Educational Manager (Lifelong Learning in Practice). Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age 2003: 133-141
4 Paul A. Jansen, Petra Fisser, Cees Terlouw: Designing digital learning environments. The Bookmark of the School of the Future 2000: 259-270
3 Petra Fisser, Michiel van Geloven: Re-engineering University Services to Manage ICT in Education. Building University Electronic Educational Environments 1999: 115-124
2EEPetra Fisser, Wim de Boer: A decision support tool for web-supported course design. J. Comp. Assisted Learning 15(3): 255-256 (1999)
1 Betty Collis, Petra Fisser: TELETOP, Telelearning at the University of Twente. Teleteaching 1998: 217-228

Coauthor Index

1Wim de Boer [2]
2Betty Collis [1]
3Carolyn Dowling [6]
4Divjak Dowling [6]
5Sasja Dowling [6]
6Michiel van Geloven [3]
7Anna Grabowska [6]
8Marijke Hezemans [6]
9Paul A. Jansen [4]
10Mike Kendall [6]
11Pencho Mihnev [6]
12Magda Ritzen [6]
13Maciej M. Syslo [6]
14Cees Terlouw [4]
15Rosa Maria Vicari (Rosa Vicari, Rosa Maria Viccari) [6]
16Tom J. van Weert [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)