
Carolyn Dowling

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13 Carolyn Dowling, Kwok-Wing Lai: Information and Communication Technology and the Teacher of the Future, IFIP TC3/WG3.1&3.3 Working Conference on ICT and the Teacher of the Future, January 27-31, 2003, Melbourne, Australia Kluwer 2003
12 Divjak Dowling, Sasja Dowling, Carolyn Dowling, Petra Fisser, Anna Grabowska, Marijke Hezemans, Mike Kendall, Pencho Mihnev, Magda Ritzen, Maciej M. Syslo, Rosa Maria Vicari, Tom J. van Weert: Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age (Focus Group Report). Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age 2003: 1-49
11 Carolyn Dowling: Evaluating Electronic Learning Environments from a Lifelong Learning Perspective. Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age 2003: 123-131
10 Anne Forster, Carolyn Dowling: Overview of stream D: Administration and policy to support quality education @ a distance. Quality Education @ a Distance 2003: 247-248
9 Carolyn Dowling: Preserving the 'human quality' in education at a distance. Quality Education @ a Distance 2003: 265-272
8EECarolyn Dowling: Social Learning Within Electronic Environments. eTRAIN 2003: 205-212
7 Carolyn Dowling, Paul Nicholson: Choice and Responsibility: The Delegation of Decision Making to Intelligent Software Agents. HCC 2002: 163-170
6 Carolyn Dowling: The Socially Interactive Pedagogical Agent within Online Learning Communities. ICCE 2002: 30-34
5 Carolyn Dowling: Intelligent Agents in an e-Literate Society: Some Ethical Considerations. SECIII 2002: 85-92
4 Carolyn Dowling: Researching Agent Technologies in the Electronic Classroom. WCCE 2001: 277-285
3 Carolyn Dowling: Social interactions and the construction of knowledge in computer-mediated environments. Communications and Networking in Education 1999: 165-174
2 Carolyn Dowling: Minding our manners: Public and Private Disclosure Within Electronic Environments. Australian Computer Journal 31(3): 89-93 (1999)
1 Carolyn Dowling: Academics Online: Changing Academic Practices in the Age of the Internet. Teleteaching 1998: 291-302

Coauthor Index

1Divjak Dowling [12]
2Sasja Dowling [12]
3Petra Fisser [12]
4Anne Forster [10]
5Anna Grabowska [12]
6Marijke Hezemans [12]
7Mike Kendall [12]
8Kwok-Wing Lai [13]
9Pencho Mihnev [12]
10Paul Nicholson [7]
11Magda Ritzen [12]
12Maciej M. Syslo [12]
13Rosa Maria Vicari (Rosa Vicari, Rosa Maria Viccari) [12]
14Tom J. van Weert [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)